The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1354

This flame dragon is very strong, and before it rushes to the front, it has already felt the strong flame breath, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Luktar, karala," he said

Seeing that Lin Feng and others joined in the battle, a half Orc began to communicate with other companions in their own language.

The other companions were stunned at first. They didn't expect any human beings to join the fight.

They first observed a time, found that Lin Feng and others are helping them, suddenly momentum.

They howled one after another, chanting incantations that Lin Feng and others could not understand, and rushed to the big fire dragon.

Among the orcs, there was an old ORC with blue skin. He seemed to be taller than the other orcs. Wearing a black robe, he stood at the end and commanded the whole Orc team.

There are dozens of orcs in good order. All of them are under the command of the old ORC. We can see that he is the head of the orc team.

He saw that Lin Feng and others joined the battle, but his face was still very grim.

He said to the orcs nearby in his own language: "be careful that these humans rob the dragon's core. Human beings are very cunning and changeable."

"Yes The orc received the order and quickly spread the old man's words to everyone's ears.

The orcs kept a full distance from Lin Feng and others. Although they were fighting with the dragon, they were in a corner with Lin Feng. The distance between them was 10 meters.

Lin Feng doesn't pay attention to them. He just thinks that with these orcs at the moment, it will take less energy to finish the fire dragon.

"The weakness of fire dragon is his eyes. Attack his eyes with your true Qi!" Lin Feng said to Yasha and others.

The white tiger five swordsmen are all experts in the Ning Yuan state. They have already surpassed the Qi state. It is very easy for them to transform Qi into type.

Yasha and other people received the order, quickly gather the true spirit, and then shake hands out.

One after another colorful real gas towards the fire dragon, very gorgeous.

The orcs, while fighting the dragon, would peek at this side and find that the magic of these human magicians is very beautiful. They can't help but admire them a little more.

However, they follow the advice of the chief. These humans are very cunning, and they may come to snatch the core.

The two teams launched a seesaw battle in the fire dragon. They were separated by tens of meters from the fire dragon, and both attacked from the air.

Seeing that a group of human beings joined the battle, the fire dragon became more angry and the spray flame was more unscrupulous. Most of its body stood out from the magma and waved its wings with sparks. It looked extremely fierce.

"What a fierce dragon "The dragon's core must be very powerful," Al said

At this time, Lin Feng called out to seven killers and Qingfeng: "the second wave, join the battle!"

It turns out that the real Qi attack of yecha and others couldn't hurt the dragon, so Lin Feng needs more Qi attacks to increase their attack strength.

During this period, Lin Feng has not made a move.

He's looking for an opportunity, a chance to kill.

Under the fire dragon is the flowing magma. Even if Lin Feng jumps over and stabs him in the eye, he may not be able to retreat. Therefore, he doesn't want to take risks. At least now the dragon has no way to take them. So he confronts and looks for opportunities slowly.

Lin Feng will be seven kill and Qingfeng called over, and did not attack as scattered as before, he began to plan big moves.

Over there, fire dragons have been fighting orcs for a long time, and their hatred value is higher, so they attack orcs more.

The fire dragon was also quite intelligent. Seeing that human beings had joined in the battle, he felt that one side must be quickly disintegrated, and then the other side was solved.

So he's targeting orcs.

"Hoo --"

a fire poured down on the orcs like a torrential rain. The magma was burning and the air was glowing red like fireworks.

Orc team quickly cast magic shield to protect their members.

However, the dragon is very cunning. This time, his target is not the orc wizard in the front row.

He found out that he had wounded so many orcs before, but not long after, those orcs returned to the battlefield to join the battle again. It turned out that the medical team in the rear had super medical ability.

Therefore, the fire dragon in front of this time is a feint attack. After spraying a piece of cremation, the blood vessel opens its mouth, and a larger wave of flame magma, like a 10000 meter waterfall, pours down directly to the doctors in the rear.

"Not good!" The orc old man was so nervous that he ordered the people around him to put up the protective shield and protect the doctor team.

Even he did it himself.

However, the formation time of the shield was too short, and it was very fragile. The fire dragon's magma broke through many holes and sprayed directly on the orc doctors and the wounded.

For a moment, there were howls, and the orcs were in a terrible state.So, within half an hour, the orcs will be defeated.

At this time, Lin Feng made a decision.

Since we are now working together to deal with this giant dragon, we should help each other in the same boat.

So he ordered all the people to condense their true Qi in their hands. Then, all the people's true Qi gathered together, just like when opening the door of the secret land. Several rough Qi entangled together to form a huge Qi dragon, which whirled and roared, and with the help of Lin Feng, flashed past the giant dragon's chest.

"Hoo -"

"boom --"

the dragon's whole attention was focused on the orcs, and he did not care about the tickling attack on humans.

But now, this powerful true Qi hit him, making his body tremble and feel the pain coming from his chest.

What a powerful force it is.

Seven masters of Yuan Shen period, together with Lin Feng's help, can destroy a building in the human world.

The dragon was shocked by the human strike, and he felt crisis and pain.

But that's all. As long as he is serious, he believes that no one can match him.

"Wuao --"

the Dragon roared up to the sky, angry.

Then, he saw the magma under his feet suddenly rushed out of a huge object, with hot magma, toward Lin Feng and others.

"Be careful!"

Lin Feng and others quickly dodged.

At this time, they found that what a huge thing this is, this is the huge tail of the fire dragon that has been hiding in the magma.

The tail swept over, with the scorching heat, tearing the air, destroying the withered.

Seeing that Lin Feng and others evaded the attack, the fire dragon was even more angry. It roared and ran suddenly. It even flew into the air, with two huge wings blocking the sky and the sun. Two giant scarlet eyes like lanterns were staring at Lin Feng and others. The posture seemed to say: the game has just begun! , the fastest update of the webnovel!