The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1303

Lin Feng followed the team of iron pillar and entered the iron hammer fortress with al.

According to human thinking, a fortress should not be too big.

It's like a stockade, or a village.

But when they came to the iron hammer fortress, they opened their eyes.

This iron hammer fortress is a gorgeous castle.

It's just this castle, built inside the body.

It is a long corridor to enter through a tall stone gate.

The corridor is very wide and tall, flanked by statues of successive kings.

At the end of the corridor, the front suddenly widened.

There are rows of houses everywhere. The street is very clean and tidy. There are some shops on both sides of the street, which are full of various commodities.

Many dwarfs take a leisurely walk in the street and bargain with the peddlers back and forth, which is very lively.

Through this downtown area, the square garden is behind.

The square is very open, with hundreds of thousands of square meters. The square has complete facilities and various kinds of flowers and plants.

It must be said that there are many round stone tables in this square, which are full of wine glasses.

Dwarves are the most drinkers. After a hard day, they usually choose to come to the square garden for a few drinks.

Pass the square garden, and then go back to the craftsmen's area.

There are craft shops for cutting and carving gemstones, blacksmiths for making various weapons, and shops selling various parts.

The glittering jewels and the weapons with the cold light make this area very bright.

Another bright spot in the craftsmen's area is that there will be magma flowing under their streets.

The magma is like a sewer in a craftsman's area. It is separated by some unique metals, and the magma flows obediently along the line under the street.

The design of the street is very interesting. The magma flows below, but above the magma is a layer of special metal mesh. People can walk on it and feel the roasting of magma more than ten meters away from their feet. They will not be burned, but just feel a little hot.

This is actually a very scientific design.

The heat of the magma will dry the damp of the underground castle, and the magma is full of red light. Together with the light here, it lights up the whole craftsman, which is very beautiful.

What's more, the blacksmith shop seems to be connected with these underground magma channels. Their abandoned hot metal will be directly injected into the magma and burned out!

In this way, a lot of rubbish in the craftsman's area is disposed of.

While walking, Lin Feng sighed the wisdom of the Earth Spirit.

Through the craftsmen, it's the back of the king's district.

The king's district is the office of the upper managers of the dwarf hammer fortress.

A tall house is neatly located on both sides, straight at the end of the road, is a huge fountain, spray money behind, is a tall statue.

Al said that the statue was the statue of manhammer, the largest warrior of the Tuling people. He led the independence of the Tuling people and established the iron hammer fortress.

Therefore, he is the God of dwarfs.

Behind the statue, there are steps of white jade piled up in a scattered fan-shaped shape. The more you look up, the narrower the width of the steps.

Of course, the steps are wide enough. The narrowest part is dozens of meters wide, and there is the king's hall, the supreme power center of the iron hammer fortress.

The king, ministers and generals of the iron hammer fortress worked there every day.

Under the steps, there are also many warriors in iron armour. They are motionless, like statues.

This is enough to see that the discipline of the earth spirits is still very good.

However, Lin Feng and others have only seen the scenery on both sides along the Central Avenue all the time. As for the residential areas and the war Academy on the left and right, Lin Feng has not visited them.

Such a big city is actually built in the mountains, and the top of the stone, hundreds of meters high, does not feel depressed at all.

Lin Feng was full of admiration and had to admire the craftsmanship of Tuling.

"Prince, the king is waiting for you in the hall!" At the foot of the steps of the king's hall, the iron pillar stopped.

There is no king's order here, so most earth spirits are not allowed to enter.

"Good!" "Hello, Hello, other human friends!" Al said

"Yes, Prince al!" Iron pillar road.

Al led Lin Feng into the king's hall, while the rest followed the iron pillar to the residential area.

The king's hall is very imposing, and its construction can be described as luxurious.

As soon as you enter the door, you will see a dozen pairs of gemstone pillars carved with golden pictures and texts. Under the luster of the night pearl on the top of your head, you can see the dazzling golden light.

It was a large red carpet aisle, and at the end of the corridor was the council chamber, where the king often held meetings.

At this time, King Ailan was studying with his ministers how to resist the attack of trolls.Al knocked on the heavy door panel and said softly, "father, I'm back!"

