The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1297

At this time, a snow monster has rushed in, saw the shadow of Lin Feng and cried out happily.

Lin Feng and others quickly withdraw to the cave, while withdrawing, they throw some on the ground at any time to resist those snow monsters.

This is very effective to delay the snow monster's attack pace.

However, this is not the way, those snow monsters in the discovery of Lin Feng and other figures, into a frenzy, the momentum of pursuit is very fierce.

Lin Feng and others with their own cultivation, in some corners, also gave those snow monsters a beating.

This also temporarily eased the pace of snow monster catching up.

"Those snow monsters have been ambushed by us for several times, and we have a shadow in our hearts. Now we should catch up with the big army!" Lin Feng said.

They began to accelerate into the cave and get rid of the snow monsters.

However, after about half an hour, Lin Feng found the figure in front of him.

Close to a closer look, it turned out to be his treasure hunting team.

Everyone in the treasure hunt is at a standstill here!

"There is no way ahead!" Shangguan Ruoxue came up and said.

"How can there be no way?" Lin Feng looked at the dwarf al: "are you wrong?"

"It's impossible to be mistaken. It can lead to the outside here." Said al.

Lin Feng suddenly thought of one thing, "what about the group of death alliance people?"

At this time, people also remembered that, yes, there was no way out here. Where did the alliance of death group go?

Lin Feng coldly smile: "know this group of guys have no good intentions!"

"They must have passed by first and found that there were some rocks to use, so they closed the road!" Lin Feng said.

"If so, can we push the stone away with our strength?" Yasha asked tentatively.

"Not necessarily!" Lin Feng said: "first, I don't know how many stones they blocked here. Second, if we act rashly, the powerful energy fluctuation may cause the mountain to collapse. If the cave collapses, no one will want to go out."

"What about that? Shall we just sit and die? " Chen said.

At this time, the voice of snow monsters came from the other end of the cave.

"They're catching up!" Said the genie.

"The seventh army, the bullets are loaded, some snow monsters come up, let them taste the bullets first, they will not give us pressure if they are afraid!" Lin Feng said.


Several men of the seventh regiment unloaded their guns, and then walked out about several tens of meters and hid behind the protruding wall beside the cave.

Lin Feng said to other people: "we are now digging stones, remember not to use force, to square the mountain collapse!"

"What shall we do? Is it possible to dig a passage by hand Chen duo asked.

"Can't you see that the stones have shapes?" Lin Feng said: "we several people to move one, move the stone away, as fast as possible, the seventh army will give us some time."

"Well, I'll go first." Said King Kong.

Said, he came forward, a man actually lifted a thousand pounds of boulders, two hands dead to carry the edge of the stone, belly up, the stone stuck in the stomach.

Then, take a few steps to the wall of the cave and place the stone on the side of the cave.

Seeing that King Kong had started, they did not hesitate any longer, and they all began to move stones.

The strength of the cultivator is not blowing. Two or three people can easily move a huge stone of several thousand jin without any effort.

According to Lin Feng's plan, we are clearing the road ahead bit by bit.

At this time, the snow monster was approaching, and the whining cry was heard. The figure of the snow monster appeared in the cave tens of meters away.

"Jerk, jerk!"

The seventh army opened fire and fired at the snow monster.

"Ow --"

snow monster quilts shot through the skin, bleeding, but they seem to be crazy, or desperate to rush forward.

Fortunately, the firepower of the seventh regiment was strong enough, and these snow monsters fell to the ground after a short distance.

But a wave of snow monsters came up again.

For a moment, the seventh army had become a fierce battlefield, with blood and corpses everywhere.

"What kind of hatred, as for?" The soldiers of the seventh army yelled at the snow Monster: "go away, we don't want to kill you!"

The soldiers of the seventh army are all sent by Lao Hu. Besides being brave and good at fighting, they are also very compassionate. They are a team with both discipline, morality and combat effectiveness.

However, the snow monsters were ungrateful. The wolves howled and continued to rush up.

Helpless, the seventh Army soldiers can only continue to fire.

One by one huge body fell down, almost blocking the hole!

However, at this time, the stones at the other end were moved a lot, but there was no way out.

But the snow monsters seem to have improved their memory at last. They no longer rush towards this side, and the cave is quiet."Are they afraid?"

The soldiers of the seventh army finally have another chance to breathe. Look at me and I will see you. I don't know what the snow monsters are doing!

However, at this time, it was someone who smelled a bad smell.

"What does it taste like? It seems that something is burning! "

"Yes, I can smell it too!"

"Cough, cough, cough!" It's too choking!

All of a sudden, everyone was nervous.

The smoke rose from the snow monster's body and began to spread towards the forest peak.

"These snow monsters have learned your skills!" Al said to Lin Feng, "they are setting fire. They have set fire to the bodies of other snow monsters. They want to force us out through the fire!"

"This snow monster race is really interesting!" Lin Feng had no choice but to smile.

He didn't set fire at all. He just threw a smoke bomb, but the snow monster took the smoke bomb as the extinguished torch.

And the fire gradually rises, the hole is full of pungent smoke, oxygen is more and more thin!

"Boss, what to do? Or we'll kill them! " King Kong was furious.

"Wait!" Lin Feng suddenly felt a breeze. He looked back and saw a dark space after yecha picked up a stone.

"Through!" Someone shouts for joy!

"Let's run!" At this time, we didn't care about anything. Running away is the king's way.

However, just after Lao Wang was the first to drill out, before the second one got out, Lao Wang's body suddenly flew back.

"What's going on?" Everyone was surprised.

Lao Wang's face was covered with blood and his chest was blurred.

"They, they..." Lao Wang covered his chest and said painfully, "they are outside, Lin Feng... Captain... I can't do it. I must go to the end for me, please!"

Then, he was out of breath.

There was a laugh from the other end of the stone heap: "ha ha ha, you really have two sons. You know how to move the stone slowly! But it doesn't matter. We'll guard here. One comes out, we kill one, two come out, we kill a pair! "

On hearing this, they suddenly burst into despair.

"Now we have no way to go," Al said! There are enemies in the back and snow monsters in front of us. Alas, I did harm to you and should not encourage you to take this road! "

Lin Feng patted Al on the shoulder and said, "don't blame yourself. It's not your fault."

Then he said to King Kong and others: "King Kong, seven kill, red scorpion, you try your best to delay snow monster, I will go out to meet them!"

With that, Lin Feng rushed to the direction of the West King and others! , the fastest update of the webnovel!