The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1301

People also quickly followed up, do not want to stay here at this moment.

When they came to the other side of the cave, they only felt the cold. In an open area of the cave, two old men were fighting with death allies in full swing.

"Let's walk next to each other. Don't get close to that side. Speed up!" Lin Feng said.

Under the leadership of Lin Feng, they walked past the wall.

Xiwang and xuanming were in a fierce battle, so they had no time to think about anything else.

So under the leadership of Lin Feng, people easily passed the dangerous area.

The white tiger five chivalrous men in withstanding a burst of snow monster's attack, also followed.

Al led the way, and Lin Feng followed the others. Although the path of the cave was tortuous, it was very smooth all the way, and there was no emergency.

After walking for more than two hours, the front suddenly opened up.

A scorching wave of air came, making everyone feel as if they were in the oven.

People looked ahead and found that there was a crater.

At their feet was a cliff, below which was boiling hot magma.

The heat wave rises from below, making people dizzy.

Fortunately, there is a broad platform extending from the cliff, and in front of the platform is a road up the cliff.

"We're going to get out of here!" "It's a living crater, and it could erupt at any time, so move quickly," Al said

The crowd followed Al and Lin Feng and sped forward.

Walking around the mountain wall, people gradually felt the cold breath. Finally, after walking for about three or four hours, a white sky appeared on the top of the mountain.

It seems that the sky in the secret place is not the same as that outside. When I first came in, it was gray, which would be suffused with white light.

They climbed out of the volcano and had a good view.

At this time, the white clouds floating around, behind is a low snow mountain, continuous, where is the first place to arrive after Lin Feng et al.

In front of the snow mountain, there is a basin. The bottom of the basin is very flat, which is a plain.

And the plain scenery, and here produced a strong contrast.

You can see that the plain under the mountain is a green scene.

The grass is luxuriant, the green trees are luxuriant, a few small rivers meandering past, embellishing the land full of vitality.

Looking at the front, it is blocked by clouds, and you can't see what the scenery is on the other side of the basin plain.

But that's enough to make people happy.

A green plain looks comfortable. Moreover, such a place should be rich enough to have enough food and fresh water.

I don't know how many times better than this bad snowy mountain environment.

"Al, how long will it take us down the hill?" Lin Feng asked.

Lin Feng wants to measure the workload of going down the mountain. Is he going to take a rest or continue.

"It's a good way down the mountain. There's a piece of direct skiing, but I want to take you to another place first!" Said al.

"Another place?" "Where is it?" Lin Feng asked

"My kingdom!" Al said with pride.

Lin Feng suddenly realized and said, "Oh, by the way, I said I would send you home. You see, I almost forgot about it!"

"I'm home already!" Al said with a smile, "the way down the mountain, we will pass through the fortress of Turing!"

"Oh! On the way Lin Feng said, "let's go to your house on the way! Oh, by the way, you say it's your kingdom. Are you the king of the Tuling people

"No!" Said al.

"All right." Lin Feng raised an eyebrow: "I thought you and I saved a king!"

Al laughed. "But it's about the same! I am the prince of the iron hammer fortress

"Wow When they heard this, they could not help but exclaim.

Prince? Is that noble?

Lin Feng laughed and said, "I didn't expect you to be a little prince. I should hold you, so I can get a lot of benefits."

"Ha ha ha, my friend, you are very kind, you will not do that!" Al laughs.

We talked and laughed to the foot of the mountain, passed several fork roads, and came to a spacious Avenue.

The road is all paved with stones. It is very smooth. There are iron supports more than one meter high at both ends of the road. On the top of the support, there is a stone like crystal.

"This is Queen's road!" Al said, "we're going to hammer fortress."

"Hammer fortress?" "Is iron hammer fortress the headquarters of your tribe?" asked Lin Feng

"Yes Al said: "we local spirits are not only good at digging gems, but also good at making weapons. If the warriors of our tribe can work as blacksmiths in their spare time, if there is a war, they can put on armor immediately. The hammer in their hands is their most handy weapon. Therefore, our totem is the iron hammer, which is extremely tough, heavy and solid, our king Kingdom, also known as hammer kingdom"Oh, so it is!" Lin Feng nodded.

He knew there was such a dwarf race, but he did not know that dwarves had such a history.

Lin Feng pointed to the iron frame on both sides of the road with a distance of more than ten meters, and said, "what is this?"

"It's a night light. The jewel on the top of the iron frame is the Pearl of the night. It gives off a strong light at night," Al said

"Oh Lin Feng nodded.

This is equivalent to the streetlights of the human world.

This dwarf world is still very interesting.

Because of their short stature, even the streetlights are so short, they are more than two meters high, and they look a little bit Mini.

As we walked along, we enjoyed the surrounding scenery.

At this time, there were several figures in front.

All of them were alert and ready to fight at any time.

But al's face relaxed and said, "my friends, that's the local spirit patrolman. It's no more nervous than that!"

Then al said, "Hey, I'm back!"

In fact, those mountain patrolmen had already seen Lin Feng and others, as well as al.

However, they did not choose to come immediately because they were not sure whether Lin Feng and others were enemies or friends.

So a mountain Ranger had already run back to report to the king.

Several other Rangers, armed with shotguns, are ready to shoot.

"Hi, don't you know me?" "I'm Al, Prince al!" Al yelled

"Prince, of course we know you!" "But are the humans behind you worthy of our trust?" cried the mountain patrol dwarf

"They are my friends!" "Put down your shotguns!" Al said

"Prince Al, the king has ordered us not to let outsiders into our territory, especially at such a dangerous time. If I let them in, the king will blame us!" Cried the patrolman.

"I'll explain to my father!" Said al.

"Dear prince Al, please don't embarrass us "The king will not allow them to enter," said the patrolman

"It wasn't like that before!" Al said, "our iron hammer fortress is very hospitable. Why now... I have only been away for dozens of days!"

The patrolman said, "Prince Al, we all expect you to come. The king even sent black warriors to look for you. The king will be very happy when you come back today. However, the group behind you can not enter our territory, or the king will kill us!"

"Why?" Al asked again.

"Because we have been targeted by other races, we are now in the most dangerous moment. We should put an end to all foreign ethnic groups and concentrate on fighting!" Said the patrolman.

"Alien?" "What race is it?" Al asked

"Troll!" Said the patrolman. , the fastest update of the webnovel!