The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1230

The vampire sinking at the same time, with a powerful momentum, the figure has not yet arrived, the powerful force has already been able to let the opponent very clear perception.

Lin Feng sighs in his heart, it seems that he has never met such a strong opponent. The strength of this palm can completely destroy a heavy tank.

For a cultivator who has just condensed into the seed of Yuan Shen, Lin Feng is still under great pressure in the face of this momentum.

However, the vampire was afraid that Lin Feng would avoid the attack. He had already poured part of his energy down in advance to block the surrounding area of Lin Feng, so that Lin Feng could not escape his attack freely.

This move is very similar to the long lost one of the Dragon state martial arts. It is called the Buddha's palm.

It's the same with the Buddha's palm. From top to bottom, it's like the palm of Buddha. You can't avoid his attack range.

In fact, it's not how big the hand is, but, he's in charge. First of all, he covers all sides of the opponent, and the opponent can't hide.

Lin Feng didn't want to hide. No matter how strong the opponent is, he always has to face it. It's like there are a lot of tribulations in life that need to be faced bravely. It's a truth that Lin Feng can't hide for a lifetime after avoiding for a while.

Lin Feng secretly mobilized his true Qi and prepared to face the difficulties.

At this time, however, a golden light suddenly darted out from behind the rock. As soon as the golden light came out, it was dazzling, and the shaking people could hardly open their eyes.

Lin Feng half covered his face and looked carefully. He saw a big Western European man, holding a huge sword, stabbed the vampire who was falling in the air.

The glittering gold is just from the huge sword which is long for one person.

And that man, Lin Feng had seen in Jiangzhou city before, was the hunter who hunted down the vampire Munn, the fallen knight of the Knights of the light - George.

It can be imagined that this vampire should be the secret weapon sent by the blood clan to assassinate Lin Feng. The blood clan genius shows Mu en!

The combat effectiveness is really amazing, and its strength is absolutely comparable to the triple practitioners of Ningyuan environment.

At this time, the vampire Munn's body has fallen to the ground only about five meters.

One of George's great swords also stabbed at Munn's chest mercilessly.

However, his teeth opened and his hands burst.

Lin Feng is also taking advantage of this time to relax, back to one side.

At this time, see the vampire Munn and the fallen knight George instantly fight together.

The two people seemed to be magnets, and immediately they were entangled with each other like glue.

Of course, this is George's attitude, like the positive and negative poles of a magnet. He would like to put it on Munn's face every day, so that this guy can never escape.

After all, George started hunting when he was young. Now he has white beard and is half a century old. Thirty years later, George has never stopped hunting for the honor of his family.

George is a stubborn man, which seems to have become his life. Every day he wakes up, he looks for the trace of Munn and goes hunting.

On the contrary, Munn's attitude towards George, like the poles of a magnet, repels each other.

He wanted George to die soon.

In these 30 years, although he was not caught by George, he also did not beat George.

The light Knight seemed so clumsy in everything he did. It seemed that all his talents were used in fighting. Even a talented vampire like Munn could not defeat him.

For 30 years, every time, it was Munn who got away. Although he never won, he was afraid of the huge sword in George's hand.

It is a holy sword inherited from ancient times by the George family. It is because of such a sharp weapon that the George family is qualified to join the order of light.

George, as the only hope of the family, inherited the sword, which is also the most favorable weapon against vampires.

Therefore, mun's strength is not lower than that of George. However, he is afraid of the sword in George's hand. He is born with the system of light and death, and can not resist the power of the holy sword.

Therefore, seeing George appear again, Munn can only be forced to stop attacking Lin Feng and deal with George instead.

George wields a huge sword with a tiger and a tiger. Originally, the warriors who used swords in Western Europe would generally choose the fencing moves, mainly stabbing.

However, George seems to be a different school. His giant sword moves vary in many ways. Occasionally, he cuts his head, sometimes cuts horizontally, and occasionally makes a big circle. Each time, with the hum of cutting through the air, it is a piece of cake to cut through the thorns and thorns.

Where the golden light went, there must be a black figure dodging.

The black figure is, of course, Munn.

Mun's biggest weakness is that he can't fight against this holy sword. As a result, he can't give full play to his due strength, just like an angry and angry king eight.

But here George's body is more and more natural and unrestrained, more than half a hundred years old, he is extremely depressed and depressed. Only when he meets him can he get high spirited and forget all the unhappiness in his life. It seems that in his life, there is no longer this pair of hands. This opponent is his life goal.Therefore, two people's mood is not the same, the state of fighting naturally is not the same.

The way Munn dodged George was as if he were hiding from a pile of shit for fear of getting on him.

But George, like a young child, seems to have endless energy. He can also regard Mun as a piece of excrement. However, he is the shitty beetle who wants to take off his head and put it on the ground. Roll and push!

Munn retreated to one side and said angrily, "George, our hatred will be solved another day. I have something important to do today. Don't disturb me!"

George glared at his white eyes and looked at him blankly: "don't talk nonsense. I will defeat you. No matter what day, as long as I see you, you can't escape easily from me!"

"You are such a fool!" he said

George didn't agree: "a fool can kill you too!"

Say this, swing the huge sword and chop at Munn again.


A golden light rose, as if the sword, with George's full of anger, was unstoppable.

Munn jumped back again and said angrily, "fool, dare you put down your broken sword. You're not really capable at all!"

"Don't care if you are skilled or not, I can kill you!" Munn replied dully.

The conversation was as boring as a fight between them. Lin Feng even lit a cigarette to relieve his boredom.

At this time, he understood why Munn did not dare to have a large-scale battle with him, because he was afraid of attracting George. The two of them were enemies. For 30 years, the former had been on the run, and the latter had been chasing after him. Therefore, they had become a part of each other's lives. They existed all the time, but they had to guard against and trace them all the time.

Mun was very angry, because he had no way to take George's sword. He took a look at Lin Feng, bit his teeth, and turned around and ran away towards the dense forest.

"Don't run!"

George put the sword on his shoulder and ran after him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!