The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1352

Not far away, in the lava River, a red dragon puffs through the flames, and a group of creatures in wizard robes are fighting against him.

The red dragon looks like those dragons in Western mythology.

They are huge, with long tails and two huge wings.

The whole dragon held its head high, seven stories high.

However, this is only the part of the Dragon exposed to the magma, and half of his body is still in the magma.

This red dragon looks very strong. He is dressed in red armor, like a general who has been killed in thousands of troops. The fire flashes at the place where the armor is connected, as if his body is a flame.

"Roar --"

the Dragon spewed flames at the group of witches who fought against him. The flames were rampant everywhere, and even Lin Feng and others could hardly escape.

"What an insolent fellow, what a disregard Lin Feng said.

"That's a dragon!" "The dragons in this continent are extremely vicious. They have no compassion for other creatures, so they have no choice but to run away or fight against a giant dragon," Al said

"Well!" Lin Feng nodded.

Before entering the secret place, Lin Feng also studied the dragons in it.

It is said that dragons are the oldest creatures in the secret place. At the beginning, all kinds of dragon people were in control of the secret place.

However, the Dragon ancestor died in an ancient sacrifice, leaving the four Dragon guardians of the dragon family's final ability.

The four Dragon guardians have different personalities. They are red dragon, black dragon, green dragon and blue dragon.

Red dragon has a very hot temper. He always loses his temper. His subordinates are also warlike players. Whenever they encounter anything, they fight directly without saying a word. They are very brave.

The black dragon is the most cunning and treacherous one. It is the chief culprit of the disintegration of the dragon clan. If it was not for his persistent struggle for power, it would not lead to the disharmony of the dragon clan.

Blue dragon is obsessed with spiritual cultivation, and his subordinates are also high-quality magic apprentices. Although the number of blue dragon's subordinates is very small, all of his subordinates are elite soldiers.

Green dragon is the only magnetic dragon among the four dragons, also known as the Dragon saint.

Dragon woman is also the most merciful one among the four Dragon guardians.

He yearned for a world full of vitality, peace and conflict with war.

However, after the death of the Dragon ancestor, the black dragon wanted to be on the top, and had a dispute with the red dragon, and started the war quickly.

Blue dragon is obsessed with spirit stone. He wants the best cultivation array of the dragon clan. Only the Dragon ancestor can enter there.

Therefore, you must be the leader of the dragon clan to have a chance to contact the rich aura.

So blue dragon also joined in the battle for the leader of the dragon clan.

Longnu thought that the fate of the dragon people would be very miserable. She advised the three dragons not to fight.

However, Longnu was listed as a threat list by them and wanted to be eliminated together.

The four dragons, with their subordinates, have been involved in this protracted war.

Above the scorching gorge is the land of ashes, which is the territory of the red dragon.

And the black plains are black.

Further ahead, there will be two areas, namely, the battle song plain and the immortal trail forest.

The battle song plain is the territory of the blue dragon, while the fairy trail forest is the territory of the green dragon.

In fact, it was originally a land of dragon people. It was because of the struggle of four giant dragons that each occupied one side, which led to the formation of four kinds of scenes here.

The red dragon is a fire attribute. His fire is very fierce, which leads to the burning of all living things in the land he occupies.

So the place where he was abetting the ashes.

The black dragon is very insidious and cunning. He is afraid that other dragons will lead troops to attack his territory. He specially uses magic to create a black fog over his territory.

Under the black fog, the plain, which was originally sunny and green, looked gray.

So it's called the gray plain.

The territory of the blue dragon was once the same as the gray plain. They were originally a plain.

After the Dragon disintegrated, blue dragon led his subordinates to occupy the southwest end of the plain, where there are many precious spirit stones underground.

Therefore, it has become a place that everyone wants to fight for.

Many times the dragon war took place in this area. For a period of time, it was called the war song plain because of the loud and clear war songs.

Look at the territory of the green dragon.

Longnu has always been fond of nature, advocating close to nature and peaceful coexistence with all things.

So after the division of the dragon people, Longnu chose the dense forest in the southeast as her territory.

The green dragon army led by the green dragon is a giant dragon with green skin. They appear and disappear in the dense forest. The first second is still there, the second after is gone.So the forest, known by explorers as the trail forest.

In the middle of the four continents is the Dragon altar.

It was also the capital of the dragon people.

Today, it is still a large trading city called the capital of the sky.

However, it is no longer the capital of the dragon. Now, the capital of the sky is full of businessmen of various shapes and colors, many races and a hodgepodge.

Of course, the subordinates of the four dragons occasionally go to the capital of the sky to purchase, but it seems that we have formed a tacit understanding that the sanctity of the capital of heaven can not be defiled. They will not fight in the capital of heaven. If there is any contradiction, they will go out and solve it.

The capital of heaven was divided into four parts, which were jointly guarded by an army led by four dragons.

That's interesting.

Lin Feng also checked the information that the dragons fought all the year round. Didn't the dragon in the capital of heaven want to capture another dragon's territory?

However, the dragons seem to be in order.

This is their only belief in the Dragon ancestor. The capital of the sky is the place of the end of the war. Any act of breaking the peace will be severely punished here.

Therefore, after passing through the scorching gorge, Lin Feng plans to go shopping in the capital of the firmament, which can be regarded as a consolation to the team members.

However, before leaving the canyon, he met his subordinates.

Legend has it that these dragons had a contract with the most ancient humans, they could have the same shape, and they fought for a goal.

But those ancient humans didn't survive.

In order to commemorate them, the dragon clan often transforms into adult form. Only when they fight, they will show the form of giant dragon.

However, although the dragon people have their own beliefs and order, they have no sympathy for other races.

They are very domineering. They will not let go of the alien creatures that enter their territory.

Therefore, the pronoun of the dragon in this secret place is ferocity.

Therefore, the scene we see today should be that these sorcerers break into the Dragon territory. The dragon is angry and wants to kill them.

"Boss, what should we do?" King Kong asked Lin Feng.

"Give me a minute to decide!" Lin Feng Road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!