The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1302

Lin Feng and others are listening, feeling in this world, seems to be more and more interesting.

Although it is more and more dangerous, but more species began to appear, which is not in the human world.

Lin Feng didn't do much research on trolls, but he knew that this species had certain fighting power.

Their fighting power does not lie in how powerful they are, but because they have a skill that other species do not have!

They can regenerate from amputated limbs!

What a terrible skill it is on the battlefield!

An arm was cut off, and a new one grew out later. It's not right. How terrible.

So, they're pretty good at fighting with the trolls.

Because it doesn't matter if it can be regenerated.

So many races are afraid to fight trolls.

Of course, the troll's ability alone is not enough to show that he is strong.

What's stronger about him is that he has a terrible species in his tribe.

Troll sacrifice.

This kind of sacrifice is like a real-time medical team on the battlefield. The soldiers fight with blood in front of them. They can cure the wounded at any time in the rear, so that they can continue to fight without going to the battlefield.

Moreover, the troll sacrifice itself has a very strong combat effectiveness. They can control the elements and summon powerful creatures composed of elements, such as water man, fire man and so on.

And the leader of troll tribe is such a powerful sacrifice.

If you're targeted by trolls, it's really a bad thing.

"How can we have a dispute with trolls?" Asked al.

"The second prince went hunting in the crystal forest a few days ago, and had a conflict with the son of the troll high priest. They had a big fight, and both the second prince and the son of the troll priest were injured. Originally, the king didn't want to make a big deal of this, but the troll clan was always unreasonable. On the same day, he led a large army to demonstrate in our stronghold and asked us to pay tribute to them. Only then would they give up!" Said the patrolman.

"It's too bullying. It's a private fight. He has to make such a big fight. Isn't it obvious that he's blackmailed?" Said al.

"Yes The patrolman said, "naturally, the king will not agree with their demands. This is the robbery of red fruits."

Al nodded.

He turned to Lin Feng and said, "we all know that we dwarfs are a very rich race. As long as we can have disputes with dwarves, these guys will open their mouths and ask us to compensate for a large amount of gold and silver, financial affairs, precious stones and weapons! How shameless these guys are

Lin Feng picked his eyebrows and spread his hands. In the world of human beings, why is it not like this?

But what does it have to do with them? Why not let them go to the city?

Lin Feng said to the patrolman, "the contradiction between you and the troll clan seems to have nothing to do with us? Why keep us out of the door? "

The patrolman said, "it has nothing to do with you humans! But now it matters! "

He said to al: "the king does not agree with the unreasonable demands of the trolls. The trolls come to our fortress repeatedly to make trouble. The latest one is even more fierce. He also killed all the members of our mountain patrol team, leaving only one to report to us, saying that if they do not hand in the wealth they need within three days, they will rise up and attack us Stop it

"Once upon a time, we were not afraid of trolls. Although they were tall, we earth spirits were not easy to bully! However, recently, the trolls have joined forces with some human beings. Our mountain patrol team has no resistance in front of them. The human owners have strong strength. Therefore, with their help, the trolls' combat effectiveness has soared. It seems that we are not the opponents of trolls! "

"Human beings?" "There have never been so many humans before. I don't know what's going on recently," Al said

The patrolman said, "therefore, the king ordered that special attention should be paid to human beings. I have no intention of offending, but there is a sentence that must be said. It is very likely that these friends of the prince have something to do with the trolls. After they enter the iron hammer fortress, they will cooperate inside and outside, and we will collapse thousands of miles!"

Al frowned, and he didn't know much about Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng saved him in the hand of the snow monster. He brought him to the iron hammer fortress as a guest. He also wanted to repay Lin Feng for saving his life.

If Lin Feng is a friend of troll, as the patrolman said, it would be terrible. He took Lin Feng into the fortress, and the troll army would attack it, and the fortress would be doomed.

So al hesitated.

When Lin Feng saw Al like this, he was no longer embarrassed. He said, "Al, I just wanted to send you home. Since you can go home, we'll leave now. You go your way. I'll cross my bridge. I have a lot of things to do. So, we'll go first."

With that, Lin Feng waved to the others, "go!"

Everyone turned around and followed Lin Feng on his way down the mountain.But before he took a few steps, he suddenly heard al shout, "Lin Feng, you wait!"

Lin Feng stopped: "how?"

