The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1274

They all looked towards the middle of the basin.

But they saw that in the middle of the basin, some vegetation was shaking.

Although the distance is far away, the green waves caused by the shaking of large area of trees still make people shudder.

"What is it under that tree?" Someone asked in horror.

"It should be a bunch of things!" Lin Feng said: "if something is big, it will not have such a wide range of influence."

Xuanlingzi nodded: "it should be a group of mutated beasts!"

At this time, everyone also obediently chose to sit down to eat and drink.

Originally, they believed in xuanlingzi's words, but now they believe them unconditionally.

The shrill cry just now, I don't know what kind of monster sent out, but it cast a shadow on everyone.

Next, we are going to face those terrible things. We dare not take them lightly.

After they sat down, they began to eat the dry food and water.

Xuanlingzi said: "you have too many things. After that, you should give up some and go to battle with light clothes. This is for your good. After entering the secret place, you will find that the world has changed. Most of the things you bring are useless."

Xuanlingzi is like a tutor who gives careful guidance to everyone.

He also went into the secret place, knowing the danger inside, the strange man with four legs and the talking stone. He also knew that there was no electricity, no signal, no advanced technology in the world.

The creatures inside are very cunning and vicious, and the environment inside is very bad.

If possible, he will not let Lin Feng choose to enter the secret place.

However, from the moment he took Lin Feng as his apprentice, he knew that the boy would enter the secret place one day.

Because xuanlingzi knew that his friend, the old ghost, once helped a man named Lin Zhengtian to put the treasure in the secret place. The treasure was called blood jade.

On the first day up the mountain, xuanlingzi asked Lin Feng why he was learning art and what reason he wanted to be powerful!

Lin Feng told xuanlingzi that it was hatred and obligation.

Hatred is the great Revenge of parents and fiancee, which needs revenge and obligation. It is the blood jade inherited by one's family for thousands of years and needs to be passed down by oneself.

After hearing the three words of blood jade, xuanlingzi sighed and sighed that there might be some laws and coincidences in this world. In the dark, it seemed that there had been a definite number.

However, xuanlingzi knew that the secret place was dangerous. He never mentioned the cultivation. He just taught Lin Feng as a warrior. Qingcheng was already a practitioner of Huagu state at that time. However, Lin Feng had not heard any information about the cultivator.

This is xuanlingzi's intention.

Xuanlingzi thought, this child, carries too much, but these tasks are impossible for him to complete. Therefore, in order to make him happy, it is probably the best way to let him not touch the goal and let him give up.

That way, he would be happier.

However, xuanlingzi did not expect that Lin Feng's persistence was beyond his imagination.

Without noticing, Lin Feng has broken the shackles of the cultivator by virtue of himself.

Since he couldn't control it, xuanlingzi chose to help him.

Therefore, there is the dictionary of practitioners.

Only then had the Qingcheng and the Lin Feng night spring festival, helps him condense the yuan God seed.

Only then did we have the underground chamber and Lin Feng's several days of advanced Ning yuan environment triple.

Now, to this crucial step, xuanlingzi decided to support his apprentice in the end.

Even he wanted to be in the dark.

However, he could not go with Lin Feng, because he had more important things to do, that is, to maintain the secret door and make it closed.

Otherwise, the space in the secret territory will be distorted due to the rapid loss of aura, which will not only cause regional disorder of space and time, but also lead to the more serious consequence that Lin Feng will be trapped in the unknown space forever, and the whereabouts of blood jade will be unknown from now on.

Because, when the secret place collapses, the space will be fragmented. You don't know where the blood jade falls in, and you don't know what kind of space it will tear into.

Therefore, if the gate is not well guarded, it will be very dangerous.

Moreover, the process of closing down costs a lot of true Qi and cultivation. Ordinary cultivation is not competent at all.

At that time, in order to save the body of Jin gouyue, he rashly entered the secret place. If he did not meet other experts and old ghosts to help him out, he would not be able to close the door of the secret place. If he could not, the consequences would be unimaginable.

So this time, he will do logistics for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also knew that his master had done the aftercare work. He could not express his gratitude in his heart.

They can only fight for their lives and kill them from the inside. Then, they will devote the rest of their lives to the master.

They set up camp here, eating and drinking and chatting about the secret place.

At the same time, Lin Feng was not the only one who came to this secret place.On the hillside opposite Lin Feng, there was also a group of people looking down at the basin.

The group were all dressed in black suits, and even the long journey up the mountain did not leave their delicate suits stained with dust.

These people were members of the death alliance headed by the king of the West.

Highland barley has already apologized for his death, but Xiwang still can't make perfect communication. Only when he enters the secret place, kills Lin Feng and takes the blood jade, can he be the successor of the alliance of the gods of death.

However, it is not so easy.

First of all, the king did not know what was going on in the secret territory.

Although Xiwang is also a strong man in the Ningyuan realm, he knows that Lin Feng has entered the Ning yuan realm recently, and there are many experts around him. Therefore, it is not so easy to win the treasure map.

In addition, he has not many people on hand, which adds up to less than 10. The other three kings are watching their jokes behind their backs, and may even create obstacles for themselves. Therefore, it is very difficult for him to leave the country.

However, he will fight for the position of the successor of the alliance leader of the death alliance. What's more, it is not impossible to complete this matter. There is still a great chance to win it.

Therefore, Xiwang gathered his own right-hand assistants, and this time he came with the goal of fighting and turning bicycles into motorcycles.

In another depression more than ten kilometers away, there is also a team coming.

The procession was rather mysterious, and it was a seductive woman who led the way.

The woman used to live in Swan Lake Villa and monitored Lin Feng's movements every day.

And behind her, a group of younger brothers followed, including Taotie and Qilin.

Looking at it like this, this group of people should be Mie's subordinates, but it's hard to judge whether "Mie" is in it.

At the same time, people from the Yingzhou party also arrived.

There are also a lot of unknown small groups, also stealthily touched over.

These people's news is very proficient, all know that Lin Feng will have action these days.

Of course, many people have been waiting here.

This seemingly tranquil mountain is gathering experts from all walks of life at an unprecedented speed. The surface is quiet, but actually the undercurrent is surging.

While Lin Feng was resting on the hillside, there came an old acquaintance of Lin Feng who had not been seen for a long time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!