The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 128

Shen man angrily returns to the police station and finds that Liu Mingyuan's general team is in the office and hasn't left yet.

"Captain, it's almost daybreak. Do you want to go back to rest?" Shen man Dao.

"Xiao Shen! Come and sit down Liu Mingyuan asked Shen man to sit opposite him.

See Liu Mingyuan facial expression is not good, Shen man knows that he may face a storm.

But surprisingly, Liu Mingyuan was very calm. He asked, "why did you catch that Lin Feng?"

"He had a drink and hit someone!" Shen man said.

In Shen man's world, drinking and beating people is a crime. If you commit a crime, you should catch it.

Liu Mingyuan sighed and said, "Xiaoshen, you have graduated for more than a year. In this year, you have accumulated a lot of social experience, but you are still so straightforward now. If you are just out of school, you can accept it, but after more than a year of tempering, why don't you know how to adapt?"

"Captain, I..." Shen man did not know how to say, she did not want to change this matter.

In her world, either black or white, white can not become black, black will not become white, of course, even if changed, it is only an illusion, their essence will not change.

Liu Mingyuan sighed and said, "you know, you almost offended a big man because of Lin Feng."

"Big man?"

"Yes Liu Mingyuan said: "Lin Feng was sued, can immediately withdraw the lawsuit, let go, do you think, the people behind him, is not powerful?"

"Captain, with all due respect, I don't like this kind of black box operation!" Shen man said.

"Xiao Shen - this is not a black box operation." Liu Mingyuan said: "your father gave you to me because she hasn't changed your stubborn temper for more than 20 years. He hopes that you can understand the truth of life here! But I find that you are not unable to change, but you do not want to change yourself

"Yes Shen man said, "my world is either black or white."

Liu Mingyuan sighed and shook his head and said, "but Xiao Shen, what you don't know is that there is a boundary between black and white, which is gray, and the world, more importantly, is gray."

Shen man was silent.

Seeing that Shen man didn't speak, Liu Mingyuan stopped educating her because he had worked for so many years and knew that Shen man's character was so precious that there was a lack of such a person in the society.

However, such people are often unpopular and difficult to integrate into the society. After the event, the injured are still themselves.

Liu Mingyuan is distressed by this subordinate, just let her flexible.

"Xiao Shen, do you have anything else to say? If nothing, go back first. I haven't slept all night. It's hard! " Liu Ming has a long way to go.

"Captain, I have a few questions I don't know!" Shen man said.

"You ask!" Liu Mingyuan lit a cigarette.

"The first question is, what is Lin Feng's identity and why are you so respectful to him?" Shen man Dao.

Liu Mingyuan didn't know how to explain it to Shen man. He took a puff of smoke, flicked the ash, and said:

"let me tell you, you and I can't see Lin Feng's identity file, even in Jincheng! His files are in the top secret files of the state

Shen man was surprised, "why?"

Liu Mingyuan said: "Lin Feng is a person who works for the country. He belongs to a special organization of our country and specializes in solving some problems that cannot be solved by normal means at home and abroad. Therefore, his identity should be protected by the state. Moreover, the ideology and morality of such people have been trained and verified, so even if they hit people, they must have their reason. If they die for the country, the country will treat them well! Therefore, Hu Da, leader of the capital city, has spoken today and must ask him to come out of the detention center as soon as possible! "

"So it is!" Shen man said, "what kind of person is Lin Feng?"

Liu Mingyuan said: "this kind of person has several characteristics. 1. He has unique skills and can defeat hundreds with one enemy. 2. 3. Be loyal to the motherland and the people. "

Shen man some confused, she integrated all the information Liu Mingyuan said, or do not know what identity Lin Feng is.

Liu Mingyuan saw Shen man's confusion. He took a deep breath and said with reverence: "people like Lin Feng have made great contributions to the motherland, but they are usually not known by us! They will face the test of life and death every moment. It can be said that their work will face great challenges every time. These people have already given their lives to the motherland and the people. None of them can come back alive. Therefore, Lin Feng can retire safely. Such people are just gods

"God?" Shen man did not expect, Liu captain crazy analysis of a pass, but the analysis of Lin Feng into God.

Looking at Shen man, Liu Mingyuan couldn't help but smile and said, "I know you can't understand Lin Feng's identity. But if you have to give him an identity, then you can call him super king of war!"...



Fengdu Road intersection of qianyun road.

Chu Yuqi and Ma Chunchun have been waiting for the bus here soon after they came out of the police station.

During this period, a girl used mobile phone software to call a car, but no car came.

Seeing the end of the night, Ma Chunchun couldn't help sighing: "Damn it, I had a good birthday, so I was ruined by a group of scum!"

"Ah, pure ah, you also said that a good friend of Yuqi will be destroyed?" Another girl said.

After that, he suddenly felt as if he should not have said so, and then quickly said to Chu Yuqi, "Yuqi, don't misunderstand me. I'll say it casually, your friend, it will be OK!"

Although she said so, everyone knew that they had filed a lawsuit. What happened? She couldn't come out for a while! And Lin Feng did hurt people. He must be sentenced.

A group of people were silent.

Looking at the bare slate oil road, and the dark green belt, people have felt a chill.

One of the girls was afraid: "do you think that group of hooligans will come to bully us in the future?"

"Yes, those people seem to have nothing to do!" Said another girl.

"No, if he bullies us again, we will call the police at any time!" Ma Chunchun said.

But as soon as his voice fell, a frivolous laugh came from one side:

"ha ha ha ha! How are the beauties.

The laughter came from the dark green belt.

As the sound fell, several big men came out of the dark corner.

The first one, with bandages on his hands, was the black bear.

"Little beauties, we all know that we will come back to you, so smart, worthy of college students, hey hey, I like to make smart girls!" Black bear unscrupulous smile way.

"Brother black bear, this time to see where they run, I have to taste what female college students are like tonight! Hey, hey, hey A little rascal laughs obscenely.

The black bear stares at Chu Yuqi's bulging chest and the warped buttocks. His saliva is almost flowing out, and he roars: "brothers, what are you waiting for? Give it to me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!