The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 127

Shen man, is this not surprising?

This is the police detention center. If you talk big, you can also score points?

Is this where you can come and go if you want? How ridiculous!

At this time, Lin Feng stopped talking to Shen man. He went to the window of the detention center, put his hands on the window, and then his fingers kept knocking on the windowsill.

"Dada, dada..."

his hands have long fingers, which are very beautiful, and the percussion is very rhythmic. His eyes are closed, and he seems to be intoxicated.

After about a minute, Lin Feng took back the action, some dissatisfied said: "Oh, for a long time no practice, this hand is a bit rusty!"

"What is he doing?" Xiao Li can't understand.

"God knows!" Shen man can't understand what he's doing. She thinks that it's very likely that this guy is paranoid. Otherwise, how dare a normal person say that he can get out of the detention center at any time?

"Don't worry about him. God talks about it. It's not like a normal person." Shen man said on the side of the detention center police said: "this guy, you watch a little bit, he has a lot of guts."

"Don't worry, we can't have any mistakes!" The police are confident.

"Well!" Shen man nodded, the heart said that I see you boy how to escape out, is really too naive.

"You just stay in it. Don't think about anything else. I don't want your tongue. I still have something to do. I have to go first." Shen man said.

"No, little sister, you don't want my tongue, and I want your kiss." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"You are a real rascal Shen man was a little impatient: "do you think it's interesting? A meaningless bet, is it necessary to entangle in this? You have time, but I don't have time for you. Sorry, excuse me

Shen man finished and took Xiao Li out.

But at this time, her cell phone rings, it's the boss's phone.

Shen man is surprised. It's late midnight. It's almost daybreak. Why doesn't the general team sleep and call himself? Is there something important?

Shen man quickly picked up the phone: "boss, what's the matter?"

"Xiao Shen, have you arrested a suspect named Lin Feng today and filed an urgent lawsuit?" Liu asked in a hurry.

"Yes, chief

"It's really you." Liu's voice was a little anxious and asked, "where are others now? Tell me quickly!"

"In the detention center of our bureau!" Shen man said.

"Great, he's still here!" Liu said.

Just received a call from the superior, said that the capital city leader Lao Hu was angry, so he rushed to find Lin Feng, fortunately, Lin Feng was not transferred away!

Liu said: "Xiao Shen, you are there now. Take good care of Lin Feng. Don't let him go anywhere. I'll be there soon."

"Oh Shen man said.

Hang up the phone, Shen man is very curious, in the middle of the night, can let Liu Corps come in person, what is the matter?

What's more, he let himself look at Lin Feng. Did Lin Feng make any big things?

Shen Manmei eyes doubt, she let Xiao Li go back to the office first, she looked at here alone.

As Liu lived near the police station, within a few minutes, Liu arrived at the police station.

He went to the detention room in a hurry and saw Shen man sitting outside the detention room.

"Liu team, you are here!" Shen man comes up to say hello.

"Where is Lin Feng Liu team asked in a hurry.

"It's in there, no, it's there!" Shen man points that way!

Liu team through the iron gate fence, see Lin Feng sitting inside is picking feet, he took a deep breath, the nervous tension finally relaxed.

What's wrong with Shen man? What's Liu Feng's case like

With that, Shen man began to look cold: "this Lin Feng, I knew he was not a good guy. He drank and beat people, but he also broke the law. By the way, is his other cases serious? It's just that people are here. If they are punished for many crimes, they will be sentenced together, so it will be easier! "

"Ridiculous --" Liu Corps was suddenly scolded.

He looked at Shen man and said, "do you know who he is? You still have a sentence? Do you dare to judge? Let me go now

"What?" Shen man only felt a layer of goose bumps all over his body, and was extremely shocked in his heart.

"What are you doing? We can't afford to close this man. The leader gave an order all night just now. We must release Lin Feng quickly. We can't delay a moment! " Liu general team facial expression pale said.

"Then you asked me to stare at him just now. I thought..."

"what do you think?" Liu asked angrily, and then said, "I'm afraid you will move to the detention center or where. If I come, I can't find you and delay the release. Who will bear the crime?""I..." Shen man has never seen Liu team so excited, and in the middle of the night, he came to release people in person.

Of course, to be a policeman, you should obey orders.

Shen man motioned to the police of the detention center and said, "Xiao Zheng, let people go!"

"Wait!" Liu said.

"Well?" Shen man and Xiao Zheng are stunned. What's the matter? Don't you let it go again?

