The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1273

But none of this matters. Even those who follow Lin Feng's treasure hunting team are also full of ulterior motives.

Therefore, Lin Feng didn't care about it. He brought them here to make the situation more chaotic and confuse the enemy's target.

As for entering the secret place, whether these people live or die depends on the destiny.

At this time, a white shadow suddenly appears in the kitchen, grinning at Li Pang and Luo Youcai.

The white shadow is Hattie the little ghost wolf.

When Lin Feng practiced these days, he gave it to the care of the red scorpion.

However, this little guy is very smart, the next day he will stay in the kitchen.

If there is anything delicious, you can eat it the first time.

As a chef, Li Pang, if he has any delicious food, he will throw it to Xiao Hati. This little guy is no stranger to Li Pang and Luo Youcai.

They're even friends.

However, this time, it was suddenly done to them, which proved once again that these two people had big problems.

Lin Feng picked up little Hattie, touched his head and said, "don't shout so loud in the morning. There are still people sleeping. Let's go. I'll take you inside to have breakfast. My elder martial sister must have made your favorite meat buns!"

When Hattie heard the word baozi, his small eyes were all out of his sight. He couldn't stop licking Lin Feng and trying to please him.

Lin Feng took Hattie and went to the back kitchen and left Luo Youcai and Li pangzi outside the door.

Lin Feng and Lin Feng met each other.

That smile, with a breathtaking cold, like a sharp blade, always ready to give Lin Feng a fatal blow behind him.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, everyone got up in succession.

After having breakfast, they were called to the courtyard by Lin Feng.

Today is the day to go to the great secret place. Lin Feng only briefly described some of his plans and gave them a simple assignment.

With the help of several experts from villain's Island, there are about 50 people entering the secret place this time, which can be regarded as a large team.

Because Ren Changfeng was blind, Lin Feng left him in xuanlingfu and didn't let him follow.

The responsibilities of the rest remain unchanged.

Some food and water are managed by the logistics department led by Lao Wang.

Before leaving, Lin Feng specially said goodbye to his master and his mother.

However, xuanlingzi is determined to go with Lin Feng. He wants to send Lin Feng into the secret place.

Lin Feng didn't want to disturb xuanlingzi, but xuanlingzi said a reason that Lin Feng couldn't resist.

"Ah Feng, I don't want to go with you, but first of all, it's hard to find the entrance of the secret place. I'll take you to it quickly and directly. Secondly, after the secret place is opened, people still need to close it. Ordinary people, without the ability to close the door of the secret place, can only do it for the master, so I can't do it without going!"

Cangyue also said: "the Kunlun secret place is a few kilometers around. It is full of aura, but it is a creature with twisted genes and many gene mutations. It is very fierce and dangerous. Let's go with you and escort you in safely and smoothly. This is the only thing we can do for you!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "master, you should learn more from your teacher's mother when you talk. You can see how bad you talk. Your mother's words are very warm to your heart."

"Stinky boy, in front of so many people, you still scold me. Wait for you to come out of the secret place. I will not teach you a lesson!" Xuanlingzi scolded.

Then his expression suddenly became serious, as if he had touched a place in his heart that he did not want to touch.

Lin Feng also understood, and said, "OK, master, when I come out, you can clean me up, and now I'll send your apprentice a journey."

Under the leadership of xuanlingzi and cangyue, they moved towards the mountain.

The secret place is not on the mountain, but among the mountains.

It takes more than two days to get there from Xuanling peak.

This is why Lin Feng is not willing to trouble his master.

On the way, we have to cross two hills, a big mountain, to the deep hinterland of the mountains. In the middle of the green area surrounded by the mountains is the entrance to the hidden secret place.

People did not say much, then began the journey.

In fact, it's for Li Feng and pangzi to prepare food.

Before entering the secret place, we need these foods to supplement our physical strength.

In addition, there are many wild fruits and vegetation that can be eaten.

So after entering the secret place, in addition to a little drinking water, other do not need to do more preparation.

When we get inside, we can only act according to circumstances and be content with our desires.

After a long journey, they finally arrived at their destination the next afternoon.

They were standing halfway up a mountain, overlooking the misty basin ahead.This is a zone surrounded by mountains, the surrounding mountains straight into the sky, and the basin in the middle is covered by luxuriant vegetation, and only a lush green can be seen from the hillside.

Xuanlingzi pointed to the bulge in the middle of the basin and said, "you see, the trees in that area are very luxuriant, and the vegetation is much larger than other places, especially the ancient tree in the middle, the normal tree, can't grow that high for thousands of years!"

Along the basin, people found a piece of Lingzi in the past.

The trees in that area are very tall. There is an ancient tree in the middle, which is much higher than other trees. It has the feeling of standing out from the crowd.

"Yes, it's really strange there!" Someone sighed.

"There is the entrance to the secret place!" Xuanlingzi said, "it's just behind that big tree!"

"Ah, it's there. Let's get there quickly."

As soon as I heard that the door of the secret place was in front of me, I could not help feeling excited!

In xuanlingzi's eyes, a trace of vigilance flashed.

He said, "let's have a rest, have a rest, and then we'll go down the mountain."

"No, it's not so far away. Just keep it up!" Someone was eager to try.

"No, although it's close, there's still a long way to go, but there's no grid in the middle. The distance between the lines of sight will be closer, but it's really going to take a lot of physical strength to get there!" Xuanlingzi said: "what's more, the most important thing is that within a few kilometers around the entrance to the secret place, there are many dangers, and we need to maintain absolute physical strength and energy to deal with it."

"Danger? What is the danger? " The mountain tiger Chen duo asked, "can it still be difficult for the cultivators in the seed period of Yuanshen?"

Speaking, Chen Hu's eyebrow center of the original spirit imprint looms.

Xuanlingzi frowned, and was not happy with Chen Hu's conceited attitude, but said faintly: "you should have entered the Ning Yuan state, right? For you, the danger may be a little less, but it doesn't mean there is no danger, but you should also consider it for other people, there are many ordinary people in it! "

After hearing this, Chen duo didn't say anything. After all, he was stubborn again, that is, he became the enemy of the big guy.

However, at this time, listen to the basin, suddenly heard a piercing whistling sound, that sound penetration is very strong, so far away, can be clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

Even, the voice with a strong color, listening to people's ears, people subconsciously have a feeling of fear, shivering.

Everyone looked at the source of the voice in unison and saw a scene of incomparable surprise. , the fastest update of the webnovel!