Elan looked up at al outside the door, and a sense of love appeared in her eyes.

He can finally rest assured.

"Al, how did you go out so long, I thought you were in danger!" "Said elan.

"Yes, I was in danger, but I was saved by my friends!" Al pointed to the peak of the finger.

Elan has noticed Lin Feng, but it is not yet time to ask. Someone just reported that a group of human beings came to the door. He gave a command not to let these people come in. Unexpectedly, someone resisted his orders and brought them in.

Al also saw his father's displeasure, he said quickly: "father, I am determined to bring my friends in, he saved me, has kind to me!"

Elan nodded and said, "well, you should introduce your friend to me!"

All ministers also looked at Lin Feng. Now in their hearts, human beings are not good things, so their eyes are not friendly at all.

"Father, his name is Lin Feng, and he comes from..." br >

Elan frowns.

His three sons, who are good in character and adventurous, have no sense of safety.

He took them into the fortress without knowing where they came from, which was a very dangerous move.

Lin Feng said: "my name is Lin Feng. I come from the human world. I come here to find a gem my father put on this land many years ago. When I pass through the snow mountain, I will save Al by hand when I see snow monster catch al!"

"That's what it is," Lin Feng said with both hands

"King, man's words cannot be believed. Man is the race who likes to lie most!" Behind elan, said an old man with a beard and a beard.

"Every race has a good or bad distinction. I think it must be kind to save Prince al's human beings!" A little girl's voice came.

Although the girl is also a dwarf, but it is very beautiful, with big eyes and high nose, white skin, it looks like a little Lori!

But Lin Feng knew that the young loli must be many times older than him.

"I never blindly believe that a race is good or bad, so don't judge any race easily," Elan said

He took a few steps and came to Lin Feng and said, "you saved my son, I thank you very much!"

"Al, have some good jewelry and weapons ready for this warrior!" "By the way, give them a warm hotel a night off," Elan said

Elan has a word in his words, but in fact, give them something good, let him stay for a night, and then leave!

Lin Feng listened, just smiled: "live a night, I don't want things, I have no desire for money and gems, those things for me, like dung soil!"


After the dwarf heard, a sudden surprise, some dwarfs were furious.

They like the most proud baby, in front of this human, how worthless?

It's a little bit of a face!

Lin Feng added: "it is not that your things are not worth money, it is me, never greedy. I just come to find the precious stones inherited by my family. I will not be moved for anything else that is valuable!"

"Oh! It turns out! " King Elan nodded.

"This quality is really good!" There is a discussion about the way.

"I like this man, his heart is as pure as the snow of the snow mountain!" Said Laurie just now.

"Who knows if he is deliberately covering up, my grandmother said, human lies are not easy to see through, we must not easily believe it!"

"So, if it wasn't for the human group to help trolls, how could we be afraid of them? For thousands of years, we have never put trolls in our eyes! It's all the human fault! "

The dwarfs said, as if they were throwing the pot on the forest peak.

Lin Feng just smiled and said, "you can guess what kind of person I am, but I have to tell you seriously that everything you have, in my eyes, is not worth money. I am a friend of Al, so come in and sit down. If you don't welcome me, I can go at any time!"

"No!" Said the little loli.

He looked at the others around him angrily and said, "is that the attitude of you to those who saved Prince al? Our Turing has always been a kind and hospitable race of the zhin Tubao! "

"I think you like that human being?" Said a young dwarf general.

"You bullshit!" Laurie's face was red, and she was more lovely.

But obviously, dwarfs are not a race good at lying. Loli is really kind to Lin Feng, so when she refutes, she seems to be untrue and embarrassed.King Ailan said, "our important task today is to study how to deal with the trolls and the human beings. Please return to the subject. As for this human friend, I have no intention of offending you. Let my son treat you. I don't have much time for the moment."

"Understand!" Lin Feng said.

Then he asked the gate to be closed and continued to study with the leaders of the hammer fortress how to deal with trolls.

Lin Feng followed al to the residential area.

Lin Feng can feel the kindness or malice of the dwarfs around him.

He doesn't mind. He came here for another purpose.

It's not jewelry, it's not weapons. It's that he wants al to do him a favor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!