The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1233

The next day, they went up the mountain according to the plan.

The road up the mountain is not very rugged, because there are often people going up the mountain, so the road surface is flat, but the road is narrow and there is no way to drive. Moreover, there will be some more steep slopes behind. So Lin Feng asked some mountain bearers to send the necessary materials up the mountain, and the rest of the things and cars were left at the bottom of the mountain.

Kunlun is a famous mountain in the Dragon kingdom. It stretches for thousands of kilometers. There are countless rare animals and animals in the mountain. It is magical and magnificent.

There are many historical sites hidden in Dashanzhong, which is full of aura and is also a holy land for practitioners.

So it's also an important reason why it's hard to see an expert in the world.

Why do many people choose to be isolated from the world?

On the one hand, because their pursuit is different from that of the world, they are out of tune with the world.

Secondly, it is because many deep mountains contain rich aura, which can be used for their cultivation.

Therefore, there must be many strange people in Kunlun, but they seldom appear.

All the way, they talked and laughed, watched the mountains and water, played and played. After a long time in the world, they easily climbed to the mountainside of a mountain peak.

Kunlun is the general name of the peaks. The whole Kunlun is composed of one mountain and another. The one that Lin Feng climbs on is called Xuanling peak, which is the peak where master xuanlingzi lives.

Lin Feng once asked his master that his name was xuanlingzi, and this peak was Xuanling peak. So, did master name this mountain after himself? Or did the master name himself after this mountain?

Although at that time, there were three of them, master and elder martial sister, but they gave two answers.

The master said that he was extremely powerful and unparalleled in the world. Of course, the mountain was named xuanlingfeng because of his xuanlingzi.

But Qingcheng said that when I was a child, I heard that the mountain was called xuanlingfeng, which was not named after Shifu!

As soon as the Master heard it, he lost his temper and destroyed his reputation.

Therefore, this problem has been shelved and has become an eternal problem of chicken or egg.

Every time Lin Feng thinks of this past, he feels warm in his heart.

The days in Kunlun were carefree. After eating and practicing, I would sleep when I was tired. Sometimes I could go to the mountains to step on wild fruits with my elder martial sister. My elder martial sister's face was beautiful and charming on a sunny afternoon.

In the whole day, the sound of the fish in the stream was perfect.

However, people still have to face the reality.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and glanced around.

All around are low shrubs, vegetation is very rare, and then go up, more gravel and snow.

This is the characteristic of Kunlun. Because it is located in the north of Longguo, the temperature is cold, and there are more than 5000 meters in Shanghai, so the vegetation is sparse. If you go up, there will be more and more snow.

However, in the depression between the peaks, there is a lot of green vegetation, and there are many planted pine and poplar trees.

Therefore, from the bottom of the mountain, it can be divided into three levels: green trees and green trees nearby. If you look at the hillside above, you will see a low bush, either light green or light yellow, interwoven with each other, and there will be a large area of green gray mountain.

Then look far away, and then look higher, is the white snow and rocks alternating, the highest, there is only a dazzling piece of white snow, pure and flawless.

The scenery is also very pleasing to the eye. Of course, this is only for viewing. If you go up the mountain, you will know the difficulty.

Because half way to the mountainside, vegetation began to be scarce, and then up the mountain, only white snow and Howling north wind, it was very difficult to move.

Fortunately, master's residence is not at the top of the mountain, otherwise it would be a snow mountain.

At this time, Lin Feng's team is on the hillside, a few hours away from master's Xuanling mansion.

Lin Feng asked everyone to have a rest, and by the way, he called his elder martial sister Qingcheng.

Qingcheng said on the phone that master got up early in the morning. Although he said that he was not excited, he had been peeking at the movement of the mountain. He had not seen you for too long and missed you.

After hearing this, Lin Feng smiles. Master is always like this. Ordinary people can never see his real side. Or, he has more unknown side. If only from the surface, master is a shameless old man.

He put up the phone, ate some dry food with everyone, and then went on his way again.

After climbing the mountain for about two hours, I finally saw the square house under the thin cloud.

That is the Xuanling mansion where I have lived for several years, which is the master's residence.

Lin Feng said to the crowd, "today I'm going to set up a camp here with my master. Sometimes my master has a strange temper. Please forgive me. Moreover, please pay attention to discipline. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Certainly!" Qingfeng is excited to rub his hands, his eyes are shining, and the excited mood seems like the spring water in March, to break the ice and come out.Others nodded.

Lin Feng was the first to come to the door and knocked on the two heavy red lacquer doors.


"Master, I'm back. Open the door!"

Lin Feng called.

"Younger martial brother, I'm coming!" Qingcheng comes to the door.

"Wait a minute"

a melodious and rich voice came out: "are you here? Come back to see the master without a gift? "

"Didn't I buy a cell phone for master in advance?" Br > "it's not good for you to watch the live broadcast and the old mobile phone..." Xuanlingzi whispered across the door: "how can it be a gift? If you don't bring a gift, you will be disrespectful to your teacher, and the city will be ruined. The gate will be locked and the villain will not be allowed to come in! "

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked awe inspiring.

The old man is really eccentric. What's more, how can a master like this ask for a gift from his apprentice? It's a bit shameless, isn't it?

However, Lin Feng snickered and said, "master, I knew you had this one. I brought you a gift and a lot of beef jerky, new year's varieties from the prairie!"

"What's so strange about meat? It's sold at the foot of the mountain! " Xuanlingzi despised the way.

"Master, I also brought you your favorite national wine!" Lin Feng said: "80 years, this year, you know, second kill everything else!"

"Emmm... You have a little conscience, remember what you like as a teacher!" The voice inside the door became loose a lot: "however, wine is very harmful. Your elder martial sister advised me to stop drinking. I am not so obsessed with alcohol now as I used to be!"

"Oh, master, you've stopped drinking for ten thousand years. The world has changed!" Lin Feng sighed.

"Don't talk nonsense, just these two gifts? Just want me to open the door for you? Villain, you are too disappointed for my teacher Xuanlingzi said, "go back, I can't open the door for you."

"No, no, no!" Lin Feng said, "I still have a secret script about how the Internet star anchor was refined. I didn't have time to give it to you. Forget it. Master, I don't even drink wine. I'm sorry. I'm going down the mountain now."

Lin Feng said, turning his head and leaving.

At this time, however, hearing a "bang", the gate was kicked open. An old man in white rushed out, with a flattering smile on his face, and said, "Oh, good disciple, I'll make fun of you. Come back quickly. How can I be willing to drive you away?"


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