The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1231

This scene is to let Lin Feng see happy, the feelings of this vampire evil spirit, there is something he is afraid of?

The vampire Munn's face was twisted when he saw the sword, like a cat meeting a mouse.

And after a few rounds of fighting with George, he took time to run.

Facing the road, but also a face unwilling to stare at Lin Feng, resentment left.

It seems that if George didn't appear, he thought he could kill Lin Feng easily.

Looking at Lin Feng's eyes at the last moment, he seems to be saying: "boy, you are lucky today. You wait for me, and I will kill you next time!"

However, Lin Feng didn't think so. He took a puff of smoke. He was so calm and calm as water.

This gesture is even more angry, Mu en almost carried his breath, gnashing his teeth to the depths of the mountains.

But for the strength of Mun, Lin Feng still very agree, if not for George's timely appearance, today's matter is really some thorny.

And this matter, also gave Lin Feng some inspiration.

There is a long way to go. He used to be invincible. However, as blood jade is about to surface, all kinds of experts are coming in succession. Lin Feng finds that when he was not very strong before, the people he met were not strong. Now he becomes stronger and stronger, but the people he meets is also stronger and stronger.

This may be what the master once said to himself. When you are in a certain stage, you will meet some kind of person. A beggar will never be able to sit with a family member who covers the sky with one hand to discuss business and eat.

That's why.

Beggars can't imagine how luxurious and gorgeous people's life is.

Of course, unless one day, the beggar is Jackie Chan, he will have a chance to communicate with the former.

Only then have the opportunity to enter the former's world and meet with more upper class people.

Otherwise, even if there is a meeting between a beggar and an upper class, the latter will only give some food and money to the former. However, the former can never imagine how luxurious the latter is.

The law of the world is like this. If you don't reach a certain level, there will be no high-level people in your circle. Even if there are, they will flash by and have no too much intersection with you.

Therefore, when Lin Feng tries to improve himself, he will get more and more powerful people. These people may have met before, but they will not show their strength to themselves, because their ability is not enough to let them show their real level.

Now, in the process of becoming stronger, Lin Feng has begun to have more exchanges and collisions with the strong in the world. There is a long way to go. In the future, there will be many more powerful people in front of him. It is difficult to say whether he is an enemy or a friend.

Therefore, Lin Feng once again deeply realizes that he needs to be strong quickly, otherwise, he may not be able to cope with the following series of things.

Fortunately, after entering the yuan Shen period, promotion is faster than before.

It may take a few years or even decades for ordinary people to be promoted to a higher level.

After entering the yuan Shen period, it means that a new world has been opened. The initial promotion is relatively fast. Ordinary people will be promoted once a year and a half.

Of course, the more difficult it is to get to the back.

For example, the eight to nine levels of Ningyuan state are recorded in the book. It is afraid that it will take several years for the practitioners with ordinary qualifications to enter the Hunyuan state, while it will take more than ten years for the nine heavy practitioners of Ningyuan state to enter the Hunyuan state.

Fortunately, Lin Feng now has a soul core and a magic core, and the aura intake should be fast. The cultivation of Yuan Shen in the seed stage is supported by the abundant aura. The speed of cultivation is directly related to the speed of condensing aura.

Therefore, Lin Feng has these two kinds of treasures in his hand, which may be coveted by many cultivators in the seed period of Yuan Shen.

Lin Feng also wants to make use of his current advantages to improve his strength in the shortest time.

He glanced at the dark mountains in the distance, like the backs of a group of huge wild animals, which were hiding in the dark, with their tusks and eating people.

The Kunlun Mountain is extremely dangerous. The road ahead is also more and more difficult. Lin Feng looks far away, and his heart is full of five flavors.

However, he is more of a vision of the future, blood jade, the treasure of the Lin family, is finally coming to the world.

And the master of blood jade, can only be him, Lin Feng!

Lin Feng clenched his fist and swore in his heart.

At this time, in the hotel in Fenghuang ancient town, everyone was already in a panic.

This fight between Lin Feng and someone, the hotel is a mess, do not say, people are not seen.

The Banshee and Jack carefully investigate the trace, and find that under the window, there are traces of Lin Feng falling down, as well as a huge footprint.

Jack can conclude that it is the footprints of vampires. They have been fighting with the blood clan for thousands of years. They know the blood clan too well.But looking at this footprint, we can conclude that this vampire should belong to the type of height and arm length.

Through these clues, a careful analysis of the demon concluded: "the boss was kidnapped by a vampire!"

As soon as the words came out, the people were in an uproar.

Lin Feng was so powerful that he was kidnapped by a vampire?

"There are traces of the eldest brother falling down on the ground, but there are no footprints of the eldest brother on the road, only the footprints of the vampires. This shows that the eldest brother was first thrown down by the vampire, and then taken away by the vampire!"

"Why do vampires target the boss so much?" Asked the red scorpion.

This also asked everyone's voice.

One side of the wolf king scar is suddenly cut in and said: "the vampire is for blood jade!"

Then, scar didn't hide it from everyone and told us some of the history of vampires.

He said that the blood clan was sealed by the holy priest Douglas, so that the descendants were cursed and could not face the day.

So the blood clan can only bear humiliation and live in the dark and humid corner all day long.

Later, the blood clan found that they were far more powerful than human beings, so they began to kill human beings and suck human blood, so that their character became more and more irritable and their ability became stronger and stronger.

They began to have a bigger goal, that is, to lift the seal of ancient times, to lift the curse of the blood clan, so that the descendants of the blood clan can gallop freely in this world and dominate the world.

And they need several kinds of the world's treasures to lift the seal, blood jade is one of them.

So the blood clan wanted blood jade at all costs.

The reason why the wolf clan participated in this treasure hunt was to prevent the blood clan from succeeding.

Blood clan is a despicable and vicious race. If they become strong, they will become a disaster in the world. Therefore, in order to save the world, the wolf clan and the blood clan are inseparable from each other.

The people who said these words were filled with indignation. They not only hated the blood clan, but also revered the wolf clan.

Scar is to this effect, where they wolf clan will say this, is to let everyone understand that blood clan is the scum, and they, in the name of killing harm.

However, after saying this, there was a sly light in scar's eyes.

But they didn't notice. They just thought about how to find Lin Feng.

Shangguan Ruoxue asked the demon: "you can trace the footprints of vampires, we can follow the footprints in the past?"

The troll shook his head and said, "at the beginning, the footprints can be clearly seen. Hundreds of meters away, the footprints begin to blur. Then, there is no trace. The vampire obviously hides his tracks and doesn't want to be found."

"What about that?" Shangguan Ruoxue, such a smart woman, has no idea for a time.

Her mood is now very complex, she thought that Lin Feng was still protecting her at the last moment, but she was still misunderstanding and wronging Lin Feng, and extreme sadness and guilt poured into her mind.

At this time, she regretted that she did not kick in the door when Lin Feng drove him away.

If that's the case, maybe Lin Feng won't be captured by the vampire. After all, so many people are there. If they shout, the vampire will escape.

Why do you choose to leave angry? Why?

However, when Shangguan Ruoxue was extremely depressed, he heard a joking voice saying:

"what are you doing here without sleeping at night? A meeting? "

All of them were excited. Following the reputation, they found that a figure appeared slowly in the dark street. It was Lin Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!