The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1300

The two masters of xuanming are the pillars of xuanming mansion.

The two old men are the most powerful in xuanming mansion, except for the accident of Lord Hades.

They also have certain accomplishments, and with the blessing of some heretics, their ability is even stronger than that of the five white tigers.

This is why xuanming house has always been low-key and mysterious, but has always been listed as one of the four major schools in Kyoto.

At this time, Lin Feng successfully provoked the contradiction between xuanming and Xiwang, which was his real purpose.

Otherwise, how could he have rushed out alone?

It is also impossible to hand over the treasure map to others.

In fact, before entering the secret place, Lin Feng already knew that Luo Youcai and Li pangzi were not themselves.

So he knew that the two men must have been manipulated by some kind of force, and their main purpose was to snatch the blood jade.

Lin Feng hasn't cracked them down. In fact, he is waiting for an opportunity.

A wise man, to make full use of all available resources to deal with his enemies, does not need his own hands every time.

Therefore, this time he was besieged, chased and intercepted, Lin Feng thought of the way to defeat the enemy with the enemy.

Lin Feng this time is also gambling, he bet Li fat and Luo you will follow up.

In fact, Lin Feng is very sure that the two of them came for blood jade. If they die and the treasure map falls into other people's hands, it will be even more difficult for them to get it.

Therefore, these two people secretly follow out, want to steal the treasure map of blood jade in the chaos.

But Lin Feng won't give them this opportunity. Lin Feng deliberately withdrew from the fight and put the treasure map where everyone can see it. Let's fight for it by yourself.

At this time, Xiwang and xuanming two old men also completely torn their faces.

See Li fat man's blood hand all caught on the body of the west king, the West King's hand is also furious!

"Go on A young man in suit arrived.

Several other people rushed to xuanming.

The West King rushed to Lin Feng.

Their soldiers divided into two ways, one to rob blood jade, the other to suppress xuanming two old men.

However, xuanming and Laozi were not vegetarians either. They saw the old man who controlled the body of fat man Li, murmured in his mouth, and his Qi suddenly burst out all over his body, which flowed down the red line to the body of fat Li.

In an instant, Li Pang Zi seemed to be revived, suddenly burst into infinite vitality and rushed towards the group of young people.

When he was about to arrive in front of the group, Li's body suddenly separated, causing one of them to punch empty.

However, Li's body suddenly gathered behind the man. Then he opened his mouth and bit the man's neck.

"Ah --"

for a moment, the blood arrow shot, and the man's face turned pale and he knelt on the ground in pain.

This time, people dare not look down on the two old men.

The fat man in the old man's hands, as if to become a obedient killing machine, order and terror.

Several other people focused on the body of Li Pang and ran towards the old man.

They know that the old man is a puppet master, and he is the operator of the last killing machine. As long as we go forward together and kill the old man, we will solve the source.

However, these people's ideas are somewhat simple.

The fact that another old man hasn't done anything doesn't mean he can't do anything. On the contrary, another old man is the most powerful character.

He suddenly made a seal with one hand and said something in his mouth. Then he suddenly gave a big drink: "Le!"

All of a sudden, the wind was blowing all over the cave, and the sound of crying and Howling was heard. Around the two old men, huge white skulls suddenly appeared. They kept spinning around the two old men, wrapping the old man in it, and it was as solid as gold.

"What's the trick?" A young man sighed.

They've never seen this kind of situation, this is, the ghost has been checked out?

But in this world, where are ghosts?

These young people couldn't touch the back of their heads. They wanted to fight, but they were afraid of the hidden secrets.

See this scene, the West King also did not have the idea of robbing Lin Feng, quickly came back to help the hands.

"It's mean and shameless to be a layman." The west king said and waved his hand to his men: "they are false and real, not every time they are real swords and guns. That skeleton is an illusion. Therefore, you should not think too much about it. Go ahead and make trouble with Huanglong."

"Yes, Xiwang!"

After listening to Xiwang's words, we felt like a dose of chicken blood injected into the body, and all of a sudden, we were full of passion. We wanted to fight with xuanming two old men.

Lin Feng saw this scene, but he nodded with satisfaction: "it's the effect that we want!"

Then, instead of watching the battle, he turned around and went through the small gap to the snow monster.

At this time, the crowd and the snow monster are fighting fiercely. Many people have died in the seventh army, but they still have the upper hand.First, the passageway is narrow. Each time the snow monster attacks, it can only be two or three together.

Therefore, snow monster can not play its due strength.

On the other hand, there are many practitioners at this end, so it's easy to deal with snow monsters.

Therefore, the dead are some soldiers with ordinary combat effectiveness.

The other end of the snow monster died more, and there was a river of blood.

However, the number of snow monsters is too large. Although people kill them cheerfully, the snow monsters wave after wave, as if they never stop.

In this way, people will be tired slowly.

At this time, the most dangerous people are Shangguan Ruoxue, Beiye linger and mouse. They don't have any fighting basis. Once the cultivators in front of them are slack and the snow monster kills them, they will be killed immediately!

So at this time Shangguan Ruoxue is also extremely nervous.

It is also because there is no Lin Feng around, she feels helpless, no sense of security.

She deeply realized the importance of Lin Feng. If Lin Feng was present, she would be unscrupulous. If Lin Feng was not there, she would be trembling.

At this time, she did not know what to do.

No matter how smart the brain is, it will be useless in the face of absolute strength.

When we were all worried, we heard a familiar voice come over: "when the five white tigers are finished, others will follow me!"

Everyone looked back and saw that it was Lin Feng who came back.

Lin Feng, a man in danger, came back unscathed?

This once again refreshed everyone's understanding of Lin Feng.

If Lin Feng played those snow monsters before and returned to the cave unharmed, this can be understood.

After all, Xueguai's IQ is low, and Lin Feng's personal ability is very strong. Xueguai can't do anything about him.

But now it's different. Those people in the alliance of death are not vegetarians. Why did Lin Feng come back safe and sound after he went out?

"Yasha, hard work for you!" Lin Feng said to the female tiger Yasha: "lead your people, temporarily resist these snow monsters!"

"Why us!" Chen duo was not satisfied.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. If you deal with snow monsters, there will be no casualties in a short time!" "Now we are a team, please don't be so selfish!" said Lin Feng


"that's it!" Yasha said, "Captain Lin Feng is right. We are the most suitable one, so we will break the post!"

Lin Feng nodded: "thank you!"

Then, say to the others, "go, everyone, follow me!"

"But isn't there a group of death alliance people ahead?" Someone asked.

"Don't worry, they don't have time to talk to us!" Lin Feng said.

Then, again, he walked through the narrow aisle and disappeared into the darkness! , the fastest update of the webnovel!