The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 135

The final stage of bidding is divided into two steps.

The first step is the presentation.

All companies participating in the bidding will send representatives to the front of the stage in turn to present their prepared ppt materials. Ppt materials mainly introduce the products and advantages of their own companies.

After the introduction of the first round, several judges of the sponsor will score, and the two with the highest score will enter the second round, and the final PK link.

At this time, we will start our own material presentation.

First of all, Jinzheng mining company of jindazheng made a speech on the stage. Jindazheng sent a young man wearing glasses and a suit. At first, he was a professional lecturer. He blew the Jinzheng mining industry to heaven.

The second and third are two small companies, and their speeches are regular.

The fourth is Dongsheng Group, with Ye Yuwei speaking on the stage.

The PPT material itself was prepared by Ye Yuwei, and he was the sales director. Naturally, she came forward, and Su Jing controlled the final PK process.

Ye Yuwei stepped onto the stage, her cool and proud beautiful face, let the spirit of the people present for a while, immediately added a lot of image points to Dongsheng Group.

Then ye Yuwei talked about Dongsheng Group's development history, the strong strength in all aspects, etc., and talked about it in detail.

All of a sudden for Dongsheng Group recognition and a few points.

It is worthy of being returned sales talents, but it is not the same.

The judges gave a high score that none of the previous members had.

The next step is the Shen group.

Mr. Chen, the project manager of Shenshi group, did not know these things and could not explain the truth.

But old Chen, usually only cares about flattery, the ability is also quite deficient, but has no way, is stubborn on the scalp.

Old Chen shudders. His speech is not very clear. His logic is not very clear, and his speech is not clear. Occasionally, he makes a poor sentence in his hometown dialect, which makes everyone present in this room dumbfounded.

But at the end of the day, the scores were amazing.

The score of Shen's group is actually the first and Dongsheng Group's second.

Therefore, the following final PK link is carried out by Shen group and Dongsheng Group.

Although most people thought of the outcome, the people present were still a little uneasy. In particular, none of the companies that had been painted were worse than those displayed by Shen group, but their scores were so poor. Their psychology was extremely unbalanced.

"Oh, it's over. According to this posture, Shen's group won the bid again this year, and has not run away!"

"However, I still hope Dongsheng Group will win the bid. The Shen group is not so like that. What is serious bidding? If you want to make a second grade, you can get the highest score. What do you think of us who are well prepared? "

"It's boring, Shen's group, big cancer!"

Many people complain, but they dare not say it too loud. After all, they make a big noise. They still offend others. If you break your teeth, you are not the only one. There are so many enterprises that have come to participate in the bidding. If there is no sound, please don't make any noise.

We are all in this kind of psychology, so we just talk about it casually, and no one dares to raise any objection.

The next step is to rest for 10 minutes, and then enter the PK link of the final Shen group and Dongsheng Group.

This link is very cruel. Representatives of Shenshi group and Dongsheng Group held a confrontation in the form of debate. The theme of both sides is: our company is most suitable for this mining cooperation.

Su Jing and ye Yuwei are busy preparing, while Shen Mao is leisurely, as if the PK link does not exist for a while, as if he is the winner of this time.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and the main play began. Shen group and Dongsheng Group started PK link. Like a debate contest, everyone spoke in turn. The organizers would occasionally ask questions to each other and give their own opinions.

Finally, according to their respective performance, the organizers will score, and those with more scores will become the winner of this year's mining bidding and will get the opportunity of mining cooperation.

The general bidding, will not do so, is the end of the day, the organizers go back to count the score, and then inform the winning party, but because the project is too urgent, they choose to decide the outcome on the spot.

At this time, PK has already started, and Shen Maoxian, the Shen group, has made a speech.

Shen Mao confidently said: "we are the most suitable enterprise for this mining cooperation. Our enterprise is the leader of Jincheng mining industry, with old experience and long history."

Shen Maolian has a long history and has used it. He has to praise his own enterprise to heaven!

However, at this time, Su Jing retorted: "it seems that another saying with a long history is old-fashioned and can't keep up with the times! Our Dongsheng Group is the most suitable one, because we have quoted the most advanced mining machines and technologies from Germany, which are far higher than the domestic average in terms of speed and output! "

Shen Mao retorted: "ha ha, it doesn't matter whether we are advanced or not. The most important thing is that we are suitable. We have been working with Director Cao for six years. We are too familiar with each other's needs and models. We can say that we are like a couple of lovers. We only have our G-spot. I know your size. This is not a new junior who can match it!"Shen Mao's words are very vulgar, and he also compares the Dongsheng Group represented by Su Jing to the junior three, which can be said to be a pun. It seems that he has been prepared for it.

Su Jing was flushed and was about to speak. However, Cao Dehuan said, "Mr. Shen is not rude. I agree with what he said. We are not looking for advanced enterprises. We only look for the most suitable partners. Only the right partners are suitable for our cooperation and development."

The meaning of his words is very obvious, and Tianyun has been seriously inclined to Shen's group. People around see in the eyes, also basically know the situation, it seems that Dongsheng Group can announce automatic withdrawal.

However, Su Jing refused to admit defeat and argued: "since ancient times, the development process of human beings has always been in constant progress and reform. If we keep stagnating and only seek comfort instead of growth, our enterprises will be eliminated sooner or later. It is a long-term way to think of danger in times of safety. Therefore, the current technology of Dongsheng Group can promote the development of partners faster, rather than promoting the development of partners Stop in your original position and enjoy stability and comfort

"Is president Su criticizing that we are not enterprising?" Cao Dehuan looked gloomy: "we are always thinking about the future of Jincheng mining industry. Please pay attention to the propriety before you speak!"

"I..." Su Jing said, unexpectedly Cao Dehuan openly attacked her.

Su Jing is not afraid. She just laments her misfortune and does not argue with her. If there is a problem, no one can say, "what kind of world is this?"?

Shen Mao is beside a burst of ecstasy, the heart says I let you get se, even Cao Dehuan you dare to offend, the brain can't turn?

He knew that the organizers would not give Dongsheng Group high marks even after these rounds of debates!

Su Jing, you just wait to lose! , the fastest update of the webnovel!