The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1293

At the top of the snow mountain, a huge fish flew past.

The fish is very similar to a whale, but it has two wings.

However, the size of the fish is so large that people suspect that when crossing the top of the snow mountain, the shadow of the whole body will cover the snow mountain top tightly.

The shrill scream came from its mouth.

The crowd looked at the big fish, which flew over the snow mountain. They seemed very flustered. Then, they flew over the heads of the people and flew far away.

Everyone is shocked. Is this fish too big? It's like a prehistoric beast. Everything in the world is like a toy in front of it.

Lin Feng suddenly thought of a poem, there are fish in Beiming, its name is Kun, Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousand miles it is!

This Kun is indeed an ancient giant, and it is also huge, thousands of miles long.

However, Kun can't fly, this family can fly.

This should be some kind of spirit beast in the secret place. Moreover, he looks a little flustered. When he crosses the snow mountain, his belly breaks the rock on the top of the snow mountain, leading to an avalanche.

Is there something behind him to chase him?

At this time, people are still in the eyes of surprise, originally they think this secret world is nothing, is not the same as the original world?

However, the sudden killing of the spirit beast changed their view on the secret place.

Lin Feng didn't see any information about the spirit beast in the materials, so he didn't know what it was.

However, at this time, but see the snow mountain only epilepsy, fierce fly to a group of birds.

That group of birds, long like dinosaur pterosaur, has a sharp mouth, and two strong meat wings.

The difference is that their tails are bifurcated and divided into two, like two ribbons of a kite.

They are not the same size as the previous flying fish. According to Lin Feng's visual inspection, each one is similar in size to the human body.

However, they are so numerous that the size of the square array exceeds that of the flying fish.

"It's a double tailed dragon!" Lin Feng said.

He knew that the double tailed dragon was the king of the sky in the secret land. Although they were not very strong, they had a strong sense of teamwork, and winning by quantity was their magic weapon.

The beast is pitiful enough. They fly in the sky all their lives, even sleeping. Only when they die, will they land.

But this kind of Warcraft is also very hateful, they are very bloodthirsty and crazy, they fight to death, until death.

See prey, will fight to hunt, they are the cancer of carnivorous world of Warcraft.

So this kind of Warcraft is the Lord that ordinary people can't afford.

Lin Feng quickly said to all people, "get down and hide in the snow!"

People did not see this posture, quickly buried in the snow, goose feather snow instantly in the back of the people under a layer.

No wonder that flying fish want to run, feeling is to meet this group of lifeless guys.

At this time, Chen duo stopped shouting and hid in the snow obediently.

Even if he is three times of Congyuan state, he does not have full confidence to face these unknown creatures.

Moreover, if he goes out, it will involve the whole team. He doesn't want to bear the name!

Just listen to a burst of broken howl in the sky, people can even feel the frightful and murderous spirit flying from the top of the head.

Everyone did not dare to get up and waited for Lin Feng's order.

Because they found that Lin Feng knew more about the secret place than they did. Lin Feng must have done a lot of homework.

After about a few minutes, after confirming that the group of double tailed dragons had flown over, Lin Feng called to all the people, "get up!"

After listening, everyone was relieved.

"Oh, this is the most oppressive time I've ever had." Chen duo said, "the white tiger hall Dharma protector, I even became a shrinking turtle!"

"It's not a turtle with a shrinking head. It's a hero who knows the current situation."

"Oh, my neck is covered with snow. It's so cold!"

The crowd got up, but when they got up, they were all shocked.

They found, do not know when, standing around a group of... Snow monster.

The snow monster is huge, about four meters high, with thick white hair all over the body. It looks like a human body, but its arms are too long. Standing with arms down, they can reach the knees.

Snow monster's face is also full of hair, can only see that the thick hair, two bottle cap size round eyes flashing a little light.

The round eyes are more or less cute.

However, there is a vicious light in the eyes, which makes people feel a little chilly.

"Roar --"

one of the snow monsters with a bigger body pointed to Lin Feng and others with one hand and roared.

"Roar --"

roar came from all directions, as if in response to the snow monster.The huge snow monster should be the leader, with a baby in his arms.

But their heads were turned to the people, and they could not see the appearance of the baby or know whether he was alive or dead.

At this time, the surrounding trees think of a "rustling" sound, a large number of snow monsters rushed to come, will Lin Feng and others into a group.

"Boss, what to do?" King Kong looks at the snow monster which is bigger than his own size. He has an impulse to compete.

It's just, he's used to listening to the boss.

And Lin Feng had already expected that there would be danger. Just now he tried his best to make everyone move forward quickly. He had already noticed that there were unknown creatures around him.

At the beginning, Lin Feng didn't understand why those unidentified creatures secretly followed but didn't show up?

Now he understood that these guys were afraid of the double tailed dragons.

Sure enough, no matter in which world, the biological world is so wonderful, they will always have a way of self-protection and sensitive insight that human beings can't imagine.

These snow monsters are covered with snow-white hair. It's easy to hide in the snow without being found.

So they easily escaped the group of double tailed dragons, and then they appeared to deal with Lin Feng and others.

At this time, all the people understood why Lin Feng suddenly had a heavy face and asked all of us to speed up the journey. It was really dangerous in this secret place!

But now they have been surrounded, we are a little flustered, have to look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said: "all the masters who have been condensed into the seeds of Yuanshen will try their best to break through the encirclement and make a gap in the direction of the snow mountain. Other practitioners will protect the rest of the people and escort them to escape from the gap after breaking through the gap."


After hearing Lin Feng's arrangement, we immediately had the backbone in mind.

Sometimes this is the case. Instead of being weak in strength, they are defeated. If there is a leader, they will no longer be a mob.

At this time, those snow monsters had already been unable to restrain themselves and rushed to Lin Feng and others. , the fastest update of the webnovel!