The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 124

Finally, Shen man comes to Lin Feng's interrogation room.

See Lin Feng is picking feet, as if nothing has happened.

Shen man's heart is a burst of disgust, "pay attention to your image, this is in the police station!"

Lin Feng said, "what? Can't I pick my feet? You have such a strong rule. No wonder you can be abstinent. If you feel uncomfortable, just let it go. Don't hold it. It's not good for you

"Lin Feng, you may say it now and make trouble, but I will tell you that human evidence and material evidence are very unfavorable to you. You are likely to go in for a few years because of this. Now you can pray for the injured at the hospital. It's OK. Otherwise, your sentence will be extended!" Shen man said.

"You see, you still want me to be your servant..."

"shut up!" Shen man said, "you are so glib. I've endured you for a long time."

"Is it?" Lin Feng a crooked head: "then don't bear it, come on, release it!"

Then he unbuttoned his coat and spread it back: "come on, I won't resist. Sooner or later it will be your servant!"

"You're a real rascal Shen man gets up in a rage and stares at Lin Feng fiercely.

Shen man has been upright since childhood, never swearing, but until he met this guy, she even wanted to scold him all the time.

In her heart, she had never seen such a shameless person.

It's very troublesome, and the whole person is full of rogue, ruffian and lousy.

Shen man doesn't think she is so noble. However, she thinks that facing Lin Feng, the gap between them is still too big. Lin Feng is too low. This kind of low is not the low of appearance and figure, but morality!

Lin Feng's conduct makes Shen man very shameless.

From the moment Shen man entered the police station after graduation, she began to flaunt herself as a spokesman for justice. She vowed that when she grew up in Jincheng, she would protect Jincheng. Under her eyes, she would never allow half a mouse dung to disturb the public order of Jincheng.

And this Lin Feng, is the mouse excrement in her eyes, the rat excrement that broke a pot of porridge.

Drinking, rioting, fighting, no discipline, lawlessness.

Fortunately, now that there are all kinds of human and material evidence, and so on the other side of the hospital to identify whether there is a disability, you can file a lawsuit against Lin Feng.

Shen man takes a deep breath and looks at Lin Feng's eyes. Obviously, he is looking at a prisoner.

"Lin Feng, you should know that justice is never absent. He always comes from the sky when you need it most! So this time, you can't escape! "

Lin Feng picked his feet and smelled them. He seemed to have not heard Shen man speak. Then he changed his feet and continued to pick.

"Lin Feng -" Shen man patted the table: "do you dare to be arrogant with me? How many bad things have you done? How many people have you harmed? Don't you count it in your mind

"No count!" "I'm not good at math!" said Lin Feng without raising his eyes

"You are such a scum Shen man Qi's chest kept ups and downs, "just say this time, you have injured six people, one rib fracture, one finger all broken, there are two, the serious injury is still diagnosed, you start so hard, in the end there is no human nature?"

Lin Feng laughs and continues to pick his feet.

"Lin Feng - I'm talking to you. Are you still human?" Shen man hated such a person so much that Lin FengHao's attitude of not admitting his mistake made him more angry.

She is like a shining chief judge, standing at the commanding height of morality, mercilessly criticizing the criminal who kneels down - Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't kneel down and argued for the truth, which made her extremely angry.

At this time, Lin Feng's eyebrows frowned a few times. He raised his head and his face became extremely serious: "officer Shen, it's enough to do things. Don't say too much, it will hurt people!"

"With you, do I have to be friendly? Do you know sadness? Ha ha, funny

"Officer Shen, I solemnly tell you that justice will never be absent, because there are a group of people who always have justice in their hearts and are spontaneously defending justice, not what you call justice!" Lin Feng said.

"You mean, are you defending justice?" Shen man sneers.

"I'm not so noble, but I'm not as mean as you think!" Lin Feng said.

"Joke, don't you call it mean? What is despicable Shen man said, "but you can't go anywhere. When you go to the prison and see those despicable prisoners, you will find your shadow in them!"

"Ha ha! You are so naive Lin Feng sneered and said, "do you think you can really put me in jail?"

"If you commit a crime, you must obey the law. This is the iron law!"

"Yes, I obey the law, but I tell you, I always cooperate with you back and forth, in and out, not because I made a mistake, but because I give you face! If one day I don't want to give you this face, no one can control me. It's not that I am lawless, but that what I do is worthy of the country and the people, and worthy of my heart! " Lin Feng said forcefully."How dare a villain say that? Who gives you courage?" Shen man said angrily.

Lin Feng said: "I don't want to discuss with you, because you live in an ideal state. The reality is not as simple as you think. So, please don't judge me with your one-sided judgment. Finally, my name is Lin Feng. I'm a layman. I'm greedy for money and lust. I'm upright. Please don't insult me again

"Are you threatening me?" Shen man was so angry that he was guilty.

But Lin Feng did not pay attention to Shen man any more. He did not say anything. He let Shen man do anything and said anything. He stopped saying a word.

Shen man has no choice but to walk out of the interrogation room. Since all the evidence is available, Xiao Li has also given the results of the hospital. So bring a lawsuit.

According to the hospital diagnosis given by Xiao Li, there were slight injuries and serious injuries, but there was no disability. Only the black bear was identified as grade 4 disability, because ten fingers were broken and re boned, there would be some impact on life in the future.

"Lin Feng, you scum, you're a scum. They didn't take any action. You didn't provoke you. After drinking wine, you beat them up and then refused to admit their mistakes. This time, it depends on what you say. Add up the level 4 disability and the injuries of several people, and you'll be in for at least two years!" Shen man looked at the report and said, "these people are so poor!"

"Captain, it's not so serious! That Lin Feng people are still good! " Said Xiao Li.

"Don't you have a long brain? Are you good at drinking and beating people? If you say that, then these injured people are wronged. " Shen man Dao.

"Ah Xiao Li doesn't know how to say it. He who was beaten is wronged.

"Well, this matter will be solved soon. I have mentioned the lawsuit just now. Next, we will enter the waiting stage. Next, Lin Feng will stay in the detention center until he is sentenced, and then he will go to prison!" Shen man said: "scum, deserve it!"

Then, a colleague came to Shen man and said, "Captain Shen man, here is a small package for you!"

"Package?" Shen man a Leng, looking at the colleague's hand, a palm size plastic bag sealed.

I haven't been shopping online recently? Is it Qin Shou, the stubborn guy who sent him a gift?

"Thank you Shen man took the package and looked at it carefully.

This package was not sent by Qin Shou. It was an anonymous package.

Shen man is a little surprised, she opened the package, inside is a black fruit cell phone.

"What does that mean?" Shen man took out his mobile phone and found that it was on and not turned off.

She swipes the unlock button and a video pops up.

Video with video and sound, shooting very clear.

Shen man looks at, can't help but face a burst of red, a burst of white, surprised slowly opened his mouth! , the fastest update of the webnovel!