The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1228

Shangguan Ruoxue after such an analysis, very depressed.

She came to the door of Lin Feng's room and smashed the door twice.

She is not usually so angry, but in this matter, she can't hold her temper at all.

Yu Wenji was behind her, but she didn't do anything about it.

Yu Wenji is more mature than Shangguan Ruoxue in emotion.

Everyone has his own life. If you like others, can you interfere in others' life? Of course not!

Therefore, Yu Wenji is very open to her feelings. She thinks that as long as one day, her love for Lin Feng reaches a peak that she can't control, then she will go to Lin Feng without hesitation, even if moths and flames, even if it is doomed, she is willing to.

But obviously, it's not that far.

Now she just has feelings for Lin Feng, but she has no feelings for other men. However, she still holds on and does not fall.

Shangguan Ruoxue severely knocked on the door, but did not hear any response.

She looked back at Yu Wenji: "sister, look at them. They don't want to open the door. They still play dead inside! Give me a hand and I'll pry the door open

"Oh, my dear sister, why are you so angry?" Yu Wenji said: "Lin Feng and you haven't got the certificate yet. You can also find other men like this. Isn't it fair?"

Shangguan if snow hum a smile: "now let you find a man to sleep, will you go?"

Yuwenji is speechless, she is really not interested in other men now!

It must be the same with Shangguan Ruoxue.

Yu Wenji shook her head helplessly and said, "sister, I'm not the same as you. I've tasted the taste of that person. You said, you're still a baby. How sad it is!"

Shangguan Ruoxue said: "there's nothing sad about it. Things in the world are much more pathetic than this one! Sister, if you don't help me pry the door, I'll do it myself! "

Yu Wenji said quickly, "no, no, no, I'll help you! But at least give them some reaction time first, ha, I'll knock again

Yu Wenji also thousands of, while knocking on the door and asked: "Lin Feng, it's me. Open the door. Don't cover it up. If you don't open the door, Shangguan's sister will smash the door in."

But there was still no sound inside.

Yu Wenji had no choice but to show her hands: "or, pry the door!"

At this time, the two of them also woke up the others. Many people walked out of the room and came to Lin Feng's door.

Red scorpion was the first one to come. She rubbed her beautiful big eyes and her red hair was a little messy at this time. It seemed that she was waking up from her sleep.

"What are you two doing here? Do you want people to rest after all the noise in the middle of the night? " The red scorpion is angry at getting up and hates to be interrupted in her sleep.

Just now Shangguan Ruoxue and yuwenji suspected that the red scorpion was coming. Now when they all fell asleep, they still felt guilty.

Yuwenji said: "sister, I'm sorry, ha, I didn't expect this hotel to be so soundproof!"

At this time, Qianji Youzi and Qianji meihui also pushed open the door and came out. They lived on the opposite side of Lin Feng's room. They had heard people shouting for a long time, but they didn't know the Longguo dialect very well, so they didn't come out of the room all the time. When there were more people, they came out to join in the fun.

Seeing that Qianji sister flowers are also in the room, yuwenji scratched her head. The list of candidates listed just now seems to be half out.

Now the most likely one is Sophia, the sharpshooter, and one of the beautiful doctors led by Lin Qin.

However, as if God had to prove something, Sofia and LinQin appeared in front of everyone.

Shangguan Ruoxue also specifically asked Lin Qin, are your doctors resting at this time?

Lin Qin vowed: "they are all asleep, they know the rules very well, and they will not run around or come here at random!"

Now yuwenji and Shangguan Ruoxue are confused.

These women all have alibi. Isn't it that Lin Feng likes women?

Shangguan if snow is more not calm, she knocked on the door fiercely: "Lin Feng, Lin Feng, are you in?"

It was still silence that answered her.

Lin Qin frowned and said, "how can I feel a cool wind?"

He said that, and others felt it.

Where is the cool wind from in this corridor?

Red scorpion said: "under the foot, is the foot blows from!"

They all looked at their feet.

It's the wind from the crack in the door of Lin Feng.

"Is Lin Feng still open the window?" Yuwenji some puzzled said.

"Not good!" Lin Qin suddenly said: "Lin Feng is probably not in the house!"

"What?" Shangguan Ruoxue said: "not in the house, where is it? In the wild? "

An absurd idea came to his mindOn a rainy night, Lin Feng and a woman of unknown origin were shooting wild artillery in the field. Lin Feng also said with an obscene smile, "sister, rainy days are the most romantic. Hey, hey, hey...

Shangguan Ruoxue shook his head in a hurry. What was he thinking? I'm afraid I was brainwashed by yuwenji, thinking about Lin Feng and women all day.

However, her heart is to Lin Feng very hate.

Everyone called the door, but Lin Feng did not respond, which proved Lin Qin's guess.

"Break it Red scorpion proposal!

"Good!" King Kong said, "I'll do it."

With that, he didn't even make preparations, so he pushed the door open with one hand, and broke the door lock very easily.

People rush in. As expected, Lin Qin guessed right. Lin Feng is no longer in the room.

The windows were all broken, the cold wind outside was blowing the curtains and whirring, and the house looked a bit messy, as if it had just been through a fight.

"Lin Feng is assassinated Lin Qin said.

After hearing this, they were all in agreement.

This is obviously the result of a fight between two people and a broken window.

"What are you waiting for? Go out and look for it!" King Kong cried out in a hurry.

Shangguan Ruoxue also eased God, just that moment, she felt very guilty.

Lin Feng said that someone would come to assassinate him tonight, but he took it as an excuse to drive himself away.

What's more, I heard the sound of breaking vases in Lin Feng's house just now. Why was he so careless that he didn't carefully consider the abnormality.

Shangguan Ruoxue, Shangguan Ruoxue, you are really more and more confused!

Yuwenji didn't expect it to be like this. She just had a meal of divine analysis. As a result, she wronged others.

Yuwenji is totally thinking about other people's life with her own style. At the moment, she looks down in silence and deeply reviews herself.

At the same time, the review of their own, and Shangguan Ruoxue.

She is not only reviewing herself, but also very regretful and anxious. With her intelligence, she has understood why Lin Feng did that.

At that time, Lin Feng had felt the crisis, so let her leave.

She is because the thing is left here, come back to take, and then also unreasonable to argue with Lin Feng.

At that time, Lin Feng was fighting with the assassin, so she heard that she broke the vase.

But Lin Feng in order not to let her have the danger, specially said those words, lets her sad leave.

So looking back on the process, Shangguan Ruoxue is very guilty and regretful. When Lin Feng deals with the assassin, he has to deal with her.

At such a critical moment, he has to add trouble to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng himself carries the pressure, but also wants to think of ways to make her safe.

Now imagine that Lin Feng's practice is too great.

Shangguan Ruoxue regretted for wronging Lin Feng and was moved by Lin Feng's action. She shed two lines of tears from the corner of her eyes again.

Just Lin Feng, where are you now? , the fastest update of the webnovel!