The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1296

Lin Feng this one, but red scorpion and others that nervous heart to stabilize.

Even with tears in their eyes, they felt a burst of ecstasy from the bottom of their hearts.

At this time, Lin Feng's figure appeared in front of the public.

"Boss!" Red scorpion with tears in her eyes, covering her sour nose, was the first to rush up.

Mice and others rushed up.

"Well, well, it's not hard for me!" Lin Feng comforted them.

"But we are worried." Said the red scorpion.

"You have to have faith in me!" Lin Feng laughed and then said, "look, I've brought a guest."

People looked at the past and found that there was a child standing behind Lin Feng.

"Is this?"

"This is the dwarf Turing, whose name is al!" Lin Feng said.

"Hello!" Red scorpion greets al happily, and others are friendly.

The main reason is that AI Er is too small, cute, seemingly harmless and approachable.

Al said: "you warriors, welcome to the secret place. Just now Lin Feng told me that you are human beings from outside. I admire your courage."

Al looked very young, even seven or eight years old, but he was very mature and surprised everyone.

"You are a man, you are a devil Shangguan Ruoxue said with a smile.

"Although I am a child in the local people, compared with you, I am an old man!" "I'm 70 years old," Al said

"Wow People were shocked again.

Sure enough, there are so many strange creatures in this secret place.

"Are you all rested?" Lin Feng said, "Al said that our place is the snow mountain in the north. I showed him the map just now. The snow mountain in the north is in the northeast of the map, while the blood jade is in the Xuantian Lake in the south of the map. We almost have to go through the whole secret place to get there. So, we have to keep up our spirits and move on!"

"How far are we from there?" Lin Qin asked.

"It's impossible to predict, because al has never been there either!" Lin Feng said: "in the secret land, all species have a strong sense of territory. They can't cross the border at will, or it may cause war."

"So we still have a long and hard way to go." Lin Qindao.

"Yes Lin Feng said, "but I believe that as long as we all work together, we can do it."

"Yes, as long as everyone is determined, it will be indestructible!" Said King Kong.

"What's going on?"

At this time, Jack the werewolf seems to smell some dangerous breath: "there is a situation!"

Lin Feng frowned: "Jack, what have you detected?"

"There seems to be a stranger coming!" Said Jack.

"Is it human?" Lin Feng asked.

"The smell, it should be human!" Jack sniffed a few more times.

"Human beings?" Lin Feng frowned: "sure enough, there are still people following in!"

But this is also what he expected, but did not expect to meet so soon.

"Those who come in don't know whether they are enemies or friends. We must be more careful!" Lin Feng said.

At this time, a voice was faintly heard at the entrance of the cave.

"Let's go. There are snow monsters in the back!"

"Fool!" Some people in Lin Feng's team scolded: "this group of people must have attracted the snow monster!"

Is talking, but see the corner, a group of people in suits and leather shoes appear in front of Lin Feng.

Looking at the costumes of those people, Lin Feng reacted immediately.

"Death alliance? Does death alliance want to get blood jade Lin Feng looked at the group.

The name of the alliance of death is no stranger to all.

So when Lin Feng said death alliance, everyone was surprised.

Isn't the death alliance an organization dedicated to undertaking high-end tasks and earning commission?

How can I enter the secret place to rob the blood jade now?

The man who leads the death alliance team is the king of the West.

There was no expression on his gloomy face: "Lin Feng, blood jade is the most precious treasure in the world. It's time for the Lin family to take over so many years! I don't mind taking care of them for the Lins! "

"Blood jade is a good thing, yes, but I think you have logic problems!" Lin Feng said, "look, money is also a good thing. Why don't you rob the bank?"

"We are not short of money!" "What we lack is treasure," said the king

"You rob what you lack. Isn't that a robber?" Lin Feng said.

"Here, I'm not afraid to tell you that we are bandits. What can you do with us?" Xiwang sneered.

Before that, he also saw Lin Feng's ability. Lin Feng condensed into the seed of Yuan Shen and defeated his men's highland barley. Later, Lin Feng's accomplishments soared all the way, and it was said that he had reached the triple level of Ning Yuan state.Lin Feng's ability to improve is terrible, which he admitted, but now Lin Feng's triple cultivation in Yuanjing is ignored.

He has reached the Ning Yuan state, five heavy, one punch, with a critical force.

Even if Lin Feng is more powerful, he will not be his opponent in front of hard power.

Therefore, Xiwang wanted to get rid of Lin Feng and get the treasure map as soon as possible.

I didn't think of it. He was really lucky. When he was avoiding the snow monster, he accidentally bumped into the cave and ran into Lin Feng.

"Woo, woo!"

The sound of snow monsters sounded outside the cave.

Listen to that chaotic footstep sound, the number of snow monsters is not in a small number, it seems that Qingcheng is out.

Abby whispered to Lin Feng: "you burned the snow monster's nest. The snow monster must be very angry. Those guys are so powerful and have a strong ability to fight. It is suggested that we don't hit hard at them!"

Lin Feng said, "in the current situation, there are other ways to deal with it?"

Amy said, "this cave is not a dead end. It's a tunnel that you can get out of there."

"Oh, so it is!" Lin Feng nodded.

In this way, we won't be blocked by snow monsters and avoid a fierce battle.

However, Abby's words were all heard by the king. The king turned his eyes and led his men to say, "go, let's go to the deep cave!"

With that, they stepped into the deep cave first!

Before leaving, he also called out, as if to inform the group of snow monsters.

"NIMA!" The breeze scolded: "a bunch of baby things!"

"Everybody, get ready to go deep into the cave!" Lin Feng said, "maybe they will do something even less human."

At this time, the snow monsters outside heard the cry and rushed into the cave one after another.

"Let's go, white tiger and I will break up!" Lin Feng said.

"Boss, I'll accompany you too!" Said King Kong.

Lin Feng did not stop, watching the group disappear in the deep cave, he led the white tiger five swordsmen and King Kong, then slowly toward the deep cave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!