The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1353

Lin Feng carefully looked at the group of creatures fighting the dragon.

Although they are similar to human beings, they are not human beings.

Their height is much higher than that of human beings, and their physique is also very strong. Each of them is like a small version of King Kong.

Although they are all wearing wizard robes, they can still see the outline of their body.

Lin Feng murmured to himself, "isn't this Orc?"

"Orcs?" King Kong asked.

"Orcs, they are very strong beings!" Elkop said: "the orc's individual combat effectiveness in the Kunlun continent can definitely rank in the top three. However, they have a very straight mind and are not good at flexibility, so they don't know if they have been played by their opponents. Therefore, they are doomed to be unable to conquer this continent by their own force. On the contrary, due to their perennial losses in the battle, the number of orcs has become less and less!"

"Well, this kind of clan, how do you feel like me?" "I'm also straight headed," said King Kong

"But they are straighter than you think "They don't even cheat," Al said

"Wow, then their IQ is not as good as me, at least I will cheat little mice!" King Kong looked at the mouse.

The mouse scorned: "cut, just your two brushes still want to cheat me? Every time I can see you through the first time

However, when the two were fighting, Lin Feng said: "I see the orcs in front of me. It seems that the orcs in front of me are not the same as the orcs you said!"

"Why not?" Asked al.

"You see, they are not fighting with brute force. They seem to have some kind of witchcraft!" Lin Feng said.

The crowd looked at the orcs. At this time, the orcs were fighting fiercely with the dragon.

The Dragon spurted out a burning flame. They threw a layer of green things, and they were able to resist the fire.

Then the Dragon flapped its wings, and the magma at the bottom of the canyon was thrown up by him and spewed toward the orcs.

The orcs made some strange moves, but the next second, a void barrier appeared to resist the attack of magma.

Of course, the void barrier is not perfect. There are several weak places in the middle. The magma breaks through the weak places and splashes on the orcs. The orcs are scorched outside and tender inside in an instant, crying bitterly.

However, they were immediately towed to the rear, and some Orc doctors were treating the wounded.

Their treatment seems to be very clever. First, they smear the whole body of orcs, and then use their true Qi to treat the orcs' pain.

Surprisingly, the Qi in their hands flashed with green light. After reaching out to touch the injured person, the wound began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A moment later, they were alive and ready to fight again.

This is so amazing that even Lin Feng can't help sighing.

Unless the orcs are killed, as long as there is a breath left, their medical team can bring them back to life again.

Lin Qin and his team of doctors were even more surprised. Lin Qin, who was born as a doctor, had never seen such a scene. It was even more amazing than Hua Tuo!

Lin Feng said to al: "these orcs are not the orcs you mentioned. They seem to have higher wisdom. They can use aura and magic, and their fighting is orderly."

"Well.. What kind of orcs are they? " Al doesn't know.

From childhood to adulthood, he heard from his father Allan that all orcs were orcs, who could only use powerful brute force, but never heard of orcs using magic.

"Anyway, I'm very interested in their medical skills, so I should help them with this help," Lin Feng said

After that, Lin Feng began to assign tasks:

"listen to your orders. If we want to pass by here, we must go through the front battlefield. Therefore, I make a decision temporarily to help one of them win!"

"We're going to help the orcs in wizard robes, so I'm going to assign some people."

"Beiye ling'er, you and several masters of villain Island, protect the common people and the medical team!"

"Yasha, you lead the five white tigers and join me in the vanguard! Qingfeng, Qisha, wolf king scar and you are the backup. After we rush up, you will be the second attack point

"For the others I didn't name, help the experts on villain island to protect the team of doctors!"

"Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

"All right, vanguard, let's go with me!" Lin Feng cheered.

"Wait!" The mountain tiger Chen duo suddenly said, "Why are we the white tiger five swordsmen every time we attack? Why can't we change a few people? I request to undertake the rear protection work! "

"No way!" Lin Feng said: "although we are just a team, not a well disciplined army, but my command, absolutely not allowed to resist, if you have any objection, you can choose to leave the team, I will not hinder it!""Then I'll leave the team!" "Who else went with me?" Chen said

"Chen duo, have you forgotten your mission?" Yasha angrily scolded

Chen duo bit his teeth. He knew what Yasha meant.

His mission is to capture the treasure map of blood jade on the way to escort Lin Feng.

At the beginning, this task seemed very easy. Lin Feng's strength was not as good as theirs. As long as they didn't grab the treasure map in full view of the public, they should be able to make it.

However, later they found that Lin Feng's progress was too fast for them to seize the treasure map with their own ability.

So they had a private meeting to steal the treasure map.

However, it is not easy to steal. They have to steal without showing any trace. If they are found by Lin Feng, they will return to their original form.

And the problem before them was that Yasha seemed to be wavering.

She seems to be attracted by Lin Feng and always speaks for Lin Feng between the lines, which makes the other four white tiger swordsmen very dissatisfied.

So today, they caught up with Lin Feng and asked them to be pioneers. They were in a state of negative emotions. They were not going to do anything but to leave.

However, at this time, Yasha reminded them that they did not forget their original intention.

They suddenly felt that Yasha was back, and Yasha remembered their mission.

So Chen duo and others suddenly wavered.

Lin Feng angrily drank: "either go away, or give me a rush, time does not wait for someone, now hurry to make a choice!"

Chen duo bit his teeth and took a look at Yasha.

Yasha looked calm and nodded.

Chen took a deep breath and said to the others, "brothers, go!"

Several people and Chen duo together, shoulder to shoulder with Lin Feng, toward the fire dragon in front of them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!