The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1280

The crowd quickly looked at the past, and found a huge monster, a bite in a seventh Army soldier's shoulder.

The monster is too scary. Its two long antennae are two or three meters long. Its dark eyes are on both sides of its head. On its back are two huge and smooth wings. In the sunlight, it reflects the burning white light.

This seems to be the monster that just flashed in front of everyone and overhead.

"That's him. I saw this guy just now. He has wings behind him!" Someone exclaimed.

"Put down my companion, or I'll shoot!"

The rest of the seventh army directed their guns at the monster.

At this time, they can see that the monster, which is more than two people tall, actually looks like a cockroach.

People also found that this guy is indeed a cockroach, but why is he so big?

But the cockroach didn't let go of its mouth. Suddenly, it shook its head and threw the soldier high. Then, with its front feet up, its head went up, and its mouth was full of teeth, like a dark hole, waiting for the soldier to fall and fall into his mouth.

At this critical moment, he saw a flash of figure. Lin Feng stopped the soldier and cut him off. He put it on the ground and said, "tie it up yourself!"

At this time, Lin Feng's phantom step speed is faster than before, so for a moment, people haven't seen what's going on, so he saves people.

Then he said to the other soldiers, "fire!"


Everyone's pulling the trigger at the big cockroach.

The cockroach's shell is so hard that the bullets can't penetrate his hard armor.

However, the power of these guns is not small. Although they can not kill the big cockroaches, they can not make any further progress and are forced to retreat by bullets.

At this time, the surrounding birds and animals were also shocked by the sound of gunfire. A large number of people who had not seen them before fled from the surrounding areas.

This makes people's scalp numb.

They found that there were so many insects and wild animals lurking around the seemingly tranquil surroundings that we didn't even notice.

The sound of the gun startled them, so they all took off their disguises and ran for their lives.

Looking around, there are some insects that can't even be called up. They are all the same size as this big cockroach.

And there are some insects and birds that we all know, which is even more shocking.

A black spider, even two or three meters high, ran through the crowd's head, but scared them.

Some women are most afraid of insects, and the insects have become so large that they even look pale. Even a calm Shangguan Ruoxue is still trying to keep her rival, red scorpion.

This scene is chaotic. If we say that these insects, birds and animals are scared away, it's nothing.

However, there are some ferocious people who are not afraid of death.

Among them, a few black slender legged spiders, and a venomous tongue thicker than a tree, came slowly towards the crowd.

In particular, the snake is even more frightening. It swam in the trees, not anxious or impatient. If you don't look carefully, you can't see that it is slowly approaching you!

"Asshole! I'll fight with you

At this time, Kitano ling'er got into a temper. He stepped on the rocket under his feet, pulled out a shell from behind, and inserted it directly. Then he turned skillfully and took the guy weighing dozens of kilograms against his thin shoulder.

However, her body did not shake at all, as stable as a rock.

The muzzle of her gun was aimed at the big cockroach who was fighting with the crowd.

"Bang -"

Kitano pulls the trigger, and a rocket goes towards the big cockroach, and it explodes directly on the cockroach's face.

"Boom --"

a flame burst instantly. In the smoke of the flame, two tentacles flew out, turned over several times, and directly inserted into the ground. In a daze, they were blown up by the rocket.

After the smoke and dust, the face of the big cockroach was blasted to the flesh and blood, the white brain was flowing out, and the body was like a hill and fell down.

"Good job!"

Sophia gave the Noriko a thumbs up.

Thank you

The spirit of Beiye is full of lofty sentiments.

Sophia is her idol. Her idols praise her so much. It's so exciting.

Beiye ling'er was deeply encouraged, as usual, once again shouldered the rocket, toward the spiders that rushed over.

And Sophia is not idle, her shooting is very accurate, a golden sniper gun, play the wind and water, every time pull the trigger, is a powerful bullet, shooting at the monster's eyes.

Sophia felt that their eyes were their weakness. If they blind their eyes, these beasts would not be able to fight.

So, for a while, Lin Feng's treasure hunting team still had the upper hand.However, they underestimated the fighting power of these monsters.

The big cockroach, whose head had been blown to pieces before, actually stood up again. Its front legs were like two sharp blades, and suddenly waved at the crowd.

Everywhere I went, blood was splashing.

Lao Wang's two logistics personnel didn't dodge in time. They were swept in two by the cockroach's front legs.

It's just terrible.

But just when the people were not paying attention, the snake, who had been silent, suddenly got into trouble and bit a soldier of the seventh Army armed with a gun. When he went down, the soldier could not even call for help and died.


Lin Feng roared and rushed towards the snake.

The snake hit seven inches. According to the normal size of the snake, he calculated the seven inches of the snake and hit it with one punch at the fastest speed.

The fist, with a powerful real Qi, the fist did not arrive, the real Qi even.

"Ka -"

with a crisp sound, the snake's body suddenly twitched. At this time, it found that a man had punched himself seven inches.

The next second, the snake suddenly lost its combat effectiveness, and kept twisting. Because it was too painful, the tail of the snake swept with great force. Many people were not in a hurry to dodge. They were swept by the tail of the snake and lifted it directly.

However, Lin Feng this time, but to the people brought endless courage.

Listen to King Kong shout: "brothers, give me a rush, these things are just a little bigger than the normal size, don't be afraid, give me a rush!"

With that, King Kong put his head in front of a spider, who had been blinded by Sophia and was frantically venting his pain.

King Kong bumps into it fiercely and staggers the spider. Then, he keeps one of the spider's legs and wrestles with brute force.

The spider was thrown out alive by him. He drew a beautiful arc in the middle of the air and directly installed it on the tree trunk. Its body broke and the green viscous liquid full of the trunk flowed. It was extremely smelly.


Seeing this scene, everyone was excited. It seemed that they were not so afraid in the face of the huge monsters who coveted them.

In particular, those who have good skills in the team are well versed in this battle.

Soon, those monsters were beaten to death and escaped.

However, at this time, the crowd again heard the shrill howl. , the fastest update of the webnovel!