The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1351

Lin Feng's decision will not change in general.

So he was determined to advance from the scorching gorge.

"Don't look at the hot Canyon, I can guarantee that there are fewer enemies in the hot Canyon than in other places." Lin Feng analyzed.

"Why do you say that?" Someone asked.

"As you all know, the scorching gorge is hot, and most creatures don't go there. Only some aboriginal creatures will be there. Therefore, it avoids many ambushes of our enemies."

"Of course, there may be enemies lurking there, but not too many. Most people will think that I will take a detour from the gray plain, so more will snipe at us in the gray plain!"

Red scorpion said: "this is the so-called, the more dangerous the place is, the safer it is?"

"Yes Lin Feng Road.

In fact, Lin Feng's analysis is very reasonable, because now only Troll guessed the direction of Lin Feng correctly and planted orcs to the scorching Canyon to ambush Lin Feng.

The rest of the enemy, most want to block Lin Feng, or chose the gray plain.

Lin Feng chose the scorching gorge, which seemed desperate, but actually it was safer than the detour.

Moreover, this greatly shortens the distance and saves the travel time, which reduces the probability of problems.

So Lin Feng said: "I will choose to continue to travel from the hot canyon. The heat wave of the hot Canyon will not burn people, but will only make us feel hot and dry. As long as we don't walk around casually and sneak along the established route, ordinary people can also cross here, no problem!"

Beiye ling'er said angrily, "Lin Feng, you decide. Where you go, we'll follow you there!"

Looking at some reluctant appearance of Beiye ling'er, Lin Feng hehe smiles: "isn't it good to take you a close look at the beautiful scenery of the volcano? You may never see such a sight in your whole life

"Well, the captain has taken great pains." Qingfeng said: "save you one by one crooked melon split dates, if I were the team leader, I would give you one by one dried meat as a meal to eat, but also take you to visit mountains and rivers, beautiful death you!"

"How do you talk, old man?" North Wild Ling Er angry way.

"I'll tell you the truth." Qingfeng said: "let's just say that, with the captain's ability, he can completely mix in this place, but you follow in, not only can't help him, but also can't help him. At least you can do what he's told?"

"Why am I disobedient?" North Wild Ling Er says.

"I don't just refer to you. There are too many people in our team who always insist on their own ideas. I'll tell you for Lin Feng that what you want is your business. If you don't want to continue, you can leave at any time. Don't make it like the captain takes you to your obligations. I can guarantee that you will leave the captain without three days !” Qingfeng doesn't care about three or seven or twenty-one.

Those who have ulterior motives will feel empty after hearing the words of the breeze.

However, Beiye ling'er was also straightforward and said: "then we can't have our own opinions yet? We recognize the captain, but we should give him some advice as well? "

Breeze ha ha a smile: "do you think the captain needs your opinion?"

"If it's not for the team leader, you'll probably die several times. So take back your opinions and follow your orders. If you don't, you'll leave the team." The breeze is not polite.

"You Beiye ling'er is very angry.

She wanted to argue, but she was held back by Chen Meiniang.

Chen Meiniang winked at her and said in a low voice, "princess, don't be angry. In fact, this old man used you as an excuse to tell everyone. Don't stand up for those who don't obey the orders!"

The North wild spirit son is angry of stare breeze one eye, did not speak again.

Qingfeng said: "one of you is one of them. I advise you not to always think carefully. Captain Lin Feng has a lot of heart. You are just like children in kindergarten. Don't blame me for not reminding you. If you go well, you will get good results. There will always be a single moth and a dead end."

The breeze said, to Lin Feng smile way: "Captain, you say I say right?"

Lin Feng picked up his eyebrows and said, "you old man's speech is too bad to hear. I'm not such a person!"

But in fact, Lin Feng and Qingfeng are in harmony.

Since Qingfeng has made a red face, he will sing a white face, which is also a warning to everyone in advance.

If someone makes a mistake later, he will do it.

"Well, cut the crap, let's go!" Lin Feng said: "be careful along the way. Maybe there will be enemy ambush. Pay attention to the road under your feet. If you fall into the magma River, the gods can't save you!"

"Yes, boss!" Said King Kong.


Others responded.

The effect is still very obvious.

"Let's go!" Lin Feng said.They choose the entrance of the canyon and enter the burning gorge.

In the middle of the scorching gorge is a deep magmatic river. The heat wave is rolling upward and makes people feel hot all over.

Everyone took off their warm clothes and went to the battle with light clothes.

They were walking on a path above the side of the canyon.

This path is about three or four meters wide. If you walk on the inside of the path and close to the mountain, the temperature will be lower. Therefore, ordinary people, such as Beiye linger and V Da, who have no genuine Qi to protect themselves, walk on the inside of the road.

And those who practice are walking outside. They look at their feet. The scenery below is really spectacular.

See the rolling red waves beating the rocks, as if a huge beast can swallow everything, see the horror.

Lin Feng said: "I advise you people who are afraid of heights not to look down, or they will be swallowed by the huge waves."

"Hiss -"

some timid people, such as the top of their heads, quickly take back their eyes. If they see too much, they are afraid that their feet will slip down.

The crowd marched forward. The scorching gorge is 50 Li long. Out of the gorge, there is a big volcano in front of it. After passing around the volcano, we will reach the battle song plain.

So just walk through here and it's OK.

All of them held their breath to concentrate on their journey.

At this time, Lin Feng felt that there was something abnormal around him, and a strong energy wave reverberated between the canyons.

"Be careful, there may be powerful creatures ahead!" Lin Feng said.

As soon as they heard this, they were all in a hurry.

They moved on, much slower than they had been before, cautious at every step.

In front of the gorge, there are many twists and turns in front of the canyon. The sight is blocked by stones more than ten meters away.

Lin Feng walked in the front, he felt that the powerful energy fluctuation was getting closer and closer.

At this time, a thunderous roar came from the canyon, and the hot waves of the carrier swept past the crowd.

Lin Feng and others around a bend, the front of the amazing scene appeared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!