The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 122

As the name suggests, Lin Feng wants to knock down everyone in 20 seconds.

At first, the bystanders around didn't believe it, but after seeing Lin Feng's so-called one second deal, they had a new definition of Lin Feng.

This guy is decisive, extremely cruel, alert and courageous.

He said it could be done in 20 seconds. Maybe, it could be done!

People around actually began to look forward to it. They really want to see the so-called shot of dozens of big men in 20 seconds. It must be unprecedented wonderful!

We hold our breath and concentrate, not willing to blink, for fear of missing every second.

The God of fire, however, seems to have been humiliated in general. His eyes are red, and he has a bad temper. At this time, he is more like a bomb close to red, which may explode and blow up everything at any time.

"You scum, are you ready?" Lin Feng raised a smile around his mouth.

I haven't dealt with so many people for a long time. My hands began to itch. Moreover, I feel a little excited.

But the next second, Lin Feng is shaking his head and sighing!

Lin Feng, Lin Feng, you are not promising now!

You were not so excited when Wanjun took the head of the enemy general from it!

Now this kind of small battle, you can even from hey, ah, is it backward?

No, you didn't step back. You should have fallen.

You have to make more trouble, more big people, more big action, otherwise, too comfortable, people will degenerate!

Lin Feng gave himself a stream of criticism, summed up in one sentence, people, or to maintain a fighting state, sailing against the current, do not advance or retreat ah!

"You boy, even if you are not ready for a fight, are you really crazy? I will teach you how to be a man today, so that you can understand that bragging B has to pay a price!"

The God of fire roared: "brothers, give me together, within 20 seconds, beat him up for me!"

At his command, the brothers behind him are like tigers out of the cage, and they are going to rush towards Lin Feng.

One side Chu Yuqi is nervous bad, she worried looking at Lin Feng, a person to dozens of people, this is not a joke!

However, just at this moment, I heard a big voice at the door of the bar: "stop it all!"

The voice was called out with a loudspeaker. It was a woman's voice, sonorous and powerful, but sexy and magnetic.

Lin Feng doesn't have to look at people to know who the people are.

He loves and hates zaogeng beautiful girl sister, officer Shen man.

Of course, Shen Li CP will not easily act alone, so Shen man comes out, and there must be a silly young man named Xiao Li.

"Xiao Li, hurry to see if there are casualties!" Shen man said.

Xiao Li took a handcuff and threw it directly to Lin Feng. Without saying anything, he gave Lin Feng a look, and then turned to see the wounded on the ground.

Lin Feng had no choice but to smile. Xiao Li's eyes were meaningful, which seemed to contain multiple meanings. He analyzed them and found that there were three meanings:

1. We all have a tacit understanding with old acquaintances, so don't talk nonsense!

2. I thought you wouldn't do it again, but I saw you again. It's good!!

3. Our boss is behind us. Put the handcuffs on, you know!

"Lin Feng, why are you again?" Shen man frowned.

"I'm such a handsome man. I always make a fuss wherever I go. Why, isn't it normal?" Lin Feng smiles.

"Did you hurt these people?" Shen man did not answer Lin Feng's words, but pointed to the black bear and the gang of hooligans.

"How can I type with such a gentle person? I just caressed them gently. Oh, they are so fragile. No wonder I am! " Lin Feng said.

In fact, Lin Feng didn't exaggerate. His strength was almost the same as touching them. If he really used his strength, these people didn't know how to die!

Shen man is very angry: "Lin Feng, you don't fart with me, this time the evidence is conclusive, you wait to be a prison!"

"Officer, please don't let him go to prison. He hit people because he saved us. He is not a bad man. Please, officer!" Chu Yuqi cried and pleaded for Lin Feng.

"No matter what the reason is, hitting someone is breaking the law. If you hurt someone, you will be responsible for the consequences. So you don't have to plead for him. The law naturally has the justice of the law, and we will not take sides with any party." Shen man said.

Shen man is right, and she can do it.

"Little sister is still so good!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "I like the way you look serious, so sexy! Can I take a picture with you? Infatuated with the way you pretend to be forced

"I don't like your glib appearance the least. It's very offensive." Shen man said.

"Oh, look at you. Your temper has come up again. Haven't you found the right person? Otherwise, how can you always throw your anger on me If Lin Feng was thinking, he suddenly understood what he said: "Oh, I finally know why you always want to put me in prison!"Shen man sighs and says that this guy finally understands the matter. Now it's not too late.

She asked Lin Feng, "why do I want to put you in jail?"

Lin Feng solemnly said: "you have a big temper and want to be cured, but you can't find a suitable partner. Then you see me as a good-looking man in Yushu Linfeng. You want to put me in prison, and then use your position. If you have nothing to do, you can insult me forcibly, and use my body to help you relieve fire. I will soon become your sex slave, male servant and so on! WOW! How terrible, my life is going to be ruined by you...

"shut up Shen man's face turned red.

If you let this boy go on, I don't know what else to say!

"You see, when I talk about your mind, you won't let me say it!" Lin Feng looks aggrieved.

Chu Yuqi is very sad to hear, she said to Shen man: "officer, how can you have this kind of psychology, you are immoral!"

Lin Feng covered Chu Yuqi's mouth and said, "sister Yuqi, you must not talk. She has a big temper. If she attacks you again, I will be very sad. Now, let me bear the pain she brings. Officer Shen man, you can ravage me heartily, but please let my friends go. They are still young!"


SHEN man is getting mad. If she didn't wear this dress, she would beat and scold the bastard. Everything she said was the same as the truth, and others believed it!

At this time, Ma Chunchun said with heartache: "Yuqi, your boyfriend is so poor!"

After hearing this, Lin Feng said, "no pity. As long as you are all right, as long as you can get your younger sister back to a healthy body and sacrifice my body, what is this

Lin Feng's face is awe inspiring, generous and selfless.

"You..." Shen man was so angry that he roared: "Xiao Li -"

"in -"

"don't worry about other people. First, tie this Lin Feng to the car, and seal it with two handcuffs and tape! Go

"Yes -"

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