The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 136

However, Shen Mao was not idle. If he did not add fuel to the fire for this opportunity, it would not be him.

He stood up at the right time and said, "director Cao, you may have misunderstood me. I don't think that's what general manager Su meant. I feel that Su always wanted to win the bidding so much that he was so anxious that he didn't have any reason, but he made up the truth, which led to the fire of wiping the gun! I hurt you by mistake! Mr. Su, don't be so angry. If you lose, you have to lose with backbone and dignity, don't you? You'll make people laugh at you like this

"Asshole!" Su Jing scolded fiercely in her heart.

Shen Mao is disgusting. He is disgusting. Relying on his relationship with Cao Dehuan, he fabricates right and wrong and insults his opponents. He has no morality, and no bottom line.

However, what made Su Jing sad was that in the end, she had to be bullied by such people. She felt that she had a breath in her chest and could not breathe out!

Su Jing clenched her teeth, her beautiful face flushed with anger, and her chest was constantly fluctuating.

However, as the president of Dongsheng Group and the representative of Dongsheng Group, she can not be emotional. She should always keep calm.

She took a deep breath and adjusted herself.

"Shen Mao, please don't talk nonsense. Our Dongsheng Group is absolutely suitable for this mining cooperation! I don't mean that I've been fired off. Please don't make up right and wrong to confuse the public Su Jing said: "by the way, I warn you that debate is a debate. We should focus on the core of the enterprise rather than personal attacks, which is immoral!"

"Yo, you don't like to listen to me. I'll help you to ease the awkward atmosphere. It's immoral. Cut, the dog bites LV Dongbin, and you don't know the good people!" Shen Mao said: "if you want to talk about enterprises, we should say enterprises. I heard that President Su and your Dongsheng Group may still lack a lot of them! It's not just business, it's lacking in every aspect! "

"I agree with Mr. Shen. I think it is necessary for Dongsheng Group to improve its ideological awareness and learn more from Shen's group strategically." Cao Dehuan said seriously in one side.

His words, as if a heavy hammer, hit Su Jing's heart.

This is equivalent to saying that Dongsheng Group can't do it, Dongsheng Group is out of action, and the winner this time is Shen's group.

Although she had been prepared for this, Su Jing was still a little intolerable when she heard Cao Dehuan say such words.

"General manager Su of Dongsheng Group, do you have anything else to say? Speak freely In order to express justice, Cao Dehuan asked hypocritically.

Su Jing was already desperate. The two men were like birds of a feather and colluded with each other. They were absolutely amazing. Even if she tried again, what would be the use of her argument? At the end of the day, they are not so eloquent?

Ye Yuwei in the back to see this scene, the heart is also suffocating uncomfortable, this is about to end? Does Dongsheng Group have no chance?

Seeing that Su Jing didn't speak, Cao Dehuan said in a hurry, "there's nothing to say, is there?"? Then we are going to score. I think Dongsheng Group should really reflect on it. Of course, you don't have to be discouraged. After all, you are also a new miner. Mistakes can be understood and understood! "

Cao Dehuan swayed his greasy stomach and pretended there.

His words can basically show that this time, Shen's group won and scored something, just a passing scene!

However, at this time, there was a "bang", the gate of the venue was pushed open, and a figure came in in in a hurry, and his mouth was still saying: "I wipe, I'm late for such an important occasion, I shouldn't be!"

That person is Lin Feng.

As soon as Lin Feng came in, he saw a lot of people in the meeting hall. He was very excited and cried, "everyone is here? splendid! I'm sorry, I'm late. Come and borrow, excuse me! "

He swaggered across the aisle to Su Jing and said, "I'm sorry, my mobile phone is broken and my alarm clock doesn't ring, so I overslept. What, has the bidding started?"

All of them are covered with black lines. Who is this man? Where did you come from? Is it still on? It's almost over!

Su Jing had a headache and even felt a little humiliated.

How to say, Dongsheng Group even lost, but the spirit is still there, body and face.

But Lin Feng, wearing a floral shirt, big underpants, a beige flip flop, came in, making it look like shopping in the vegetable market.

What's more, the bidding is almost over. Do you still ask if it has started? There's a bag in your head, right?

At this time, there was also a burst of laughter around him. On the main jury, several hairs of Cao De's laughing head were scattered. He helped those hairs, and his face became serious and said, "Mr. Su, this is also your Dongsheng Group's?"

"Lao Cao, aren't you nonsense? Can't you see that? " Lin Feng said.

"Hiss --"

people take a breath. How dare this guy directly talk to Cao Dehuan? After that, Dongsheng mining still want to mix in Jincheng?

Cao Dehuan's face was very ugly and said, "Oh, it's Dongsheng Group. What do you want to do"I want to participate in the bidding, and I have prepared materials to give a speech, which is wonderful!" Lin Feng said.

"Lin Feng, don't make a fool of yourself!" Su Jing said.

"I didn't make a fool of myself. The bidding is not over yet." Lin Feng Road.

At this time, Shen Mao was infuriated. This Lin Feng, on the day of the last Dongsheng mining company's opening, let him lose all his people. Today, he appears again. What a jerk.

But it's useless for him to come. He can't change what is certain.

At this time, Cao Dehuan thought of it. Oh, no wonder this boy is familiar. It turns out that he was the small security guard who rode his bicycle into Dongsheng Mining on the opening day.

Cao Dehuan was also present that day. He was very impressed with Lin Feng's bicycle.

But what can a security guard do? Who did you mistake this time?

But just now the little security guard said something bad to him, so he could teach him a lesson. Otherwise, he didn't know how many eyes Lord Ma had!

"Your name is Lin Feng, aren't you?" Cao Dehuan said: "you want to continue to bid for Dongsheng Group PK link, right?"

"Yes Lin Feng a chest: "I have a detailed information to show!"

"What information?" Cao Dehuan asked.

"Good stuff!" Lin Feng Road.

"Show us, then." Cao de said happily, "I'll let you go. When I read your materials and find the loopholes, I'll kill you and keep you on the stage.".

Lin Feng put the U-disk into the organizer's computer. The computer was connected with a large LED screen. All the people present could see Lin Feng's information through the large screen.

Lin Feng picked up the mouse, click open folder, click open a file.

When the file was opened, everyone in this room was shocked! , the fastest update of the webnovel!