The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1358

This makes all people have no idea, at the young age, very few people dare to take the initiative to challenge the orc chieftain.

The orc tribe is a very fair and just race, and the title of chieftain can be possessed by the most fighting orcs.

So the orc chieftain is selected every ten years and is selected among all the young orcs.

Of course, in addition to this, other orcs can also challenge the chief at any time. As long as they can defeat the chief, they can hold the position of ORC chief.

However, the chief is a half Orc who has experienced a lot of battles, and is the most powerful existence in terms of combat effectiveness, experience, courage and courage.

There are many orcs who want to challenge the orc chieftain, but few can really win.

If they fail, they will lose their next challenge forever, that is, they will not have the title of ORC chieftain in this life.

Therefore, few people will take the initiative to challenge.

What's more, they are still so young orcs.

"Did he go to war?"

"He's not weaned yet?"

"What's in this boy's head? The chief is the king who leads the orc tribe to fight in the north and south. He is a young boy. Why does he have this idea? Isn't this for death? "

。。 。。

All orcs don't understand the young man's thoughts. They think the young man's brain is wrong.

Only the orcs who have seen the powerful witchcraft of their youth are full of expectation.

Inside the Colosseum, there were half orcs all around, and their voices were booming and bustling.

Almost all orcs crowded into the Colosseum to watch the chief challenge.

The chief did not pay any attention to that young man. If he was on the battlefield, such a young man would not be as brave as an adult kodo beast.

In all the orc's strong cry, the battle between the chief and the boy begins.

As expected, the young man's combat effectiveness was not strong. The chief used only half of his strength, so that the boy did not have any chance to breathe.

At the same time, the chief educates the young people, and at the same time he swings the huge hammer to the young people.

Teenagers are black and blue, but they never want to surrender in the past.

After a violent impact, the boy fell heavily on the ground, and seemed unable to stand up.

The chief came to the boy and said faintly, "give up, or I will kill you in the name of the chief!"

With a bitter smile, the young man said, "chief, have you never thought about letting our tribe learn witchcraft?"

When the chief heard this, he was furious.

I even want to desecrate my tribe with witchcraft. I should kill it!

He swung the sledgehammer and yelled, "today, let you witness the true power of orcs!"

However, just as his hammer fell in the middle, it suddenly stopped.

His hammer seemed to touch something, and there was no way to drop it.

At this time, we saw that the young man stood up slowly, with a dreamlike protective cover on his body.

The hammer was blocked out of the shield.

In the orc stands, in a dark and unnoticed corner, a tall human in a wizard's robe is casting a spell.

The shield on the orc boy is his masterpiece.

The orc boy shed tears.

"Thank you, master," he murmured

Facing the big hammer of the same clan chief, he wants his own life.

And the Witches of other races are saving themselves.

A great change has taken place in the young man's heart. He suddenly can't feel the glory and pride of being an ORC. Looking at the angry face of the chief, he suddenly feels that he is so ferocious and strange. He is no longer amiable!

The young man stood up slowly and made a decision in his heart.

He wants to carry out his ideas to the end, even if he is against the orc tribe as a whole.

At this time, outside the shield, the orc chief is very angry.

He swung a huge hammer, ferocious hammer hit the youth around the shield, the shield was hit uneven, sparks everywhere.

A sound of violent impact, as if a sharp cone pierced in the heart of the youth.

The young man's eyes were red, and the hesitating mantra was finally read in his mouth.

Yes, to be a black wizard, you need to sign a contract with the sorcerer.

Incantation is the seal that the contract takes effect.

When the teenager chanted the mantra, his skin color began to change, from the original green skin began to fade, gradually turned into sky blue.

This change surprised all orcs present.

They don't know what happened!

After signing the contract with the sorcerer, the boy gets the witchcraft and power given by the sorcerer. He stands up, his eyes are like two ice cones, looking at the big chief who is constantly hammering at the shield."Big chief, since the thought is conservative, it is no longer suitable to be a big chief. Next, let me take over the tribe!"

Young hands suddenly accumulated a strong energy, the energy gradually turned into a group of purple disgust, rolling in the hands of teenagers.

All orcs were stunned by this scene.

What is this? What kind of weapon is he holding?

Then at this time, the boy roared, one hand to the front of the shot.

The purple smoke in the youth's hands suddenly burst out. At the front of the smoke, a skeleton appeared.

"Woo -"

with a shrill howl, the skull broke through the shield and went straight to the chief.

Although the chief met some magicians on the battlefield, he never thought that such a powerful magic would be released from a child's hand.

When he was not careful, he saw that the skull broke through the shield and hit him directly.


A blast, the chief was hit by the skull fly out, heavily fell to the ground.

His left rib was pierced, and half of his body seemed to be disobeyed.

Suddenly, all orcs are angry.

"Villain, treacherous villain!"

"He used magic

"He uses magic to attack the chief. We orcs are not allowed to use magic!"

"This traitor

。。 。。

The orcs were so excited that they despised magic in their bones.

They put an end to the tribal people learning magic. They felt that their bodies were strong and noble given by the gods. Only the weak would choose to learn magic.

So the young man's behavior angered all orcs. He was regarded as a traitor, a treacherous villain.

A group of orcs rushed into the arena to save the orc chief. They worked together to subdue the boy, and then, under the command of the orc chief, put the boy in the dungeon. , the fastest update of the webnovel!