The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 132

For several days, Lin Feng held in his own security room. Occasionally, he went out for a walk and looked around the company. But soon, he returned to the security room and continued to close the door.

First of all, Xia Ming was very curious. Why did brother Lin Feng play his own game all of a sudden? Isn't he the most coquettish?

These days, those little beauties come to play with him, and he's all closed. It's strange.

Not only Xia Ming is strange, but even Su Jing is a little uncomfortable.

In the past, Lin Feng had to go to her office several times a day, borrowing tea, complaining, etc.

and then set up his own office. Finally, like his office, he didn't knock on the door. What's more, he took everything at will.

last time a partner gave Su Jing a set of gifts, which was a German limited Limited Senior crystal mask suit.

so that Raymond Lam's work at 8 o'clock every night is to apply a mask on time, and then nagging one after finishing it: "what a broken thing, no use at all, completely insulting my smooth and handsome face!"

Then, the next day at 8 pm, continue to apply.

Su Jing is used to his way of doing things like this. However, after several days of practice in seclusion, Su Jing is a little bit surprised. Is this boy plotting any ghost ideas?

This afternoon, Su Jing finished lunch and passed the security room. She suddenly wanted to see what Lin Feng was doing. She pretended to come to the security room to inspect the work and went into the security rest area.

Her arrival immediately surprised those security guards who were eating.

Su Jing is the first goddess of Dongsheng Group. She can kill all the boys in every move. These security guards live at the bottom. Naturally, they just look up to Su Jing. She doesn't want to eat dinner today. Suddenly, everyone can't eat any more. They all pay attention to Su Jing.

Really should that four words, beautiful and delicious.

They were hungry just by looking at Su Jing's beauty.

"How is Su?"

"How is Su?"

Everyone saluted.

"It's OK. You go on eating." Su Jing said and went straight to Lin Feng's office.

At this time, people were chatting in the back. Last time, Lin Feng kissed Su Jing's neck, which has been spread all over the company. So this time, Su Jing directly came to Lin Feng, but these masters were envied.

"It's said that Su and Lin Feng still live together."

"It's true. Brother Lin Feng is so happy that he can toss around with such a beauty every day."

"Well, I didn't ask brother Lin Feng, what color is Su zongnei? Is it strawberry or Lavender? "

"Well, if you can give me a smell of general manager Su's internal affairs, I would like to stay ill for a month!"

"I would like a year!"

"I'd rather not marry her all my life!"

"Shit, you are cruel!"


Su Jing directly opened the door of Lin Feng's office. Although Lin Feng is a security guard, he has the privilege of not fixed working hours and has a small office of his own.

In Lin Feng's words, he is so handsome and radiant that he must have an office to close, otherwise his colleagues will not be able to work well.

Opening the door of the office, Su Jing saw that Lin Feng was preparing lunch.

Lunch is a bucket of instant noodles, a ham sausage, and a coke, very simple.

"Well, Mr. Su is here? Sit down Seeing Su Jing coming, Lin Feng said with a smile.

"You had a good lunch!" Su Jing said.

"Mr. Su, you are wrong. My lunch set is very high!" Lin Feng said, "if you don't believe it, you will know if you come to watch me eat a meal."

With that, Lin Feng tore up the instant noodles and said lazily and sexily, "instant noodles are the most lonely food in the world, and also the most cruel food. Do you know why?"

"Why?" Su Jing asked.

"Because every time a bucket of instant noodles is opened, a ham sausage is sacrificed! Like this! " Lin Feng said, tearing the ham sausage skin, throwing it in: "tut tut Tut, so cruel!"

"Ah Su Jing rolled her eyes.

Instead of paying attention to Su Jing, Lin Feng picked up instant noodles and went to the water dispenser. He poured hot water into it. He continued: "the pure water from the 4000 meter snow covered plateau is the most suitable for warming food when it is heated to one hundred percent, just like this!"

Lin Feng took the water and covered the instant noodle bucket.

Then, he put the instant noodles on the table, picked up a delicate red wine glass, unscrewed the coke, poured it in, shook it a few times, closed his eyes and smelled it. Suddenly, he said, "I prefer 18 year old Coke to 82 year old Coke. Do you know why?"

"Why?" Su Jing asked.

"Because it's 82 years old, it's overdue!" Lin Feng Road.

"Er..." Su Jing wanted to curse at this time!

Lin Feng shook the red wine glass, looked up and drank it down, then closed his eyes: "tut Tut, taste smooth, sweet, endless aftertaste!"Then, he picked up a square napkin and put it around his neck. He picked up a knife and fork for Western food in his hands, and gave Su Jing a smile: "Hello, Mr. Su. If you don't mind, I'll have dinner now!"

Su Jing was full of black lines at this time. If she had not been educated for many years, she would have scolded her.

Eating instant noodles, you make such a fussy thing. It's really a high-quality instant noodles dinner. Why don't you drag it to heaven?

Seeing that Lin Feng was not abnormal, Su Jing said that maybe this guy was aware of his conscience in the past few days. When she got to work well, she didn't want to stay any longer, so she turned around and walked away, "you can eat your big meal slowly! Insane

"Mr. Su, wait a minute!" Lin Feng said, "you come to see me, don't you miss me?"

Su Jing suddenly stopped, blushed, turned her head and said coldly, "it's shameless. Who missed you? I'm here to check your work at the grassroots level."

"Noon is the break time, and there is no break time to check this. Ha, Mr. Su, you miss me. I'm sorry to say, don't be sorry, my damned charm has disturbed you. I'm really sorry!" Lin Feng cut half of the sausage with a knife, put it in his mouth and ate it slowly. He looked very gentlemanly.

