The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 125

At this moment, Shen man's mood is extremely complicated.

He didn't expect that there would be a full video of the day in the mobile phone, which recorded the events from the beginning to the end.

Moreover, this person's shooting angle is very good, the light and the picture are adjusted properly and clearly. In addition, the mobile phone video has sound, which is more convincing than the monitoring video.

This video, for a moment, subverts Shen man's understanding of Lin Feng.

Because the video starts with Chu Yuqi and her entering the hall.

This video should be taken by a person who secretly photographed a beautiful woman. He saw a beautiful girl like Chu Yuqi coming to the hall, so he started shooting with his mobile phone.

At the beginning of the video, Chu Yuqi and others are sitting on the sofa. Ma Chunchun asks for two dozen beers. Several people begin to chat while drinking, looking around from time to time.

At this time, the tattooed man appeared and began to talk to Chu Yuqi.

Because of the loud music and sound, the tattooed man can't be heard in the video.

But it seems that the tattooed man doesn't seem to know Chu Yuqi. He used to talk to each other.

Then, the tattooed man began to put his arms around Chu Yuqi's shoulder and forced Chu Yuqi to drink.

Then Ma Chunchun tries to dissuade him. His tattoo points to Ma Chunchun and scolds him. His face looks ferocious.

"Scum, scum!"

Shen man angrily scolded and continued to watch the video behind.

But the more she looked back, she found that these two words, scum and scum, were powerless to describe these people!

These people are not as good as animals. They keep beating the girls, beating Ma Chunchun full of blood, and then pouring wine on the girls' heads. The choking girls are crying and coughing.

What's more, they kept on pointing at the girls, pulling and pulling, and some hooligans also put their hands into the girls' pants.

In broad daylight, this kind of behavior that animals are inferior to is actually living in this so-called civilized society.

Moreover, it is so cruel, so shocking.

Looking at a girl's pale and desperate face, Shen man felt that his heart was bleeding.

She really can't look down, not a second.

At the moment, she wanted to be a knight of justice, to go to the girls and do justice for them.

Her angry chest is constantly fluctuating, a pretty face is ferocious because of anger, and her beautiful big eyes are scarlet because of anger.

She even wanted to kill those animals!

However, Shen man was not angry by the gang, suddenly, a bottle of wine on the roof of the building was thrown down and hit the black bear in the face.

Then, the fruit tray, banana peel and so on, were all thrown down.

All of them hit the black bear's head.

"Great!" Shen man exclaimed.

Indeed, as she said, justice may be late occasionally, but never absent.

It's just, how can this scene look so familiar?

When Shen man was thinking about it, he saw Lin Feng from the sky, just like the awe inspiring God.

Lin Feng came down to save people!!!

It's no wonder that the surveillance video given by the boss started here: a bottle of wine came down, and then Lin Feng jumped down and started hitting people. It's just that the shooting angles are different, but the scenes are all the same.

Shen man clenched his silver teeth and snapped his mouth on his face.

"Captain, what are you doing?" Xiao Li was stunned.

"I'm fine!" At this time, Shen man felt like a needle in his heart, with pain, guilt and anger surging up.

Lin Feng is to replace justice to teach that group of scum, but he saw the video out of context, misunderstood Lin Feng.

"It's me who wrongly blamed Lin Feng!" Shen man gritted his teeth, a pair of beautiful big eyes flashing blurred tears, said: "because of the false confession of a group of scum, and a fake video, I caught Lin Feng to start a teacher and make a crime. I wrongly blame Lin Feng, but let those brutes and scum go unpunished, gloating. What qualifications do I have to be a policeman?"

"Captain, don't say that. You're the best cop I've ever seen!" Xiao Li quickly came to comfort him: "no one is immortal. Everyone will make mistakes. That Lin Feng is not so stingy. I tortured him so many times. He smiles every time he sees me. He is really good!"

