The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 126

After recording their confessions, Chu Yuqi and Ma Chunchun stayed at the police station for a while. After they were in a stable mood, they left the police station. Several girls were no longer in the mood to go out for dinner.

Today's event has made a big shadow in their hearts. They plan to go back to school together, and then make up for Ma Chunchun's birthday in the warm and safe dormitory.

But after everyone went out, watching Chu Yuqi sullen, they all looked at Chu Yuqi with some worry.

Ma Chunchun asked: "Yuqi, will your boyfriend be ok?"

"He's not my boyfriend yet!" Chu Yuqi said shyly, then her face worried: "I don't know if he will be ok?"

"Well, is there any mistake? Why don't they believe what we say One girl complained.

"Yes, there's something wrong with putting the bad guys out of the way and trying hard at the good guys?"

"Well, do you know how many such wrongs in society? It's just that we happened to have it today. Bad luck

"Yuqi, don't think about it. Let's go back and have a rest first. Maybe he will be OK, but he can't. tomorrow, let's ask Chunchun dad to go out and see if it's OK!"

"That's all it can do!" Chu said.

When they got out of the police station, they took a main road and went ahead. It was already late in the night, and it was not easy to take a taxi. After two more small intersections, there was a big intersection ahead. It was more convenient to take a taxi, so they went there.

At the same time, inside the police station.

Shen man and Xiao Li think twice and find no good way to get Lin Feng out, but Shen man decides to take Xiao Li and apologize to Lin Feng before Lin Feng is sent to the detention center.

At this time, Lin Feng is in the detention center of the police station. Because Shen man filed a lawsuit, Lin Feng will be taken to the detention center soon.

In the detention center, Lin Feng will be summoned to the court from time to time. Once sentenced, if his sentence exceeds one year, he will be transferred to the prison to serve his sentence. If his sentence is less than one year, he will serve his sentence directly in the detention house, and he will be released when his sentence is over.

Therefore, the procedures behind Lin Feng are still in the detention center of the police station at this time.

Shen man and Xiao Li go to the detention center and bring Lin Feng back to the interrogation room again.

But this time, she didn't want to interrogate Lin Feng.

Shen man turns off the surveillance around to make sure they don't talk to the outside world, because it's not in line with the rules to apologize in the interrogation room.

Shen man takes a deep breath and wants to give Lin Feng a sincere apology.

But at this time, Lin Feng first said: "you two are furtive, and you have turned off the monitoring and microphone. Why, do you want to kill people?"

Shen man was also very guilty of Lin Feng, but Lin Feng has a kind of ability, which can make people feel no guilt in an instant.

Shen man said: "we are not interested in your life, just, I think, my judgment may be wrong!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "mistakes? Where did you make a mistake? You are such a bull B, standing on the commanding height of morality, balabalabalabala, your serious and cold manner of pretending to be forced really fascinates me

Shen man bit his teeth. Lin Feng can't give him a good face. Before he said anything, he would kick his nose on his face. If he really wanted to apologize to him, he would not go to heaven?

However, Shen man thinks that he is wrong if he is wrong. If he doesn't apologize, he seems to be too stingy.

"Lin Feng, listen to me. I've wronged you. I'll apologize to you! But I remind you, do things in the future, do not be impulsive, or let people grasp the handle, you will be very uncomfortable Shen man Dao.

"How do you know that I feel bad when I'm caught? I don't feel bad? I still enjoy it Lin Feng said.

"Are you still angry?" Shen man Dao.

"No, I'm telling the truth! Or you come here, you come and grab my handle and make me comfortable! " Lin Feng pointed to his place.

Suddenly, Shen man's face was red to the root of his neck.

"Lin Feng, you wretched rascal Shen man's apology is a complete collapse.

This Lin Feng is simply a stubborn rock. He worries about him and feels guilty. Now it seems that these are unnecessary!

"Well, Lin Feng, I won't be angry at what you say today, because I made a mistake first. I apologized and said what should be said, so I have a clear conscience!" Shen man said.

"Come on, my younger sister, you'll have a clear conscience if you apologize for something wrong? I'm sorry to kill someone. Don't you have to be shot? By the way, I'm sorry to the black bears now, don't I have to go to jail? " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Listen to me, Lin Feng. I know you hate being in prison and afraid of being in prison. But now that it's done, we just hope you can make a good transformation and come out as soon as possible..."

"stop!" Lin Feng waved his hand and interrupted Shen man's words: "let's just tell you. I haven't been in a detention center in my life, so I just come in and have a look at the environment. People, I have a limited time in my life, and I have to experience more things that I haven't experienced. But now I have, and the environment of the detention center is not so good, so I want to go. I'm sorry, you can't stop me!""Ah Xiao Li frowned: "man, we don't have to brag about B like that!"

"I'm not bragging! Do you think this place can hold me Lin Feng stares at Shen man and says, "I'll give you face. If you let me come, I'll come. If I don't give you face, I can go if I want to go!"

"Well, there's a tongue twister!" Xiao Li was a little confused: "Lin Feng, do you want to escape from prison? Don't think about breaking out of prison, or your life will be ruined! " Xiao Li advised.

"I'm a law-abiding citizen. Of course, I won't escape from prison. There are so many beauties waiting for me outside. How could I stay here! It doesn't exist! " Lin Feng said.

"Lecher!" Shen man said coldly.

"Well, my younger sister, let's talk about it. I'm hungry and I'm going to eat out." Lin Feng stretched himself.

Shen man sneered: "this is the detention center. Do you want to go out at will? Do you think this is your home

Lin Feng said: "China is my family, the motherland is my mother, and the detention center is also in China. Of course, it is my family."

"Glib, dogmatic, you die of this heart, good in the transformation of it!" After a conversation with Lin Feng, Shen man has no sense of guilt.

This guy, still so annoying, or so like bragging.

"Younger sister, I know you don't believe me. Shall we make a bet?" Lin Feng said.

"What's your bet?" Shen man asked.

"If I can get out of here in half an hour, you'll let me kiss you, and then you'll take time to have dinner with me alone!" Lin Feng said, "of course, don't get me wrong. I'm not going to do anything. Let you kiss me. It means that the police and the people are close to each other."! But let you and I have a meal alone is to open your heart, don't always think about throwing me into the prison. I know you covet my body, but you can't do it for personal gain... "

" you'll die in your mouth sooner or later! " Shen man said coldly: "gamble, who is afraid of whom? What if you lose? "

"If I lose, I will give you my body willingly, isn't it as you wish?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"You dream!" Shen man said: "if you lose, you will cut your tongue, saving you all day to force the nagging!"

Shen man thought, you're bound to lose. I'm not doing anything now. I'm watching you here. Can you run from under my nose?

Moreover, I let you lose, cut your tongue, I will certainly scare you to death!

Hum, admit it!

But very unexpected, but listen to Lin Feng said: "deal!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!