Seeing Lin Feng like that, Su Jing got goose bumps all over her body: "OK, OK, don't disgust me. I just came to see you. What kind of tricks are you playing recently?" Su Jing doesn't want to explain too much!

"Oh? What can I do? I want to, but I'm just a little security guard Lin Feng said with some frustration.

"It seems that you are very aggrieved when you say this? What else do you want? " Su Jing asked.

"I want to live as a boss! It's so cool to have a secretary to work with and nothing to do with a secretary! " Lin Feng said, "either I can be the Secretary of general manager su."

"Lin Feng, that's enough. Can you be serious?" Su Jingsheng airway.

"What is serious? Well, I'll tell you something serious. How are you preparing for the bidding? I heard your father say that if Dongsheng Mining's bidding is successful, Dongsheng Group will have a qualitative leap. If it fails, Dongsheng mining will be very dangerous and even involve Dongsheng Group! "

Speaking of this, Su Jing looked sad: "the last time I discussed with director Ye Yuwei, I decided to use your method, but after a few days, Mr. Ye said that your method could not be implemented at all, because she could not understand the details of the project leader Cao Dehuan."

"Is it? What are you going to do Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"Mr. Ye intends to use the previous method, go through the normal bidding procedures, make plans, offer and so on! There are still three days for the first round of bidding, and he should be able to do it in three days! " Su Jing said.

"Well, if you do that, it will be very difficult for you to stand out in the hands of many competitors." Lin Feng said: "especially Shen's group, you can't pass it!"

"But now there is no way out. This is a dead horse as a living horse doctor!" Su Jing said.

"Tut Tut, it's really a headache for you returnees to do things." Lin Feng said.

He is bored in the office these days. He is doing bidding. He is sorting out Cao Dehuan's information. Jin Dazheng and tonico, who were beaten by KTV last time, have given him a lot of information and evidence. Cao Dehuan's business is sure.

What's more, Lin Feng also assigned tasks to mice, hacked many systems, and collected a lot of information about competitors. Of course, the main thing is Shen group, which knows itself and the enemy and is invincible.

But, these are all first-hand information. He just wants to use it at the critical moment and decide to win. He doesn't want to leak it before he uses it. Then he will be passive!

So these days, in his office, he hardly let anyone in.

Moreover, he would not tell anyone about these materials. At the moment Su Jing just came in, he didn't notice that what he put under his instant noodles were Cao Dehuan's information, hobbies, some immoral things he had done, etc., as well as some evidence.

But, this matter, he wants to keep it completely secret. Now the Internet and technology are so developed that he doesn't believe in the ability of others to keep secrets. He only believes in himself.

"Comrade Lin Feng, do you have a better way?" Su Jing asked with a little sneer.

"Me? I'm a little security guard. What can I do? " Lin Feng said deliberately.

Su Jing's face showed a look of disappointment, and then teased: "then you should be your security guard. Don't make sarcastic remarks here!"

Lin Feng just want to make fun of a few words, at this time his office door opened again, come is Ye Yuwei.

Now, the security guards outside are about to explode.

"You see, the two most arrogant bosses of the whole company have come to find brother Lin Feng. What's the situation?"

"Does brother Lin Feng have an exclusive secret? Or a donkey like guy? An iceberg president and an arrogant director all went to his office, tut tut. Just looking at the arrogant appearance of director Ye Yuwei, I really want to conquer her! "

"My friend, you think of my heart!""It's a pity that brother Lin Feng has taken charge of it. We'll give him some wine some other day and ask him which of his two bosses is better. Hehe, hehe!"

"Don't ask, I'm afraid my nosebleed will come out!"

"Don't let your stuff come out, or you'll think you have a problem!"

"Fuck you! You have the problem


but the security guards don't know that ye Yuwei is here to set up a teacher to make a crime!

Last time, Lin Feng gave them an analysis. At first, she thought it was reasonable. Then she did it according to Lin Feng's words for a few days. Suddenly, she found that it was impossible to make a decision. Lin Feng's strategy was useless. It was just on paper.

So when she learned that Su Jing was in Lin Feng's office, she went directly to Lin Feng's office to make a crime in front of Su Jing.

Seeing Lin Feng's first sentence, ye Yuwei said directly: "Lin Feng, do you know how much time you have wasted us? Jin Lingyue, director of the public relations department and I spent a week learning from Cao Dehuan's personal information through various methods. Jin Lingyue even drank with Cao Dehuan face to face, and almost lost her life, and failed to get any words out. Your method is only the ideal one. We have no way to know Cao Dehuan's weakness! "

"Oh Lin Feng nodded: "is your posture wrong? Maybe old Cao would like it better if he changed his posture! "

"You..." Ye Yuwei's face turned red.

"Mr. Ye, don't have a common sense with him. He's not light and heavy when he talks." Su Jing quickly blocked the way.

He's the president, and she doesn't want her employees to make a fuss.

"We have used the previous method for this bidding. As for whether it will succeed or not, it depends on destiny. But you are Lin Feng. I advise you to give less advice and waste other people's time in the future." Ye Yuwei said.

"I'm not in the right position Lin Feng said with a smile: "do you want me to give you know the posture?"

"You are filthy Ye Yuwei's face was red with anger. She also wondered, at that time, it was really evil, I even believed you a security guard's words, really insulted my IQ!

"OK, OK, Mr. Ye, please go to my office with me." Su Jing pulls Ye Yuwei out.

"Mr. Su, remember to bring me on the bidding day. I like to play on the spot!" Lin Feng called from behind.

"You want to be beautiful, little security guard, you'd better not get involved in it blindly!" Ye Yuwei cried angrily.

"No more noise!" Su Jing was a little angry: "Lin Feng, shut up, ye Yuwei, come to my office!"

"Good!" Lin Feng sits down with a smile and continues to eat instant noodles. , the fastest update of the webnovel!