The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 134

Jincheng Central District, Zifeng building.

This is the most prosperous area in Jincheng, and Zifeng building is also a famous high-level CBD business building in Jincheng. It is built by the government, with a total of 33 floors. Zifeng implies that it is far away from the peak, and Zifeng building comes from the East.

The fact that the government has placed this tender here is enough to show the importance of this tender.

Jincheng is a mining city, and the government's mineral business is the top priority. It is no exaggeration to say that if anyone can win the business, the pheasant will become a phoenix in an instant.

However, in the past six years, a total of three tenders have been invited, but all of them are finally won by Shen's group, without exception.

Shen's group was originally a second-class mining company, and with this cooperation with the government, within a few years, it became one of the three financial groups in Jincheng.

Therefore, every mining company is staring at this matter, but most companies have self-knowledge and know that they do not have the strength. More companies know the inside story, that is, the cooperation between the government and Shen's group is very good, and there are many unclear internal channels in it. As the saying goes, the water is very deep and no one can shake it.

Therefore, in the final part of the bidding in the afternoon, few companies will compete.

Now it seems that in addition to Dongsheng Group, Shenshi group and Jinzheng Mining Co., Ltd., there are also two well-known mining enterprises in Jincheng, but the scale is far less than the three of them, and one of them voluntarily withdrew from the bidding in the afternoon.

Su Jing was very upset at this time. This bidding decided whether Dongsheng mining was dead or alive, and whether Dongsheng Group could go far in the future.

But now it seems that Shen Mao has a plan in mind, and his hope is slim.

Ye Yuwei is even more miserable. After joining Dongsheng Group, she has made great contributions to Dongsheng Group by leading her team to help Dongsheng Group win hundreds of millions of orders every year. Tang Dongsheng and Su Jing are also very fond of materials. They always regard her as their best friends and relatives, and never regard her as a superior subordinate relationship.

however, This time, ye Yuwei really felt powerless. Looking at Shen Mao's disgusting face, which pair of snobbish manner, she would like to go up and fight Shen Mao to death.

However, what is the use of this? If this defeat, Dongsheng Group will no longer have the ability to fight against the Shen group.

Su Jing and ye Yuwei sit in the corner, both of them fall into silence.


Jincheng, Shenshi group headquarters.

Shen Yunhai, President of Shenshi group, is sitting in his office with a cigarette in his mouth and talking on the phone.

His tone is relaxed, a face of self-confidence: "boss, you give me the matter, you can rest assured, I Shen Yunhai, absolutely give you do beautiful!"

"Yes, I believe you have the strength!" On the other end of the line, the boss appreciated.

"Ha ha! of course! During this period of time, Dongsheng mining industry has been losing money under our pressure, and the original real estate industry of Dongsheng Group has been going down all the way because of the bad situation this year. The main business does not make money, and the mining industry still keeps losing money. Dongsheng Group is going to die soon! " Shen Yunhai cocked his legs and looked out the window at the blue sky and white clouds. He was very comfortable.

"Well done! I heard that Jincheng government is holding a mining bidding conference, but the government is your old partner. This bidding should be done well. Don't let Dongsheng Group have any chance to overturn the bid! " The big man said.

"Certainly!" Shen Yunhai said, "once Dongsheng group dies, you have to remember your agreement."

"Of course, I mean what I say!" Said the big man.

"Thank you Shen Yunhai said with a smile.

"You're welcome. We are a win-win cooperation." Then the big man said: "Tang Dongsheng, I must watch him fall apart and his family be ruined."


the 10th floor of Zifeng building.

The final part of the bidding meeting is set at 2:00 p.m., and it is already 1:30 now.

The representatives of the five companies participating in the second round of bidding have entered the conference hall.

In line with the principle of fairness, fairness and openness, the bidding invited some people from the industry, as well as some media reporters, about dozens of people.

Now most of them have begun to sit down, waiting for two o'clock.

Su Jing and ye Yuwei sat on the seat of the bid representative, and were very worried.

At this time, Shen Mao came in with a project manager of Shen's group.

Passing by Su Jing and ye Yuwei's seats, Shen Mao stopped and whispered to Su Jing and ye Yuwei: "you two, don't waste your mind. Today you are doomed to go back in disgrace. Of course, if you will condescend to accompany me for one night, I can consider offering you a little business after winning the bid. Ha ha ha!"

"Shameless bastard!" Su Jing clenched her teeth.

"You? As expected, he is the president of iceberg. His words are really blunt! But I can remind you that I am not always in a mood. Now I give you a chance. If you can't catch it, I won't have time to play with you if you come to me in the future. " Shen Mao turned back confidently and went to his seat.The project manager next to him flattered and said, "Shen can always do two things in one night. Good ability!"

"Well, generally speaking, I just got a bottle of divine oil from Tianzhu. I want to give it back to the two bitches. They'll give it back to me. Hum, but I'm not afraid. Wait and see. When I win this bidding, Dongsheng Group is in a desperate situation. I don't think he will kneel down to serve me?" Shen Mao said, "well, at that time, it depends on whether the serving Laozi is happy or not? If I'm not happy, I don't want to take a dime of business, just play with her for nothing! Ha ha ha

"Mr. Shen is very good." The project manager continued to flatter.

"Mr. Chen, have you got all your information ready? The bidding will start soon! "


"Well, in a moment, I want to win brilliantly, let everyone see the strength of my Shen group, and let dad know that it is the most correct choice to choose me as the successor!" Shen Mao said.

At this time, Cao Dehuan and several government staff began to enter.

As the government is the organizer, and Cao Dehuan is the main person in charge and decision-maker of the bidding, his appearance immediately caused a burst of media photos.

Cao Dehuan waved his hand, and his face was full of spring breeze.

In order to show respect for the bidding company, Cao Dehuan also went from the representative of the bidding company and shook hands.

"Hard work, thank you!" Cao Dehuan said such a sentence every time he shook hands with the bidding company.

He was able to get the status he has today because he is good at face work. When he came to Su Jing, he held out her hand and held her hand.

However, Su Jing obviously felt that Cao Dehuan's hand was not honest. She was talking and laughing on the surface, but her thumb was constantly rubbing Su Jing's palm.

Su Jingzhi felt nauseous and quickly pulled back her hand. She was very angry.

Cao Dehuan a Leng, and then face incomparably gloomy, mouth very low voice of cold hum a: "hum!"

Then I went to shake hands with the representative of the next company!

At the moment, Su Jing was as disgusting as eating a fly, but her last hope was also shattered. It seems that this bidding is basically useless.

When Cao Dehuan shakes hands with Shen Mao, his face is full of joy, and there is something strange in their eyes. It seems that they have already reached a certain consensus, but do not pierce the window paper.

Then, we all began to take our seats.

The organizer began his speech, and then announced: "the final stage of bidding, start!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!