"But, I call him scum, scum, a despicable prisoner..." Shen man buried his head deeply: "how can I be like this, how can I be so impulsive? What Lin Feng did was right. If it was me, I would have been unable to help. Moreover, if Lin Feng didn't do it today, who knows what those people would do to those girls? "

"Mm-hmm! Lin Feng is really a good guy. Let's go and apologize to him now Said Xiao Li.

"Apology is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that I have put his case on file and filed a lawsuit. Because this lawsuit is well founded and can not be withdrawn, and Lin Feng did hurt people, and the judgment is also established. Lin Feng will definitely go in because of this matter! " Shen man said very guilty."What about that?" Xiao Li has no idea.

Shen man said: "all blame me, should not be so anxious to file a lawsuit, I am impulsive, coupled with Lin Feng in anger!"

"Will the other group be punished accordingly?" Said Xiao Li.

Shen man said: "it will. With this video, there is a lot of hard evidence. Those people are convicted of indecent assault and threatening girls. So, I will arrest them for questioning later."

"Alas Xiao Li sighed: "Captain, this time, we are really sorry for Lin Feng!"

Shen man also has a sad face, although she has always been fed up with Lin Feng's careless appearance, but in this matter, Lin Feng did a man, let him admire.

But it was such a person who fought against injustice and was sent to prison by her own hand.

Shen man is very sad, at the same time, also very self blame. Think of Lin Feng in the face of a few hooligans, that incomparably heroic appearance, Shen man's heart is really give Lin Feng a thumbs up.

At this time, Xiao Li said, "Captain, I don't know if I should say something!"

"Say it Shen man Dao.

Xiao Li pursed his lips: "I feel that Lin Feng likes you!"

"No nonsense! He doesn't keep his mouth shut. He talks nonsense every day Although Shen man said so, his face turned red.

"Really, he asked me, will you like him one day?" Said Xiao Li.

"What do you say then?" Shen man asked.

"I said, Lin Feng, you die this heart, even if the men are dead, my captain will not like you!" Said Xiao Li.

The corner of Shen man's mouth twitches. Xiao Li's words are more cruel than himself! Then he took a breath: "Xiao Li, what you said is not wrong!"

"Hey, my captain, of course I know the most about it!"

"Fart, help me think quickly. What about Lin Feng?"

"Well, let me see."


Jincheng first people's Hospital, ward 305.

There was a wounded man lying on the bed, and several bandaged people were sitting on the stool around him.

These people are the black bear, the tattooed man, the hooligans and the younger brothers who come to visit the black bear.

The black bear, with a telephone in his hand, is talking to the God of fire.

A few minutes later, the black bear hung up the phone and said to the tattooed man and the hooligans, "it's settled. Lin Feng has been sued and is waiting to be put in jail."

"It's so damn cool!" Said a little brother.

"Yes! Let him try his best to get in? Ha ha ha, we should drink to celebrate Said the other.

In fact, the happiest one should be black bear. Lin Feng was framed and jailed by his cooperation with the God of fire. He felt that a great revenge had been avenged.

"Thanks to that beautiful policeman!" A little brother interposed.

"When you talk about the beautiful police, your mouth will flow out!" Another rascal scoffed.

"Who doesn't like women like that? Look at her two long legs and her round buttocks. If you can touch them, she is a beautiful person

When talking about beautiful women, black bear thought of Chu Yuqi, and thought of Chu Yuqi's chest trembling. He said, "by the way, those girls are still in the police station, and now 80% of them are coming out. Don't you like beautiful women? We're going to kill a bullet. Anyway, Lin Feng can't come out now. We can play as we want! "

"I'll go, I'll go!" Those hooligans can play beauty, one by one do not feel pain.

Even the one on the hospital bed should be supported.

Black bear ordered a few people, and then asked tattoo man: "flower arm, do you want to go?"

The tattoo man shook his head and said, "I'll forget it. I feel bad!"

In fact, he was really scared by Lin Feng. He shuddered at the thought of Lin Feng's eyes.

Black bear also did not force, entangled a few hooligans, went out of the hospital.

"Let's go and squat near the police station and wait for the group of little bitches to come out and drag them away!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!