The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1281

"That guy seems to be around us!" Someone said.

"Don't be nervous. Our strength has not been fully developed. We should be ready next. Our opponents are not always human beings. We should be prepared to deal with all enemies." Lin Feng said.

It is true that these things are not as terrible as they are imagined. They are just scaring themselves.

There are so many advanced weapons in the team, so many practitioners, and even the experts of Ningyuan state can't count them. This kind of fighting capacity doesn't need to use too much strength in the face of some beasts.

However, there are still casualties this time, because everyone is not ready, leading to some unprepared.

Another reason is that many people are selfish and care for themselves and ignore others.

For example, Chen duo and other white tiger five chivalrous men just shrink in their own scope and never take the initiative to attack.

It seems that they just want not to be hurt, as for other people's life and death, it has nothing to do with them!

So Lin Feng was very angry in his eyes, but it was also expected that many people in the team came in to play soy sauce. However, Lin Feng was not prepared to let them play soy sauce all the time.

There's something in the back.

Now those monsters are scared away, and everyone has a chance to breathe.

Lin Feng looked at the battlefield and found that there were still some casualties this time.

Three people from the logistics department and two soldiers from the seventh Army Corps were killed. Some of them were injured, but they were able to move on.

Lin Feng just heard that thrilling voice. It was really bluffing. After listening, his heart was shaking.

However, it is just a shiver, but there is no fear and negative emotions.

But other people are not like this, many people hear that voice on the disorientation, even lost the courage to fight.

The voice seemed to have a kind of magic, can make a person produce a kind of despair mood.

It is no exaggeration to say that people will choose to commit suicide if they listen to this voice more.

Lin Feng said to Lin Qin, "give us some medical cotton balls!"

Then, he said to the crowd, "go to Lin Qin's medical department to get cotton balls and put them into your ears. Don't be bewitched by this voice."

The crowd followed suit.

Lin Feng said: "some of our first confrontation was disappointing. In fact, our combat effectiveness is more than that. If we can't raise our spirits and be brave, there will be more casualties in the future."

These people are usually in the city for a long time, facing the danger of these wilderness, some unprepared.

In fact, if they can face up to these dangers, they will crush the enemy completely.

Therefore, Lin Feng must mobilize the flame in their hearts at this moment and regard these dangers as stepping stones for him to step on, rather than the mountains in front of him.

"Brothers, you are not here for sightseeing. Therefore, you should be fully prepared. If you can't face these difficulties, if you don't have the courage to defeat the enemy, I won't blame you for coming back now! Does anyone want to quit now? " Lin Feng asked.

Everybody, look at me, I look at you. They don't mean to quit.

"In that case, please cheer up. As you have seen just now, a little sister is so brave that we can't be like a sheep. Is it disgraceful to lose it?" Lin Feng said, looked at the north Wild ling'er.

Beiye ling'er really behaves quite domineering, which makes him look at with great admiration.

"Oh, my mother is born brave. Don't boast about it!" Beiye ling'er's face was even a little red: "this boast of the old mother is really a little embarrassed!"

All of them were immediately amused by Beiye ling'er, and the atmosphere was relieved in a moment.

Lin Feng continued: "next, in the face of a more powerful enemy, I hope that we can cooperate with each other and not fight our own way. Moreover, we are a group. Please don't just care about yourself, regardless of the safety of others!"

With that, Lin Feng looked at the five white tigers.

Lin Feng's words, I don't know how many people can be moved, but he doesn't expect everyone to follow his rhythm.

If you trust him, you will listen to him and you will have courage.

Those who don't trust him will continue to follow their old ways, but at some point, those people will pay for their choices.

After Lin Feng gave everyone a boost, he redistributed the formation of the team.

The old, the weak, the sick and the disabled are still in the middle, but the difference is that he puts the white tiger five swordsmen at the back of the team, and some people with high ability are placed at the periphery of the team.

In this way, in case of danger, they will force these experts to make moves.

Before that, there were soldiers of the seventh army with guns in their hands. He found that the fighting capacity of these soldiers was not so good, so he put them inside to avoid unnecessary casualties.The crowd continued to march forward.

After what happened just now, everyone was nervous, and their hearts were raised in their voices.

It is about three kilometers away from the entrance of the secret place. Although it is not far away, each step seems to have a rough road, which makes us feel that the road ahead is infinitely prolonged.

In particular, in the quiet forest around, under the towering trees, it seems that there are many dangers and murderous opportunities hidden, but we haven't found them for a while.

Therefore, the atmosphere of the March is very tense, people are also walking, while carefully on guard around, for fear of being carried away by some wild animals.

At this time, a field suddenly appeared in front of the weedy path.

The ground is very flat. There are many statues on the open space which is about hundreds of square meters.

Those statues are people of modern society, some carrying bags, some holding mountaineering sticks, like a group of mountaineering adventure enthusiasts sculpture.

I don't know how long this sculpture has been, but looking at its lifelike appearance, we can be sure that it has not been eroded by much wind and rain.

Think of it, the tree is luxuriant, blocking the sun, rain will only leave through the gap between the leaves, the wind is not blowing in.

So, these sculptures are well preserved, and even the facial expressions are very realistic.

But when you look closely, you can see that these people's expressions don't seem to be very positive.

Their expressions are mostly panic, helplessness, confusion and so on.

The mouse also specially touched a statue of a young man in the end and said, "Wow, this statue is so real, his falling posture is so scientific!"

"Here, take a picture of me and this beautiful woman!" One side of the tiger said.

The three brothers of dragon, tiger and leopard kept a low profile all the way, because they were just practitioners of the Huaqi state. They didn't even have the seeds of the yuan God. In front of the experts of the Ning Yuan state, they had to lower their heads to be younger brothers.

At this time, however, he saw a park in the dangerous area, which made him feel much relieved.

One of the women's statues aroused the interest of the three brothers, because the woman was wearing a camouflage dress, her hat fell to the ground, and her hair was all over her head.

"I'm afraid that the world's sculpture masters do not have such exquisite skills?" Tiger went to the sculpture and said, "come on, take a picture of me and this beautiful statue first, and then, you two are coming to take a picture!"

A long and a Bao hold up their cameras one after another to take pictures of brother tiger.

However, at this time, but listen to "chirp" a strange cry, see a huge figure rising in the air, an instant a dark shadow all over the heads of the people.

The monster's two eyes were like two big red lanterns. Two red lights suddenly came out from the eyes, directly shining on tiger brother's body.

"Ah --"

brother tiger screamed, suddenly, his body was frozen! , the fastest update of the webnovel!