The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1279

People also take a deep breath and know that the real journey of this journey has begun.

Before those roads, at best, it was just a little fuss. Now we finally have the dinner. To be exact, it should be the cold dishes before the dinner.

But it's enough to drink.

Xuanlingzi to the front of the team, shoulder to shoulder with cangyue, as a pioneer, to guide everyone.

People are not as scattered as before, all gathered together.

There are all kinds of masters in the front and back, and some ordinary people and female compatriots need to be protected in the middle.

After entering this area, a damp and muggy pavement came, and everyone was covered with a layer of water vapor. I don't know whether it is caused by their own sweat or the water vapor in this area.

In short, wet answer, sticky, very uncomfortable.

So many people take off their coats and just wear T-shirts inside.

The road inside is very difficult to walk, weeds are overgrown, and the general situation of small weeds, even more than one person tall.

Even dog tail grass is bigger than a dog.

The more people go inside, the less they know.

Because when they looked up, they found that the trees here were completely different from those outside.

The trees here are worthy of a few words.

The trunk of a tree can't be held by several hands. The branches and leaves are even more thick and exaggerated. A leaf is the size of a human face.

In this world, people feel as if they are getting smaller instead of growing bigger.

They are like a troop of ants, marching through the dense forest.

Small and careful.

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed past.

"Hiss -"

the crowd took a breath, but they didn't even see each other's appearance clearly.

"How fast

"What was that just now? How do I feel like a wolf?"

"It's not a wolf. I see that he has two wings on his back. How can a wolf have wings?"

All the people talked about it, as if they were facing a great enemy.

In this unknown environment, the unknown is the greatest fear.

If they know what each other is, they will not be nervous.

"Let's concentrate on moving forward. They don't pay attention to us, and we don't care too much!" Xuanlingzi said.

Many of the creatures in this are difficult to explain. If you talk too much, you can't understand them. Moreover, they are not representative. Therefore, Xuan Lingzi is too lazy to explain.

As we continued to walk inside, we suddenly heard a long, shrill howl of "ow" spread to the people's ears.

The voice was much sharper than the wolf's howl, and even some of it was like the cry of some big bird, but it was also like a sad cry, which made people feel numb.

I've heard it once before, on a hillside.

At that time, hearing this sound, the people were scared.

This time, such a close distance really scared some people. Even those of the seventh army sent by Lao Hu turned pale.

Not to mention the logistics teams led by Lao Wang. They were already shaking like chaff.

This sound is beyond people's understanding of wild animals and birds. No animal can make such a sound, which is also the most frightening place.

What's more, the sound even penetrated the eardrum and penetrated into the hearts of the people. It was so terrible that even the courage to fight was lost.

Lin Feng seemed to see that there was something wrong with everyone's state. He said in the communication equipment, "don't panic..."

however, he found that the communication equipment was in this and it was not easy to use.

It seems that there are some changes in the magnetic field, which causes the signal deviation of the wireless communication equipment and the connection between them is not possible.

The mouse was by Lin Feng's side. Lin Feng asked, "can the signal of this communication device be debugged?"

In fact, the mouse has long found that the communication equipment is not easy to use, and has been debugging since it came in.

He shook his head and said: "I'm afraid not. The magnetic field is chaotic. Even if I adjust the communication signal in a short time, I will lose the signal in the next second. It's totally impossible."

Lin Feng also understands the principles of the mouse. If this is the case, the communication equipment will be abandoned.

Before entering the secret place, the communication equipment is not easy to use. After entering the secret place, can modern technology not be used?

Lin Feng didn't think much, and it's not the time to think about it. Since he can't continue to use communication equipment, let's go back to the primitive times!

What is the primitive age? That is, the traffic basically depends on walking, and the calling basically depends on roaring.

Lin Feng put down the equipment and yelled: "don't be confused by the things in here. If you feel that you will panic when you hear some sounds, plug your ears. We can help each other and support each other. When we find danger, we will report it as soon as possible. It's ok!"When Lin Feng talks, he also uses some internal force, so that the voice will spread further.

At this time, we also found that the communication equipment was not good, and they took it off to listen to Lin Feng.

At this time, we all need a backbone.

They all put their hopes on Xuan Lingzi, because xuanlingzi is familiar with all these things and his cultivation is higher.

But now xuanlingzi is injured. Moreover, xuanlingzi and cangyue will not enter the secret realm. They can only choose to trust Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng's younger brother and friends don't think so. They believe in Lin Feng unconditionally. In their hearts, Lin Feng has always been the backbone. As long as Lin Feng is there, they feel that the future is full of hope.

Therefore, more fear is breeding in those who do not trust Lin Feng very much.

After listening to Lin Feng's shouts, the nervous mood was slightly relieved, and the crowd gathered more towards each other.

Dozens of people have shrunk into a long square array over 20 meters long and 23 meters wide.

Xuanlingzi continued to lead the people forward.

"Hoo --"

all of a sudden, another dark shadow flew over the heads of people.

People quickly looked at the sky, but the black clothes suddenly ran into the trees and disappeared.

"Why so fast?"

Someone asked in surprise.

"Many of these creatures have been moistened by aura all the year round, and even many creatures have been nourished by aura since they were born, so they are essentially different from the creatures in the ordinary world!" Xuanlingzi said.

"Just imagine, in the real world, the speed of leopard is comparable to that of cars. If leopards grow up here, I believe it will be a different scene!"

People understand it. Isn't it more terrible to say so?

Can the leopard living here catch up with meteors?

Just as everyone was thinking wildly, suddenly, a shrill scream came from the rear of the team. , the fastest update of the webnovel!