The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1229

Fifty kilometers outside the north gate of Fenghuang ancient town.

This is the foot of Kunlun mountain. There are many weeds and craggy rocks. If you go further, you will enter the mountain.

The vampire put Lin Feng wrapped in black on the ground, straightened up and looked up at the crescent moon in the sky.

Then, in Western European, he said, "young man, you are dying today."

Lin Feng is a calm face: "everyone will die, but sooner or later, this is not uncommon, it is not terrible!"

"Very well, young man, you are brave!" The vampire said, "but if I kill you, I will let you try the most painful way in the world. I'm afraid no one can resist it!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, "maybe I can break the record!"

"Hum! Hard mouth The vampire snorted coldly: "you killed many of our blood clan compatriots. We must revenge this revenge. However, if you can give us the drawing of hiding blood jade stone, we blood clan can consider to let go of the past with you!"

"That sentiment is good, you quickly let go of me, I tell you where the treasure map is!" Lin Feng said with a smile.


The vampire's two mung bean sized black eyes rolled around, and he was a little surprised. This seemed to be particularly smooth, which made him some incredible.

Is this the very difficult Lin Feng in everyone's mouth?

It's not so hard to deal with!

But at this time, Lin Feng saw a carp stand up, tightly wrapped in Lin Feng's coat, suddenly fell off.

Lin Feng was like breaking out of the cocoon, and his whole body came out of it.

Vampire face surprised, how come out?

In fact, in the process of being dragged away by a vampire, Lin Feng relies on his own true Qi. The true Qi of fire attributes makes his whole body radiate heat, and the genuine Qi of water is mixed with a trace of Han Bingzhu's breath before. Once cold and hot, it will expand and shrink, reducing the close fit between the coat and himself.

In fact, when Lin Feng fell from the window, he could get away. The reason why he didn't choose to escape was that he didn't want to affect other people. He took advantage of the situation and went to a secluded place with the vampire, so that he could display his skills and fight against him without any scruples.

At this time, Lin Feng laughed at the Vampire: "you didn't let go, so I still can't tell you about the treasure map!"

The vampire felt cheated and said in a rage: "human beings are really cunning and hateful creatures. I will never be soft on you!"

"I don't need you to be soft!" Lin Feng tiny smile: "and your blood clan also has never been soft to me!"

"You want to die!" Blood sucking ghost said: "you killed my blood compatriots, and my blood for the enemy, is your own choice of this road!"

Lin Feng shook his head and wryly smile: "your blood clan can really turn right and wrong. Isn't it that you covet my Lin family's blood jade that leads to the present result?"

"Our Lin family's blood jade has been handed down from generation to generation. What does it have to do with you, a Western European family? However, you have made great efforts to deal with this problem. If it was not for me, I would have been the ghost of your sword. A rogue family who is usurping by usurpation should bite others. Do you want to face me? "


the vampire was so angry that he found himself quite different from Lin Feng's mouth.

His eyes were scarlet and his tusks showed. He said: "since you have said that, I will be a scoundrel to the end. Originally, I thought if you hand over the treasure map, I will let you go. Now it seems that you have no chance!"

"If a rogue still pretends to be merciful, just let him go!" Lin Feng is very righteous.

"Death! I will help you

The vampire suddenly rushes towards Lin Feng. The speed is faster than any enemy in the past. If Lin Feng didn't open the phantom vision ahead of time, I believe that even the trace of the other party's action could not be captured.

When he kicks the vampire's body, he'll kick him in front of him.

The vampire was very agile. He bent his knees to block Lin Feng's foot. He flew into the air with the strength of Lin Feng's feet. Then he stepped on the tree trunk and ejected to Lin Feng again.

The attack of the vampire is still to, a strong energy to the first step to the face.

Lin Feng is very familiar with this energy, which is the feeling when fighting in the room. The room is small. Lin Feng is bound by this energy and feels very inconvenient to move.

That kind of energy seems to be a guard's trick of this vampire. Before attacking his opponent, he will release energy in advance to interfere with the opponent, so that the opponent's action is limited to a certain extent, so that his attack will be very effective.

However, in the narrow space, there is no way to avoid Linfeng. In this open mountain forest, Linfeng will be more flexible.

Lin Feng starts the welcome step and jumps to the rear.

Obviously, the vampire's body has not been able to dodge any pressure."Boom

The vampire seems to be a simple attack, but it bursts out amazing power. In the place where Lin Feng evades, the vampire's attack actually blows out a round pit with a diameter of up to five meters.

"Yes, very powerful!" Lin Feng said.

The vampire didn't expect Lin Feng to avoid his attack, but he was a little strange.

Ordinary people, even the most powerful cultivators of the Dragon Kingdom, can't escape this blow under the interference of their own energy. However, the speed of this boy is amazing. No wonder Johnson died in his hands. It seems that there are some things.

"In this case, I will give you a big gift to end your life!" The vampire decided to go straight up and end the fight.

As his voice fell, he saw a deep pit, the figure of a vampire suddenly darted out, straight into the sky.

His slender figure passed through the branches and leaves that covered the sky, and suddenly stopped in the air. His whole body expanded, and two huge meat wings were stretched out behind him, flickering in the air.

The face of the vampire is even more ferocious. Its face is covered with bright red blood. The most dense blood thread is gathered around the eyes. The eyes are like the ruby shining in the night, which is Soul-catching.

"You're trying to kill yourself!"

The vampire roared like a demon. The energy of the whole body can be seen by naked eyes. It has distorted the surrounding objects within a few meters.

Then, the energy slowly gathered on the hands of the vampire, the vampire leaked out the sharp fangs, a strange smile: "Lin Feng, your death is coming!"

The voice fell, the body suddenly dive, a pair of big hands as if with the force of a thousand Jun, toward Lin Feng on the boom. , the fastest update of the webnovel!