The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 123

"Ah, ah! Xiao Li, we are old friends. Can you be gentle? " Lin Feng Road.

Xiao Li pushed Lin Feng to get on the bus and said, "look, my captain is angry! What's more, you've been in the police five times last month. It's nearly half a month since you've been in the police station five times. I thought you'd become a good man, but I didn't expect to see you again today

Xiao Li is still a little excited. Lin Feng, like a condiment of his boring life, suddenly doesn't appear. Instead, he feels bored.

Lin Feng didn't have a good breath to stare at Xiao Li, this boy, take oneself happy, this is.

However, he likes Xiao Li very much. Xiao Li is kind and simple. He also exudes a strong dull and cute spirit from inside and outside. Lin Feng can't help joking: "Xiao Li, do you think your captain will like me one day?"

Xiao Li was stunned and then replied, "you can rest assured that even if all the men are dead, she will not like you!"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and said, "Hey, Xiao Li, it's boring to talk like this. I'll give you a chance to say it again. Will you like me?"

Xiao Li evil spirit a smile: "you give me how many opportunities are impossible!"

"No, your captain has such a high vision?" Lin Feng said: "I'm talented and handsome. Everyone loves me. When flowers bloom, your boss will fall in love with me one day."

"Ah - ha -" Xiao Li sneered.

Lin Feng's face sank and he said, "that's that! Xiao Li, I advise you to use the word "ha ha" less in the future. The last time I chatted with a little girl on the Internet, I typed the word "ha ha", and the next second I was blackmailed! "

Xiao Li picked up the tape and said, "no wonder the boss asked me to seal your mouth. I think your mouth is so broken that it can only be opened at noon."

"Why?" Lin Feng Road.

"Because something will happen sooner or later." Xiao Li has a wise face.

"Oh, that's good, little brother. I've got some of my true stories!" Lin Feng laughed.

Xiao Li is also happy. He never liked to joke before. Since he contacted with Lin Feng several times, he would be cold and humorous.

It seems that this man still has to mix with others.

"Well, to tell you the truth, there are many pursuers of our captain. You can see that she is so beautiful and has such a good figure, and she has a very decent temperament. Who doesn't like it?" Said Xiao Li.

"That's her police uniform. Do you think she's decent if you ask her to change her prison uniform?" Lin Feng said.

"That's decent among prisoners, too!" Xiao Li said, and then he pulled open a piece of tape, while sealing to Lin Feng's mouth, said: "close your mouth, don't stick to your tongue!"

"No, Xiao Li, are you really sticking? Both of us can talk and fart in this friendship. You can just act like you do! " Lin Feng Road.

"No way. To do our job is to work for the people. If you don't do things seriously and perfunctorily, you are irresponsible to the people. So I can't deal with things. Bear with it, brother. Even for the people!" Xiao Li said and put Lin Feng's mouth on.

Lin Fengxin said that you son of a child, a face of righteous words, for the people, paste my tape and the people have nothing to do with it.

But Lin Feng also had expected that Xiao Li was always very serious, so he did not speak.

But Xiao Li said at this time: "in fact, I just wanted to tell you. I'm afraid you'll talk to me again. Now that you can't speak, I'll tell you something!"

Xiao Li said seriously: "there is a young man named Qin Shou who is chasing our team leader. His offensive is very fierce. The commander Qin shouchang is very handsome. He can also pay attention to his clothes. He is a famous brand, and he has dumped you several blocks. But as for Qin Shou, our captain doesn't like it! So you, don't worry about it and go to bed! "

Xiao Li closed the door, locked the door, and then walked into the dynasty bar again.

In the bar, Chu Yuqi is still pleading for Lin Feng, but the black bear and the tattooed man insist that Lin Feng maliciously hurt them, saying that Lin Feng is a heinous hooligan.

The God of fire also said that he was drinking with his brothers here. Seeing that the black bears were mutilated by Lin Feng, he was very angry in his heart. He wanted to help with his brothers and teach Lin Feng a lesson. As a result, the police Comrade arrived first and said with a righteous face: justice will never be absent.

The God of fire and the black bear sang and died Lin Feng's sin.