Liu said, "I'll release people myself!"

With that, he took the lead.

At this time, Shen man's heart was already in a state of turmoil.

What's going on here? What is Lin Feng's identity? Liu Corps even attracted such attention, to the police force for more than a year, Shen man has never seen Liu Corps treat a prisoner like this!

She followed and went into detention.

Xiao Zheng opened the iron gate and Liu was the first to go in and said respectfully to Lin Feng, "are you Lin Feng?"

"I am Lin Feng took a look at Liu and continued to dig his feet.

"Hello Lin Feng, I'm Liu Mingyuan, the captain here!" Liu Mingyuan held out his hand.

"Ah, Hello, Liu team!" Lin Feng stretched out his hand and directly held Liu Mingyuan's hand.

Liu Mingyuan was caught off guard.

He stretched out his right hand, and Lin Feng should be the right hand to shake hands with him. Unexpectedly, this guy didn't play cards according to common sense, and directly stretched out his left hand to pick his feet.

Liu Mingyuan could not bear the feeling in his heart, but he warmly held Lin Feng's hand and said: "Comrade Lin Feng, this is a misunderstanding. Our people don't know the inside information, so they caught you. I'm sorry. On behalf of the Bureau, I apologize to you and hope you'll forgive me!"

"It's OK. I'm not so mean!" Lin Feng said.

"Well, when did you come to Jincheng? Why didn't you say hello in advance? In this way, we can help you in the future." Liu Mingyuan said.

"No, I'm used to it alone!" Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "can I go out now? In the ink for a while, half an hour later, I still have a bet with the beauty

"Ah, go out, get out!" Liu Mingyuan said to Shen man, "Xiao Shen, you'll take Lin Feng out. His personal belongings will be returned to their original owners."

Shen man looks at the scene in front of her. She feels that her world outlook will be overturned!

His immediate superior, respectful to him, and personally come inside to pick him out, this is not his dream!

"Xiao Shen, what are you doing? Take Lin Feng out Liu Ming has a long way to go.

"Yes Shen man helps Lin Feng open his handcuffs and leads the way ahead.

"Then I'll go first, Captain!" Lin Feng says hello to Liu Mingyuan with a smile.

"Mm-hmm!" Liu Mingyuan said with a smile, "go slow!"

Out of the police station, Lin Feng took a breath of fresh air and said to Shen man, "little sister, how are you? Didn't you lie?"

You said, "lose, point to the face!"

Shen man bit his lips, his heart extremely tangled.

Although Lin Feng is not ugly and disgusting, she hasn't touched a man in 20 years, even her hands. Now she is a little resistant to letting him kiss a man's face.

Seeing Shen man in a dilemma, Lin Feng said, "in fact, I don't want you to kiss me. Do you want to? How hard I feel when your wet lips kiss my face! But - I know that you are also a man of words. Even if I don't let you kiss, you will kiss. After all, if you are willing to accept defeat, if you don't count your words, how can you be a public servant of the people? So in order not to embarrass you, I am ready to sacrifice my face! "

Shen man rolled his eyes, the guy said as if he could not kiss him, so he warned Lin Feng: "I tell you, you don't want to play my abacus!"

Lin Feng said, "if you kiss me, it means that the police and the people are close to each other. Who has made your calculations? It's you who are hesitating and pondering. How many women want to kiss me have no chance, but you are still hesitating here. Tut Tut, I'll take care of you! "

"Shut up!" Shen man glared at Lin Feng: "turn your face away!"

Lin Feng turned his face with a smile.

Shen man took a deep breath, closed his eyes hard, and gave Lin Feng a kiss on his face.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Lin Feng took his mobile phone and laughed.

"How dare you shoot me!" Shen man was furious.

Because she did not see Lin Feng with her eyes closed, she was photographed by Lin Feng with her mobile phone. This guy is so hateful.

Lin Feng was very satisfied with the angle of shooting and said, "tut Tut, look at you, kiss me, I'll tell you! You just covet me and want me to be your servant. There is evidence this time. Ha ha ha

"You don't have to face. Give me your cell phone!"


Lin Feng said and ran away in front of him. Before he disappeared, he still threw down a sentence: "little sister, remember to find a chance to have dinner with me! Let's meet and see you! Hehe, hehe, hehe"You're a rogue, a rascal, a pervert..."

SHEN man was furious and watched Lin Feng's figure disappear in the thick night. , the fastest update of the webnovel!