The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1232

"Lin Feng!"

Shangguan Ruoxue yelled and ran to Lin Feng.

At this moment, thousands of words turned into the strength of her legs. She just wanted to be in the arms of Lin Feng as soon as possible.

Lin Feng also saw Shangguan Ruoxue so excited for the first time. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to him, and his head sank into his arms.

What kind of experience is it for a beautiful woman with unique appearance and top figure to throw herself in her arms?

Lin Feng only felt a sweet smell, and then a comfortable softness in front of him.

"Lin Feng, where have you been? You make people worry!"

Shangguan Ruoxue smashed Lin Feng's chest with two small powder fists, completely ignoring other people's views.

Lin Feng grasped the red scorpion's hand and said, "I'll go for a walk in the woods."


Shangguan ruoyue tears flowed down: "why don't you tell me the truth? Why do you have to carry the danger by yourself? How can you be so stupid?"

The more Shangguan Ruoxue said, the worse he cried.

Lin Feng tilted his head: "why do you cry like this? You didn't do this before! "

Shangguan Ruoxue wiped his nose: "because I didn't find you so man before!"

"Lin Feng was speechless.

At this time, one side of the red scorpion can not see down, she went forward, opened Shangguan Ruoxue said: "pay attention to the impact!"

Shangguan ruoxuedu mouth, staring at a red scorpion.

Red scorpion rolled a white eye, and then went to Lin Feng and asked, "boss, are you hurt?"

"It's OK!" "What are you doing?" said Lin Feng

Red scorpion said: "we see that you are not in the house, and there are signs of fighting, so we think you have something wrong, everyone came out to look for you!"

"Please, everyone!" Lin Feng said, "it's quite cold in the mountains, especially on rainy nights. Don't get cold. Go back to bed quickly."

People see that Lin Feng is OK, they also go back to their own room.

However, Lin Feng's room can not live, so he opened another room.

But Lin Feng did not wait to take off his coat, a beautiful shadow appeared again in Lin Feng's room.

"Last time you said that it was dangerous to have enemies coming. Now it should be OK." Shangguan ruoyue closes the door with a different meaning on his face and looks at Lin Feng with a smile.

Lin Feng ha ha a smile: "should be OK!"

"Then no one will disturb us, will we?" Shangguan ruoyue is going to pour into Lin Feng's arms.

At this moment, however, there was a loud knock on the door.

Shangguan Ruoxue frowned. Who would it be?

Lin Feng motioned to Shangguan Ruoxue to sit down first. He went to the door to open the door and found that the visitor was a red scorpion.

The first reaction of the red scorpion after opening the door is not to look at Lin Feng, but to look behind him.

He saw Shangguan Ruoxue sitting behind Lin Feng, sitting on the chair, looking at her legs and looking at her mobile phone. Her face immediately showed a look of disgust and said, "Oh, I didn't expect that the beautiful woman was here so late!"

Shangguan Ruoxue said: "each other, I didn't expect you to come so late!"

Red scorpion coldly smile: "if not hear you come, how can I disturb the boss?"

Then he stepped in and looked around carefully to make sure that nothing happened to Lin Feng and her. He also felt relieved and said, "Shangguan beauty, my boss has been fighting with a strong enemy today, wasting a lot of physical strength and energy. He needs a good rest. What are you doing here so late? Go back to bed and don't disturb the boss

Shangguan Ruoxue said with a smile: "I know your boss needs a good rest and recovery, so I came here. I can massage in Thai style. I want to help your elder brother stretch his muscles and bones, which will make you have a better rest!"

"Hum!" The red scorpion snorted coldly: "I think you want my boss to give you a massage? Massage above or below? Don't be so obscure. We are not children

"Xiao Hong!" Lin Feng scolded the red scorpion: "how to speak so bad?"

"Boss!" Red scorpion bright to drop small mouth a doodle, jiaochen way: "I don't allow other women to touch you, you can only be my!"

Shangguan Ruoxue also came to his temper, Liu eyebrows frowned tightly, apricot eyes with a trace of anger: "Lin Feng likes who is his right, even if you no longer overbearing, you can not deprive Lin Feng of his rights!"

"You are wrong. I'm telling you that you have no right to like my boss!" Said the red scorpion.

"Enough!" Lin Feng scratched his head and sighed: "it's late. You all go back to bed."

"Lin Feng!"


They both spoke in unison.

"Go back, I'm a little tired too! We'll talk about it tomorrow! " Lin Feng once again ordered to leave.

He didn't want to see the scene in front of him, all of whom were close to him, but because of his own quarrel, this kind of thing made him headache.Lin Feng thought about this scene a long time ago. What if the women who like themselves look at each other badly?

Lin Feng's answer to himself is that this kind of thing can't be forced, and everyone is not happy with it. He can only bear the pain and part with each other.

Even if he likes it again, Lin Feng will not disturb each other because he doesn't want them to have differences because of himself.

Sometimes you are really scum, but you should also have a bottom line. If you regard women's jealousy for yourself as a kind of capital to show off, that's the real slag.

At least, Lin Feng is not ashamed of this kind of behavior.

Therefore, when they two fight for the wind, Lin Feng is very uncomfortable.

"I'm going to bed!" he said again, with a cold look on his face

Red scorpion and Shangguan Ruoxue are shocked by Lin Feng's expression. It's rare that Lin Feng is so serious. Did the farce just make him angry?

"Boss, are you unhappy?" The red scorpion said frankly and quickly.

"No, just tired!" Lin Feng doesn't want them to have a psychological burden.

"Then I'll beat you!" Red scorpion says tentatively.

"No, I really want to sleep. When you go out, please close the door for me. Thank you." Finish saying, Lin Feng really began to take off clothes.

Red scorpion some unwilling, but Shangguan if snow but a face helpless, she angry stare red scorpion one eye, turned to walk.

Red scorpion is also frowning, in Shangguan Ruoxue behind play cruel, and then looked at Lin Feng one eye, resentful left.

After they left, Lin Feng fell into meditation.

Wan'er is still in the hands of others, and her own blood jade has not been obtained. Neither of these two events has been accomplished, and her future is dim. However, she is here to hurt the feelings of the two women. It's really nothing serious!

However, from the bottom of his heart, he felt sorry for the two women, but in the current situation, he could not consider too much of his children's private affairs.

The road ahead will be more and more dangerous. What he does is to protect them from harm as much as possible.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and adjusted his mood.

As soon as he thought of meeting the master who he had not seen for a long time tomorrow, he still had a faint expectation.

He murmured to himself, "master, I'm coming; Kunlun secret place, I'm coming!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!