The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 133

Time like water, blink of an eye, three days passed.

Today is the day of Jincheng Mining official bidding meeting.

Because the bidding is urgent, the government put the first round of bidding and the final bid evaluation on this day.

The first round of bidding will be conducted in the morning, and the companies that come to participate in the bidding will submit the bidding documents, quotation, product introduction, etc. to the bid inviting party, and the bid inviting party will sort out and compare them. The scores obtained by each plus will be marked directly on the big blackboard. The top six candidates will then conduct the final bid evaluation in the afternoon, and the bid winner will be evaluated and the cooperation contract will be signed.

In fact, there is PK element in the afternoon. In order to show fairness and justice, the government will put six candidates together in the afternoon to introduce their company's business. Then they will attack each other with professional and appropriate language in a similar way of debate. Finally, the government will score the final winner according to their performance.

So, the afternoon is the big deal.

In the morning, all the companies participating in the bidding were sitting in the hall. Su Jing and ye Yuwei were from Dongsheng Group.

Lin Feng didn't have the past and was too lazy to pass. The bid evaluation session in the morning will definitely give Dongsheng Group a quota, because Lin Feng peeked at Ye Yuwei's bidding document and can enter the next round.

So he didn't show up in the morning.

A project manager came to Shen's group in the morning, even Shen Mao didn't come.

The main competitor this time is Shen's group, and Su Jing also knows that this time, Shen's group is fully prepared and needs to be extremely careful.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, Dongsheng Group will seize it. After all, it is this opportunity that can save Dongsheng mining.

At this time, all the companies handed in the information.

The host starts to sing the label on it. Singing the label is not really singing, but reading out all the company's information, filling in by people, and scoring.

Dongsheng Group, as expected by Lin Feng, entered the next round.

In fact, in the first round, there was no competitiveness. Except for Shen group, the rest were small companies.

And in the afternoon, it's the time to make a real effort.

Su Jing also knew this. After the score was over, it was already noon. He and ye Yuwei went to the restaurant of the organizer for dinner.

At this time, Su Jing found that an important person from the organizer appeared, Cao Dehuan.

Cao Dehuan has a big belly, a fat head and a Mediterranean hairstyle, which makes people look like a greasy superior.

Cao Dehuan came out immediately, because Cao Dehuan was the decision maker of the tender conference, and finally he worked with any company. He has the final say.

Although it is to go through a fierce competition, but the final decision is not someone else Cao Dehuan two mouth matter!

Therefore, the companies participating in the bidding have flocked to it, and they can't afford to eat. They call "director Cao long, director Cao short".

Cao Dehuan stroked his last few hair and waved haughtily. He didn't even look at him. He said hello!

Su Jing and ye Yuwei don't like this way. The business negotiation and bidding they studied abroad are not in this atmosphere at all. They can't help but feel deep sorrow after watching the scene.

As soon as Cao Dehuan passed by, he saw that others were scrambling to say hello to him. Only Su Jing and ye Yuwei didn't talk. He was very unhappy. He took a cold look at Su Jing and ye Yuwei, shook his head and said, "I'm not sensible!"

With that, he went straight to a table in front of him.

There is a young man standing on that table.

The young man was Shen Mao, the third son of Shen's group.

Cao Dehuan sat down directly in front of Shen Mao. Shen Mao was not polite. He sat down directly. They met and laughed, just like old friends for many years, and chatted.

"Well, the bidding is over again!"

There were complaints in the crowd.

"Shen's group must be a partner this time. You don't have to look at it to know the result."


listening to the comments of people around, ye Yuwei asked Su Jing, "general manager Su, if this bidding is not successful, Dongsheng mining will really be finished?"

"Yes Su Jing frowned: "not only Dongsheng mining is finished, but also Dongsheng Group is shrinking. Do you know how much effort Dongsheng Group has invested in Dongsheng mining! Up to now, the chairman is still talking about partners in other places! "

Ye Yuwei looked puzzled: "but just now you saw Cao Dehuan like that, and he was very indifferent to us, so this bidding was very difficult, especially when you saw his chatting with Shen group, the situation was clear at a glance!"

Su Jing said: "Mr. ye should not belittle himself. The chairman didn't come back from other places. He gave us this bidding, which is also his trust. Even if there is a little hope, we will continue. After all, we have entered the second round."

"OK, I see. Go all out!" Ye Yuwei said.

At this time, Cao Dehuan is finished chatting with Shen Mao. He can't talk with Shen Mao for too long. In order to avoid suspicion, just say a few words.

Cao Dehuan stood up, looked at Shen Mao with a smile and waved goodbye.Then, she took a cold look at Su Jing and ye Yuwei. Without saying a word, they turned around and left.

At this time, Shen Mao stood up and came to Su Jing and ye Yuwei. He sat down on a stool and said with pride, "well, why didn't you say hello to Director Cao? Don't you know he's the decision maker this time? "

"Oh, I can't bear to disturb you!" Su Jing said coldly.

She really didn't want to pay attention to Shen Mao. She had an accident last time at the opening ceremony of Dongsheng mining industry. Thanks to Lin Feng, she was able to straighten it out. It's obvious that she's making a fool of them.

"Two beauties, you are very confident in this bidding! What's the matter? Did you work hard behind your back? Are you ready to win the bidding? I congratulate you in advance Shen Maoqiao raised his legs and said sarcastically.

"Mr. Shen, there's no need to talk in a strange way? Shen's group is the leader of mining industry. How dare we take your lead? " Su Jing took retreat as an advance.

When Shen Mao heard this, he suddenly burst into a drink: "do you know you dare to come? I advise you to warm your bedding and go back. Otherwise, you will only lose face in the afternoon. Don't blame me for not reminding you in advance! "

"Don't be too proud. Even if we have a glimmer of hope, we won't let you succeed!" Ye Yuwei really can't see past, this Shen Mao is too bullying!

"Who are you? Your boss is qualified to talk to me, do you? " Shen Mao looked at Ye Yuwei with a mockery: "I can think about you going to bed with me!"

"You..." Ye Yuwei's face turned red.

"Mr. Ye!" Su Jing quickly stopped him and said, "we don't have a common sense with him. Let's go and sit there."

"Ha ha ha, I really admire your courage to know that you have no strength to compete, and you are still disgraceful here." Shen Mao is still talking sarcastically.

Ye Yuwei's eyes are red, but there is no way. This society is like this. You can't win others' respect. You can only hide in the corner and lick your own wounds.

At this time, ye Yuwei hopes to win the bidding and let Shen Mao be defeated. Do you think he has to do it?

But what was more irritating was that she seemed to know that people would win in the end, which made him even more angry. His tears fell down and he looked pitiful.

At this time, someone from other companies came to comfort her, and Su Jing comforted her. In fact, Su Jing was more angry than ye Yuwei. Moreover, she was the president of Dongsheng Group and hoped Dongsheng Group could win.

At this time, Su Jing's phone rang. It was Lin Feng.

She frowned and answered the phone.

The other end said, "Hi, Mr. Su, what time does it start in the afternoon?"

"It starts at two o'clock. What's the matter?" Su Jing said faintly.

"I'll go and watch! I haven't participated in the bidding yet. I'll learn how to do it for you in the future. " Lin Feng said: "I still want to do your secret arts, you do it!"

"Be serious! Don't come this afternoon, I thank you Su Jing was already annoyed and didn't want Lin Feng to make trouble in the afternoon.

"Mr. Su, you are welcome. I know I'm very important! I'll try to be on time, mamda Lin Feng finished and hung up the phone directly.

"Alas Su Jing sighed deeply and her head seemed to ache even more! , the fastest update of the webnovel!