The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1292

Hearing the sound, everyone was alert and looked around.

All of a sudden, a figure came down from the tree and stabbed at Lin Feng.

However, at the moment of stabbing down, the two men looked at each other, and the man quickly took back the knife. Lin Feng did not hand, but reached out to catch the man.

"Lin Qin?"

Lin Feng was surprised.

Lin Qin also heard a voice in the distance, so he ordered everyone to ambush on the pine tree. When the target of the forest approached, he rushed down to catch the thief and capture the king first.

But when Lin Feng looked up, he found that it was Lin Feng, so he quickly took back the weapon.

They also changed into winter clothes, so Lin Qin didn't recognize them from a distance.

"Now, there's a medical team!" Red scorpion said happily.

"Why are you here?" Lin Feng asked.

"I don't know!" Lin Qin said, "we went through the secret place portal and arrived here. We didn't move at all."

Lin Feng thought for a moment and then woke up and said, "Oh, I understand. Because the portal is randomly transmitted, it will be transmitted to different places in different time spans. The time span varies, maybe five minutes is a span, maybe an hour is a span! "

"What do you mean?" Asked the mouse.

We do not understand, look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said: "in the same time span, if we transmit it, we will be in the same place. For example, the time span is five minutes. In these five minutes, no matter how many people are transmitted, they will be in the same place. If we pass these five minutes, then the next five minutes, how many people will pass through, will be in another place!"

"Oh The crowd nodded.

The reason why Lin Feng knew this was that he had done his homework before he came to the secret place. A lot of the knowledge of the secret place was memorized in his mind.

Only sometimes, can't remember to use, met will think.

However, they have been transported to two different places in a batch for only two reasons:

first, they are just in time for the split point of the time span.

2、 The time span is relatively short, dividing a group of people into two groups.

The second possibility is far more than the first.

In this way, Lin Feng is not happy.

Because Lin Feng always thought that after he passed through, there would be many people with bad feelings crossing over. After crossing, if we met, we might have a scuffle.

Then, first of all, some people can be eliminated through the scuffle.

But now it seems that the time span of the portal is relatively dense. In the middle of a few minutes, the transmission may not be in the same place.

In other words, the enemy groups may have been transported to different places in the secret place.

The bad luck is transported to the wild mountains.

Fortunately, maybe it will be transported to the blood jade nearby.

They don't have to worry about the location. They don't have to know the location of the jade stone, but they don't know the location.

At this time, he remembered what Chen Wu and the mouse had said. This treasure hunting trip in the secret land was really like "chicken eating game". Everyone parachuted from the sky. After landing, their specific positions were different.

Of course, this is also different. "Chicken eating game" can choose the general place to settle down; but the big secret place is not good, that is, it is random and has no choice.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said to Lin Qin, "we are lucky to meet you. Are your people here?"

Lin Qin said, "seven doctors, plus me, are here."

"Good!" Lin Feng said, "let's keep on going. We should get to the foot of the snow mountain before dark, study the direction, and prepare to read the snow mountain tomorrow."

"Good!" Lin Qin said.

Up to now, there is nothing special in this secret place, except that it is full of aura, can make people excited, and even feel sleepless without sleeping.

There are also the sun in the sky and wild animals in the forest, which are so similar to the original world.

However, Lin Feng knows that this is only one of the places. What really amazes people is still behind.

They all the way to the high snow mountain, because looking at the direction of the sun, compared with the treasure map, Lin Feng felt that they were in the northeast, while the blood jade was in the southwest of the map, which was equivalent to straddling the whole map.

It has to be said that this transmission really won the last prize.

We are looking for food and drink all the way. Although we are full of aura, we will not starve to death even if we don't eat or drink.

However, people are all flesh bodies. Masters of the yuan Shen period can transform energy through yuan Shen for a long time. However, ordinary people can't do without eating for a few days. It's better to eat once or twice a day, which can make everyone energetic.

We found that the snow can be kneaded into a snowball and put it in your mouth. It's directly melted into water to drink.There are more about food.

Despite the heavy snow, in such a snow field, we can see many animal footprints.

If you follow quickly, you can catch small animals.

Lao Wang is now assigned to the seventh army and is responsible for a little simpler work with the seventh army.

For example, look for food and water.

Because the seventh army is a very strong team, but in front of the practitioners, in front of the secret place, it is still fragile.

They are also happy to do these jobs, compared with desperate, who does not want to be a little easier.

So along the way, the seventh army and Lao Wang also caught a lot of rabbit game, and even two adult deer, waiting to go to the foot of the snow mountain and find a good place to roast.

Now it seems that this trip has a special flavor.

However, Lin Feng is a little dignified.

"Did you hear anything?" Lin Feng asked.

"What sound?"

Everyone held their breath and concentration, but did not hear any abnormal sound, only snow in the Susu whereabouts.

Lin Feng said: "let's go and try to get to the foot of the snow mountain before dark to find a habitat."

Lin Feng has been professionally trained, and his ear sensitivity is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Therefore, Lin Feng may detect situations that others can't detect in advance!

People also stepped up their pace and felt a little nervous.

But Chen did not think so.

For many days, the white tiger five swordsmen have formed two factions. One is the disaffected faction headed by Chen duo. He led the other three men to fight against Yasha.

They think that Yasha looks down upon Lin Feng too much. They always think that the white tiger five swordsmen are the highest level of the white tiger hall. They assist a Lin Feng to come to the secret place, and they are overqualified. Moreover, they even insult them.

Therefore, when Lin Feng makes some decisions, Chen Duo is basically against the point. However, a lot of times, Lin Feng does the right thing, so that they do not refute.

However, once caught the opportunity, they will not give Lin Feng a good face.

Chen duo said, "I said, Captain Lin, it's hard for us to step up our march because of the heavy snow? You're not as sharp as you are

"What do you mean?" Lin Feng asked.

"I don't think you should be nervous. There's nothing special here. Don't listen to this or that voice all day long. We're not children anymore. Can't we go normally?" Chen duo said: "always on guard. It's bad for everyone."

Lin Feng smile: "I am responsible for all people!"

"I think you've gone too far!" Chen said.

At this time, the crowd heard a piercing whistling sound, and then saw a scene that made them extremely surprised. , the fastest update of the webnovel!