The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1291

After qianfanlang and the old man entered the secret place, several waves of troops came one after another.

There were also several waves of fighting over the conflict.

After that, the Yingzhou party also came. They seemed to have different internal relations. The men's and women's groups were not very friendly. They even divided into two groups into two groups.

In the later time, some people went into the secret place alone. It should be because the energy fluctuated after the secret place was opened, which attracted all kinds of experts nearby.

In fact, during this period, xuanlingzi never left.

He asked cangyue to take everyone back, while a man sat on the edge and watched the people who entered the secret place one after another.

He worries about Lin Feng as much as he worries about his children.

However, Lin Feng always had his own mission, and xuanlingzi could not let him give up his mission.

And these people who enter the secret place are not necessarily disadvantageous to Lin Feng. On the contrary, if they fight with each other first, it will be beneficial to him.

So xuanlingzi also understood Lin Feng's practice.

Now he looks at the wave after wave of people going in and prays for Lin Feng silently in his heart...


in the secret place of Kunlun.

After a period of time of shuttle, Lin Feng's body has been in weightlessness for a long time. Suddenly, his eyes were bright, and his face was white.

"Hoo --"

the whistling cold wind blows snow all over the sky, cutting every inch of human skin like a blade.

"SiHa --"

Lin Feng rubbed his hands. For a practitioner, the cold weather can't have any effect on him.

However, in order to meet the occasion, Lin Feng took out his down jacket from his backpack and put it on, so as to save some unnecessary waste of heat.

The team didn't bring too many things into the secret place this time, but there were some necessary things.

These include clothing and appliances.

Because I don't know what kind of environment will be after entering the secret place, so I still need to make some preparations.

After entering the secret place, Lin Feng's first feeling was that there was sufficient oxygen around him and his aura was very rich.

Lin Feng can feel the aura around him, and the wisps of aura can be found everywhere.

Although it's not as thick as Shifu's artificial aura in the secret room, compared with the original world, there are many auras. You can breathe a lot of aura if you breathe.

In such an environment, the whole body seems to emit endless energy, and the physical condition is unprecedented.

Lin Feng thought, this is just entering the secret place, if you go deeper into the secret place, it will be more gratifying.

At this time, Lin Feng looked from the snowflakes all over the sky, one by one, falling on the ground.

The sound of "puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff.

When I looked around, I saw that all of them came in with me.

Lin Feng reminds everyone to get dressed and look into the distance.

In front of him is a towering snow mountain. At this time, he is on a not very high snow mountain, looking at the snow capped mountain in front of him. Lin Feng feels that this place is very similar to the real world.

Even around there are green pine trees, covered with snow, just like those beautiful Christmas trees at Christmas.

From here to the front, a piece of pine trees has been connected to the snow mountain, and the snow mountain is also covered with pine trees. However, due to the distance, and the continuous snowfall, the scenery of the snow mountain is a little fuzzy.

At this time, Lin Feng looked back at all the people who had entered the secret place and found that they had basically changed into down coats.

Lin Feng began to call the roll, but he found that there were a few people missing. It was Lin Qin who led the team of doctors of shenhemen.

"Who has seen Lin Qin and some female doctors?"

Lin Feng asked.

People look at me and I look at you, but they don't pay attention to Lin Qin and others.

"Are they afraid? Didn't follow in? " Someone said.

"I don't know. I didn't see them come in anyway." Someone replied.

"Wow, the air is so fresh here!"

"Yes, I feel like I'm a teenager in an instant!"

"I feel like I must run faster than usual and jump higher!"

"The secret place is really extraordinary, even the breath has become so cool!"


as the crowd spoke, they deviated.

Lin Feng looked at Yu Wenji, "if Lin Qin doesn't come in, you'll have to shoulder the burden of medical treatment."

"I'll do my best!" Yu Wenji said.

Lin Feng picked up the treasure map and said to the mouse, "can you see if the communication equipment can be used?"

The mouse picked up the walkie talkie and looked at it. It was completely useless.

He took out his mobile phone again and saw that it had everything but no signal.He took out another device, debugged it a few times, then shook his head and said, "boss, there is no satellite signal to trace. In other words, we have been isolated from the signal, so any modern communication equipment in this has failed."

"Normal!" Lin Feng said.

He was ready before he came in.

"If you don't mind, we'll lose the modern communication equipment like telephone. It's no use!" Lin Feng said.

"That can't work. I have to keep my phone and take photos along the way." Chen said.

Lin Feng smiles and says that you really don't know how dangerous this secret place is. It's lucky that you can get out alive. Even if you hold your mobile phone today, you will fall into half tomorrow.

It's better to put it here. If you can live one day, it's not too late to get it.

But these words Lin Feng did not say, everyone has their own ideas, Lin Feng does not force.

"Whatever you want, I'm just giving you an opinion!" Lin Feng finished and continued to carefully look at the treasure map in his hand.

He found that there was only a general orientation on the treasure map, and the blood jade seemed to be placed on a mountain in the center of a lake.

As for where that is, Lin Feng does not know.

And where they are now is not easy to find on the map.

However, the road is under your feet, so you can't retreat. Go to the snow mountain in front of you to find a place to eat, drink and sleep. In such a heavy snow day, I'm afraid it's difficult to travel.

Lin Feng looked at the watch in his hand and found that the pointer of the watch did not move.

In other words, all modern equipment can not measure the space and time in this secret territory.

Even the screen time of the mobile phone has stopped.

No matter what, as long as you have come, you will be happy. Now Lin Feng has only one goal, that is, blood jade.

He led the people along a path through the jungle and went ahead.

The more you go, the more easily you can see the snow mountain in front of you.

At this time, Lin Feng found that the snow mountain was in the shape of an awl, and the road under his feet could be extended all the way up the mountain.

Since there is a way up the mountain, there must be a way down the mountain. If you go from here, go up the mountain, and then go down the mountain, you can cross the snow mountain. When you see the scenery on the other side of the mountain, you can judge your position more accurately.

However, just as the crowd was advancing with all their might, a rustle was heard in the jungle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!