Naturally, Shen man is not a person who listens to the wind or the rain. What she pays attention to most is evidence. Although she also believes that the accusation of Lin Feng's intentional wounding is a matter of no doubt, she can not be convicted without evidence.

At this time, the owner of the bar came out and said that the hotel had a monitoring system, which had not been turned on before. He thought that there would be nothing wrong. As a result, Lin Feng made trouble, so he turned on the monitoring and recorded the scene of Lin Feng hitting people.

In fact, the owner of the bar intentionally handed in the video. He pinched out the clips of black bear and tattooed male bullying girls before. Otherwise, the video would flow out and cause public indignation.

So the owner of the bar said that the monitoring system had not been turned on before, and he only opened it when Lin Feng beat people in the monitoring room.Shen man took the U disk and said, "thank you for providing the live video. I will check it carefully when I go back. I believe the evidence you handed in will be helpful to this case."

"Oh, yes, we have a headache when we meet people who make trouble for no reason after drinking wine! The customers who have been beaten are also very unjust! " The owner of the bar said slyly.

"Well! We'll deal with it! " Shen man did not pay attention to the owner of the bar. She said to Xiao Li, "call the ambulance and send the injured to the hospital first. After bandaging, record the confession!"

"Good captain!" Xiao Li Dao.

Shen man took a look at Chu Yuqi and several other girls and said, "you are also parties. Come back to the police station with me! And you, you have to go too! "

She pointed to Vulcan again.

"Well, I'll do my best to cooperate!" The God of fire said, and then with a big wave of his hand, he said to his younger brother: "scattered, don't do like gathering people to make trouble, affect the social atmosphere, will make it difficult for the police officer to do it!"

"Well!" Shen man nodded: "very political consciousness!"

"OK, OK!" The God of fire had no temper at this time!

After all, no matter how big the association is, it is a mole ant in front of our party.

Xiao Li took people to the hospital, Shen man also called for a police car, Chu Yuqi and other girls, together with the God of fire, pulled back to the police station.

Lin Feng, as the focus of Shen man's attention, got the right to take Shen man's special car.

To put it bluntly, Shen man treats Lin Feng as a prisoner. He is afraid of having problems with other people. Therefore, he drives him back to the police station.

When he arrived at the police station, Shen man immediately started recording his confession.

On record, it's basically like this:

the confession of those girls is brief: Ma Chunchun held a birthday party and was beaten. Lin Feng happened to be drinking in the box. He heard this and helped him.

The brief statement of Huoshen's confession is as follows: Lin Feng drank too much in the balcony upstairs, and accidentally dropped the wine bottle and hit the black bear. The black bear asked him to comment on it. He also threw the fruit plate down, and then he jumped down and played a drunken mania, beating the black bear and the group of people.

And the God of fire also mentioned Chu Yuqi and them, saying that several girls were playing crazy, and they danced there when they drank too much. The tattooed men dissuaded them from doing so. As a result, they blamed the tattooed men for meddling, and then took the opportunity to slander tattooed men and others.

There's no evidence, they can say whatever they want.

Shen man also let his hand down to find a few people present to investigate, the results no one dare to say the truth, all said that the night drink too much is not clear.

Shen man can only seriously study the monitoring video and watch the video. It really started when the bottle fell. Lin Feng first threw the bottle down and then began to beat people.

Shen man called again and asked Xiao Li how the confession was recorded.

Xiao Li said that the confession of black bears was basically consistent with that of Huoshen.

In fact, the God of fire and the black bear had been talking privately for a long time.

But Shen man didn't know. Shen man thought about it carefully. There were two waves of people who said that Lin Feng deliberately hurt people, and there were also surveillance video proof.

However, there was no evidence to prove the situation at that time. Their physical injuries might have been caused by their own playing. In addition, these girls were full of alcohol. Such a strong smell of wine came out of the girls' mouths. They must have drunk a lot of wine.

Therefore, Shen man temporarily determines that Lin Feng is suspected of intentionally injuring people after drinking. Next, he will look at the injury level of the injured and Sue Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, you are really a scum. If you drink a little wine, you will make trouble. This is definitely a hidden danger to the society. This time, all the evidence and evidence are available. You are going to go to prison!" Shen man said coldly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!