Al said, "my friend, it's all because I'm not good. You are so kind that I can't believe you. It's my fault. You have to go back with me to see my father. It's you who saved me. I'll give you the supreme treatment."

Lin Feng laughed and said, "Al, it's enough to have your heart. I don't want to embarrass you. Go back to see your father."

"Lin Feng!" Al's face was full of apologies.

Their native spirit is a straightforward and affectionate race. Lin Feng has saved his life, but his people regard Lin Feng and others as enemies, which makes him very embarrassed.

Just then, the mountain patrolman who went back to report came back with an army behind him.

Although Tuling people are short in stature, they are very strong in body. After wearing armor, they are very powerful.

They jumped out of the tall snow goat, and the leading dwarf took off his armor, put it under his arm, and went to al.

"Dear prince Al, the king has been looking forward to your return. For a long time, we sent out three groups of black Armored Warriors, but we couldn't find you. Fortunately, you came back, otherwise the king would be worried to death!" Said the dwarf.

"General iron pillar!" "I'm a close call," Al said

"Then you are very lucky!" Tiezhu said: "you have been fond of exploring everywhere since you were a child. However, you have come back within a month every time. This time you have been there for a whole 45 days. We know that you must be in trouble, but we can't find where you are. We have searched the crystal forest all over, and we can't find your trace."

Al said, "you're really bothered. In fact, I haven't gone far. I was just caught by the snow monster and used it as a toy. I almost died in the snow monster's hand."

With that, Al pointed to Lin Feng: "thanks to him, he saved me from the snow monster's hand, otherwise I could not persist for a week!"

"Oh Iron pillar black eyeball swept Lin Feng one eye: "this is a human being!"

"Yes "But he's a good human being," Al said

Iron pillar said: "Prince Al, we can apply for some gems and weapons from the king, and give them as a reward for saving you!"

"The gem of our Earth Spirit is a good thing that all creatures want to get. These things definitely exceed their expectation value."

"No problem!" Said al.

In this way, he can balance his mind.

But Lin Feng said faintly: "forget it, I'm not interested in gem, you keep it!"

"What?" Tiezhu heard for the first time that someone had refused a gift from Tu Ling.

"Didn't you hear that?" Lin Feng said with a smile: "I don't care what gift you give. As I said, I just send your prince back on the way, that's all!"

Elton felt guilty. He felt that their behavior was disrespect for Lin Feng.

Al said, "general iron pillar, I'm going to take my friends into town and give them a good rest."

In fact, the deeper meaning of Al's doing this is to let Lin Feng know that he trusts him.

Tie Zhu thought for a while and said, "this is an extraordinary period. It's really difficult."

"If so, I won't go to the city. Tell my father that I'm going to explore!" Said al.

"Prince al!" Iron pillar said: "if you don't go back, the king will blame me!"

"Unless you let me in with my friends!" Said al.

Iron pillar frowned, thought for a long time, finally reluctantly nodded: "please come in! Take your friends with you! But Prince Al is also responsible for the tens of thousands of earth spirits in our fortress

Al naturally understood what iron pillar meant. He said, "don't worry, my friends are all good people."

Al went to Lin Feng and said with a smile, "Lin Feng, go, go with me to the fortress."

Lin Feng heard the dialogue between Al and Tiezhu. In fact, he was very interested in this iron hammer fortress.

Because the ore excavated by Tuling is not only valuable, but also very good spirit stone.

In this secret territory, every plant and tree has its own aura, and the precious stones are full of aura.

So if you go to the fortress to make some good spirit stones to practice, it will certainly progress rapidly.

Moreover, the dwarf's forging technology can be called the top level.

Lin Feng found that they were lack of some suitable weapons.

When dealing with snow monsters, Lin Feng thought of this problem.

One day the guns will run out and they can only rely on the weapons of the world to deal with the enemy.

Now it seems that the world is at the junction of cold weapons and hot weapons. There are weapons and muskets, but firearms are very poor and underdeveloped at all.You can see the small firearm in the hand of the patrolman. It's like playing games.

So Lin Feng wants to see what kind of weapons the dwarves, who are known as masters of forging, have.

Since the other party has invited himself to the city in good faith, why not go in for a walk, and then give yourself this team a good promotion, can also better deal with the difficulties in the future.

Lin Feng said, "since Prince Al is so enthusiastic, I'd better obey my orders than respect him!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!