The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1356

In an instant, the dragon's body turned into a mass of ashes and disappeared without a trace.

The giant dragon's body, the last thing left is a magic core with red halo, and a scale the size of a shield.

The orcs were terrified. They thought the chief was going to die in this battle. The sudden change in the situation made them feel like a dream.

They did not expect Lin Feng to be so brave. It seems that in their impression, human beings have no advantages except cunning and evil.

But today, Lin Feng made them look at him with a new look.

"Thanks to you, young man, or I will die today!" Said the orc chief.

"Don't mention it. The dragon is too overbearing. If you don't kill him, it will be a disaster sooner or later." Lin Feng said.

"Which tribe are you from? Is it the storm shield tribe or the angel city? " Asked the orc chief.

"None of us!" "I come from the far north," said Lin Feng

"Oh The orc chief nodded thoughtfully.

As far as they know, they only know two human tribes: Storm shield and angel city. They haven't seen the rest of them.

"But, young man, I still want to thank you for your help Said the orc chief.

He took off the pocket of his robe and showed his old face.

It was a weathered Orc's face, wrinkled, with white hair and beard, but his eyes were still bright, and his fangs were ferocious and powerful.

He went to Lin Feng, slightly bowed his head and said, "my friend, today you have saved us, that is our friend. The magic core of the dragon is dedicated to you!"

Lin Feng smiles and says that these orcs are not as naive as they think. They are clearly offering flowers to Buddha!

The Dragon itself was killed by me. The magic core should belong to me. How could it be your gift?

When Lin Feng was about to speak, the orc chieftain seemed to see what Lin Feng meant. He said with an apologetic look:

"Oh, don't get me wrong. We wanted to kill the dragon and capture this flame core to strengthen the fire and flame witchcraft of our voodoo tribe. However, you killed the dragon today, we should give it to you!"

Lin Feng picked up his eyebrows and laughed. His heart said that the chief was capable of handling affairs. No wonder he could command all orcs.

"Don't mention it. Just give it to you!" Lin Feng smile: "I just want that one can!"

Then he pointed to the remaining scales of the dragon.

Because just now, Al had secretly told Lin Feng that the scale was not ordinary.

Aer just said to others that although the fire dragon is naturally fond of fire and can spray fire, it is impossible for him to survive in the magma with such high temperature.

Therefore, the dragon must have a magic weapon to suppress the high temperature.

Then, after Lin Feng defeated the dragon, Al found the scales falling from the dragon. He could see at a glance that it was actually a piece of sushi.

SASAS is one of the oldest gods in the secret place. Once there was a big riot in the secret place, and the void was broken. Many demons came from the distorted plane and wanted to occupy it.

There was a fierce battle between the gods and the demons. In the end, the gods were outnumbered. When they were about to die, they sealed the broken empty gate with their own bodies.

When the gods died, each left a treasure.

Sass was the greatest warrior of his time. His shield and broadsword were made of rare special materials in the world. They were invincible.

However, unfortunately, his sword fell into the twisted plane during the battle and failed to find it back. After his death, the shield was left behind and became the strongest shield in this continent.

There is even a legend that this shield gathers the aura of SASAS. As long as you hold the shield, the aura of SASAS will fill the whole body of the holder.

The holder will be immune to external harm.

The legend is so divine that some believe it and others don't believe it. But those who really understand the history know that this is not a rumor.

In particular, the aborigines worship the casting of Sasaki. They are masters of forging, and their obsession with weapons completely overwhelms any race.

So when he was very young, Al had heard about the casting of Sasaki. He also knew that many of the treasures, including the casting of sushi, had fallen into the hands of the oldest creature, the dragon clan.

The dragon race is very strong, any other race, in the face of the dragon, is very inferior.

So these artifacts have always been the treasures of the dragon people.

It was not until the death of the Dragon ancestor that the dragon clan disintegrated. At this time, the foreigners had a chance.

It's said that the weapons such as Sasaki are still in the hands of the dragon people, but the whereabouts of the two gemstones are unknown.

One is blood jade, the other is Star Diamond.

Later, I heard that the blood jade and the Star Diamond were sent to two human families outside Mi according to the will of the Dragon ancestor.The creatures in the rice territory generally don't like to go outside the rice boundary, so the two babies have been ignored.

Everyone began to pay attention to these artifacts in MI territory.

Later, the dragon clan fell apart, and wars often took place. At this time, some races benefited from it and stole several kinds of artifacts.

Now, there is only one dagger called wind blade left in the hands of the blue dragon clan. The rest are missing.

But al didn't want to see one of the artifacts here today, the cast of Sasaki.

Few people have ever seen this thing in the secret territory. Al paid close attention to the shield because he came from a tribe that liked forging most.

He had seen the picture of the shield when he was a child. It was a bullet shaped shield with a glittering gold around it. On the outside of the shield was the design of an eagle, which was the real body of sass.

, as like as two peas of a sage cast, he saw the scale of the dragon before him.

In addition, the red dragon was safe and sound in the magma. It can be completely determined that this scale is not the scale of the dragon, but the casting of the artifact SASAS and the shield of SASAS.

Al quickly secretly told Lin Feng, in any case, we must take the baby.

Lin Feng still believes in the vision of the Earth Spirit, so in comparison, the magic core of the dragon is simply worthless.

Obviously, the orc tribe didn't know the shield. One of them was just a scale of the dragon, a scale not melted by the magma.

So after Lin Feng said the magic core was given to them, as long as the dragon scale, they suddenly moved to cry.

This human young man is so righteous! , the fastest update of the webnovel!