The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1355

This guy's sudden rage surprised the orcs.

They didn't expect that the Dragon had not used all its strength just now.

If this fire dragon uses all its strength, will they not be defeated miserably?

At this point, the orcs felt a sense of relief.

They are very glad that Lin Feng, a group of human beings, helped them resist the fire dragon. Originally, their doctor team was slaughtered by the fire dragon. They have lost their vitality and will soon be defeated.

However, Lin Feng and other people's reserved power to attack the dragon, and the Dragon attacked Lin Feng and others, so that they could have a chance to breathe.

The orc chieftain looks at Lin Feng's side. Although his eyes are guarded, he is also filled with this trace of gratitude.

After all, the elite teams of their voodoo tribe are here. If they are wiped out by the fire dragon today, their voodoo tribe will be greatly weakened.

At this time, the fire dragon seems to be crazy in general, the giant tail of the non-stop sweep Linfeng and other people, the mouth of the flame non-stop spray, beside the rocks were burned into fire red.

Red scorpion and Shangguan Ruoxue and others quickly ordered everyone to retreat, or they would be scorched before the battle was over.

Lin Feng and others have genuine Qi to protect their bodies and will not be burned easily, but they must also solve the dragon as soon as possible. After a long time, no one can stand it.

Lin Feng called out to the orc troops, "don't be so stupefied and recover quickly, or you can't run away if you want to run for a while."

The orc chieftain frowns. Are orcs greedy and afraid of death?

"We will not retreat, we will fight to the end!" Said the orc chief, in a low voice.

They know the language of human beings. In this continent, although all creatures have their own forms and languages, there is a common language, that is, human language.

After all, in ancient times, there were human beings everywhere. Many races evolved into other races under the change of conditions and environment.

Like the undead and trolls, they used to be human beings.

Even the oldest dragon people like to be transformed into human beings.

So in this continent, the popularity and influence of human beings are still very huge.

Seeing that the orc chief was very brave, Lin Feng could not help but give a thumbs up: "good, hurry up!"

Then he said it, and put himself into the fight.

Previously, Lin Feng found that the true Qi of yecha and others dispersed and did not cause any substantial damage to the dragon, so he chose to let everyone gather together and fight together.

Just like before, they gathered together with true Qi to form a huge force, and attacked the dragon under the guidance and assistance of Lin Feng.

What's more, the true Qi of all of them contains the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. The five elements interact with each other to exert their power to the utmost.

So the real spirit of the people will be very strong.

Qisha and Qingfeng, etc., once again use their true Qi to fuse with the true Qi of the five white tigers, such as Yasha, to form a Qi dragon.

The gas dragon circled on the top of Lin Feng. Lin Feng stretched out his hand with the momentum of thunder and lightning. The other hand dragged the Dragon above, which was as awe inspiring as the God of heaven.

"Come out!"

Lin Feng gave a big drink and waved his hand like a wave in front of him. The dragon on his hand roared towards the dragon.

The dragon was very angry. No matter how strong the attack was, he never paid attention to human beings.

Therefore, the dragon from the mouth of the flame, directly toward Lin Feng and other paving.

"Boom -"

there was a blast, and the cremation was splashed.

The scene was spectacular.

At this time, the orcs are almost recovered. They are resting, and they are expected to return to the battlefield.

Although the dragon was angry, he did not lose his wits. He found that if the orc got up again, he would face the situation of two enemies attacking each other.

Lin Feng and other people's true Qi protection made him unable to break through for a while, but the protective cover of ORC side seemed very weak.

So, his mind moved and he wanted to attack the orcs again.

See him toward Lin Feng and others and spit out a piece of flame, people quickly block again.

Taking advantage of this gap, the Dragon turned its head and dived down toward the orc position.

His goal is very clear, capture the king first and attack the Yellow Dragon directly.

The orc chieftain he's locked in will burn to ashes in the next second.

At this time, the other orcs are still recovering and have no extra energy to guard the chief.

In other words, orcs are indeed a brave race. In such an emergency, they still put their lives in front of the chief and sacrificed themselves for the chief.

However, they underestimated the power of the dragon.

The dragon's wings suddenly fluttered, the orcs were fanned instantly, and the orc chief appeared in front of the dragon."Woo --"

the Dragon roared and intended to kill the orc chief in the next second.

All orcs' hearts went up to their throat, and they suddenly felt a sense of despair.

The big chief is the life of the voodoo tribe, its brain and soul. If the chief is dead, the voodoo tribe will not exist.

They look at this scene in despair, but no longer have the strength to sacrifice themselves for the chief.

At this time, however, I heard a big drink out of nothing.

"Grandson, look at me! Here's grandfather

While speaking, he saw a black thing, with a strong cyclone, towards the head of the fire dragon.

Lin Feng poured the true Qi into his nine day dark iron, and then smashed it to the dragon.

Dragon seems to know the power of this attack, he suddenly changed his route to block Lin Feng's attack.

The Dragon suddenly threw out a flame at the nine day dark iron which was thrown out to Lin Feng. The flame was accompanied by a cyclone and formed a fireball, which collided violently with the nine day dark iron.


A blast resounding from the sky and the earth.

In an instant, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the storm changed suddenly.

The whole valley echoed the sound of the impact.

In front of the dragon and Lin Feng, the cremation was so bright that almost everyone could not see what happened.

However, in the light of the fire, a figure passed through the layers of disgust, and instantly came to the dragon's eyes. The Dragon watched a figure appear in the smoke. Then, a spirit of spiritual power suddenly penetrated into his eyes.



The Dragon trembled with pain and cried, and fell into the magma! , the fastest update of the webnovel!