The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1298


Red scorpion and others have not yet wait to stop Lin Feng, Lin Feng early rushed out.

"The boss is alone. How can he be an opponent of so many of them?" King Kong said, "I'm going out to help!"

However, the Banshee seized King Kong: "the boss has his own way. If you go out, you may damage the boss's business."

King Kong left to think right, finally heavy sigh, clenched fist also loosened.

"I really want to do something for the boss, but every time the boss doesn't need us!" he said

"Who doesn't want to work for the boss, but the boss is the boss. He's always farther than we think and more than we do!" Said the genie.

"Hum!" Chen duo did not take it seriously and said: "blind worship! If your boss is so good, we will not be here! "

"What do you say?" King Kong was so angry that he was in a bad mood, but Chen duo tried to find trouble again and again. He couldn't help it!

If Shangguan Xue sees that things are not good, he quickly says: "don't fight against each other. We are in danger before and after now. If our own people fight again, we will die here today."

"Hum!" King Kong snorted coldly, reason told him, Shangguan ruoshue said right.

However, Chen duo sneered: "Lin Feng is really brave and resourceless. Those people on the other side are not good people at first. If he goes out alone, he will die!"

"It's none of your business to send or not to die!" Shangguan Ruoxue said.

Lin Qin couldn't see it anymore. He said, "Chen duo, if you really have the ability, you can take us out of here. If you don't have the ability, you can't shut up. Lin Feng has committed many risks for us. Can't you see these?"



Everyone began to complain about Chen.

After all, before all, they were afraid of Chen's seizing the strength of Yuanjing. Few people dare to speak out. Now some people are taking the lead, and their inner dissatisfaction with Chen duo will be sent out.

"Chen duo, right? You are a junior in front of me. I advise you, enough is enough! " Said the breeze.

Qingfeng, a senior figure, has spoken, and people's confidence is even more sufficient.

"Well, it's really not easy for captain Lin Feng!"

"Captain Lin Feng is very competent. I respect him very much."

Even some female doctors adore Lin Feng: "I didn't think Lin Feng was handsome before, but I feel that Lin Feng is really super smart and super handsome in the war all the way down."

"It's bold and manly."

"Yes, why don't I have such a boyfriend?"

"I also want a boyfriend like Lin Feng, who has a good sense of security!"

And Beiye linger is to these people's worship, to a higher level.

"I've never taken anyone to Beiye ling'er, but Lin Feng can convince me. Even I think he is very handsome in swearing! I'm afraid I'm in love

Many women can't help but shake their heads and sigh that there are more and more competitors!

At this time, Sophia, the God of gun, reminded all humanity:

"let's not think about it. Now Lin Feng is very dangerous. As far as I know, the people in the alliance of death outside are not good people. Their abilities are not below Lin Feng. So Lin Feng is facing unprecedented challenges. We should think more about how to help him!"

Sophia is from the death alliance, ranked first in the list of killers, naturally know more things.

And later, Lin Feng also told her a lot about the death alliance.

That way, Sofia will know more.

Sophia learned that the death alliance is actually an organization supported by many big people and consortia. Some of them are the oil Prince of Dubai, some are the rich rich, and some are western politicians and family forces...

they are all shareholders of the alliance.

Then, the leaders of the alliance of the dead are created in these people.

Originally, Fengshui turns, and the alliance of the dead has always been in charge of different people.

But ten years ago, an unprecedented killer appeared on the list of the gods of death. His ability can be described as earth shaking.

There are also many killers who challenge the God of killing, but they are easily defeated by him.

The fighting power of this God of death is beyond all people's imagination. What's more, his growth speed is also amazing.

In order to attract this person, all the shareholders of the death alliance unanimously decided to hand over the alliance to this person. They retired to the second line and became qualified shareholders.

In this way, we don't have to worry about this person destroying the alliance of death, and the ability of this person can be used by them.

And this is the current boss of the death alliance.

No one knows his real name, but everyone knows his nickname "death"!

After death became the leader of the alliance, he developed his own forces.The fighting power of death is unfathomable. It is said that no one in the world can defeat him.

He is very mysterious and seldom shows up, so he specially chooses four young people to be his subordinates. These people can handle general affairs!

And these four people are the four God level masters who have become the Four Heavenly Kings - the East King, the west king, the South King and the North King!

Sophia was lucky to have seen the pictures of these four people, so when the young man showed up, she gasped.

She recognized that the man was one of the four heavenly kings under the "God of death" - Xiwang.

These four heavenly kings can be selected by the God of death, naturally have their unfathomable ability.

And the people around the four heavenly kings are also top masters.

It must be very difficult to deal with the people who the king of the west can carry with him when he enters the secret place.

So Sophia understands Lin Feng's situation at this time, and she is especially worried about him.

"Idol, you are good at shooting, or you can help Lin Feng?" Beiye linger said: "I can give you light, I illuminate one, you shoot one, are you sure?"

Sophia said, "to be honest, I'm not sure about that."

Then, she looked around and felt as if everyone had pinned their hopes on her. She thought for a second and said, "let's try, I'll try..."

but as soon as she said this, she heard a panic cry: "no, snow monsters are starting to throw fire on our side!"

Looking over there, we found a bunch of flames projected over the burning snow monster body.

Those flames fell to the ground, and they found that they were some burning snow monster limbs and flesh.

Snow monster has a huge body and a lot of fat in it. It makes a sound when it burns.

Because there are a lot of snow monster corpses, if they split the burned corpses and throw them over, I'm afraid people's feet will become a sea of fire!

Beiye linger was furious: "yes, this group of animals, I'll fight with you!"

With that, he set up a rocket launcher and aimed at the hill of snow monster corpses.

However, at this time, in the situation that people did not pay attention to, the two figures slipped out quietly from the other side.

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