The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1272

Beiye ling'er holds the wine bottle in one hand, and directly reaches out to hold Lin Feng with the other hand.

Shangguan Ruoxue rushed to catch up: "take me one, I will jump!"

"Well, the elder sister is so beautiful that she must be very good at dancing." Beiye linger exclaimed.

"Thank you, little sister. Just call me little sister. I'm not old enough." Shangguan Ruoxue explained.

When they came to the center of the crowd, they all chatted.

The three of them danced to the music. Lin Feng had learned some dances before in order to perform his tasks. Shangguan ruoshue, more to say, was the first public relations person in Kyoto, singing and dancing were all unique.

These three people danced in the middle, beautiful, and everyone applauded. With the strength of wine, many people joined in.

It was a real carnival, with candle lights flickering around and voices in the middle.

Lin Feng brought cangyue and his master xuanlingzi to the middle and danced with them.

Xuanlingzi's injury was not cured, so the dance was quite awkward.

Cangyue is shy, always looking left and right, pushing and shoving is not jumping.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Today is a great day for master xuanlingzi and master cangyue. I hope you can release all your passion and add luster to this sweet and beautiful night! Let's raise our glasses together, and wish the new couple a heart forever, and follow each other when the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten! "

Lin Feng raised his glass and said in a loud voice, his voice spread all over everyone's ears.

Everyone raised their glasses to celebrate, and the banquet reached its climax at this moment.

This night is undoubtedly the most relaxed and joyful night before entering the secret place.

In the hearts of the people with the vision of the future and panic, but at this moment, all the pressure is put on, indulgent release.

Everyone's face is full of extremely unrestrained smile.

This night, no sunshine, but incomparably brilliant.

Shadow corner, two solitary figures, but poor pray: "God, let's hurry down the mountain, this special, can't live ah!"

These two people are Li pangzi and Luo Youcai.

They never felt how powerful the old asshole and Lin Feng were before, so they always wanted to defeat the old bastard and Lin Feng in some way. At least, they also wanted to get a little cheaper.

However, they found that they totally underestimated the master and apprentice of Lin Feng. They had no chance to win in the face of these two masters and apprentices.

Therefore, they had already thought that if they could go down the mountain, they would not want to overthrow the city. They also warned the people in the town that Lin Feng should not be provoked.

Unfortunately, the two of them may not know that they will never return to the village.

Because the two of them made a fatal mistake.

They see, at this time other people are carnival, only they, hiding in the corner is out of place.

Even if they disappear, no one will find them in this boiling scene.

Therefore, after their discussion, they secretly withdrew, ran out of the gate and ran down the mountain.

But this downhill is the end of their lives!


the noisy night is finally quiet.

It's the second half of the night, everyone is tired of playing, so go back to the room to have a rest.

Originally, Lin Feng said that he would go to the secret place today, but he was delayed by master's happy day.

So, tomorrow morning, Lin Feng will lead everyone to the great secret place.

After a night of silence, Lin Feng got up early the next morning.

Because of last night's hangover, many people haven't got up yet.

Lin Feng did not go to call these people, he first calculated today's plan.

This morning, after everyone wakes up, pack up and take food, and then we can start.

At the thought of food, Lin Feng suddenly remembered Luo Youcai and Li pangzi.

They should have been told to go down the mountain to prepare.

Lin Feng Wotou would go to the side room to wake up Li Pang and Luo Youcai. At this time, he found that the two men came up from the foot of the mountain, each carrying a big bag of things.

Their walking posture was wobbly and stiff. They looked strange, but some didn't look like the two of them.

Lin Feng went to the door, and when they approached, they confirmed that they were Li pangzi and Luo Youcai.

But these two people eye socket is black, face is like gold paper, look extremely haggard.

"When did you two go down the mountain?" Lin Feng asked.

"Last night!" Li replied.

"What's in this bag?" Lin Feng asked.

"The food you want!" Li said.

Lin Feng went up to have a look. There were some bread, water and sausage in the bag.

"Well, very well, thank you." Lin Feng said: "look at you two so haggard, maybe these days are too tired, quick rest, go down the mountain, there is no matter behind you!"Finish saying, Lin Feng carries the bag to turn to walk toward courtyard.

"Wait!" Fat Li suddenly made a voice.

Maybe it's overwork. Li's voice is a little hoarse.

"What? Anything else? " Lin Feng asked.

"The two of us want to go to the secret place with you," said Li

Lin Feng a Leng, carefully looked at two people: "you two why suddenly this kind of idea, the secret place is not who wants to go can go, very dangerous, know?"

"We know it!" "But we want to go in and have a look," said Li

"Just to think, I advise you not to go, life is not worth it!" Lin Feng Road.

"Not just thinking about it!" Li said: "people's life, how to live is living, plain life, too boring, so we are willing to stimulate a little, even if it is dead, also willing to hope that brothers can help us!"

Lin Feng listened and laughed. He glanced at the corner of his eye. It was not easy for ordinary people to detect the cunning. He said, "OK, since you insist on doing so, let me go. After all, taking so much food is also a reward for you!"

"Oh, I didn't say it. It takes at least ten hours to get from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain. Can't you ask some mountain bearers to deliver things? It's so tiring to have to fight yourself

Fat man Li smiles, but the smile is extremely unnatural, there is a sense that the seed coat does not smile.

"We are going to come anyway, so we have to carry it on our own!"

Lin Feng nodded: "OK, then come in!"

"Good!" Li said.

From beginning to end, Luo Youcai did not say a word.

What's more, Li is unusually calm, and his speech is concise, which is totally inconsistent with his character.

These Lin Feng all saw in the eye, but, he did not say what, pretended to have not seen.

This trip to the secret place seems to be more and more interesting.

Entering the door, Lin Feng put the bag down and went to the inner room. Qingcheng was already preparing for breakfast.

"Fat Li, come to dinner!" Lin Feng suddenly back to two people said.

However, the two men did not respond.

Lin Feng can't help but smile. He guessed it right. These two people are not Li Pang and Luo Youcai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!