The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 121

"Lying trough!"

All of them exclaimed, this boy is really crazy!

In Jincheng, who doesn't know the God of fire!

Among the four heavenly kings of the drag racing party, there are only Huoshen and Chen Da, and Huoshen's fame is much larger than Chen Da's. In addition, Jincheng's drag racing party has been promoted to one of the four major associations in Jincheng.

Xilongkou, nanfenghuang, dongche party, Beishan gang.

This ranking is in accordance with the strength of the order, drag racing party is now the third largest association in Jincheng.

With the business of the drag racing party becoming more and more prosperous, the value of the God of fire is increasing rapidly. However, the boy who fights very hard is not famous. He is not from these four societies, and he has never heard of such an official person. He dare to be so tough. Is it a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers?

"Maybe this guy didn't come to Jincheng for a long time. I don't know how deep the water is?" Someone said.

"Who knows? Watch the fun. I bet the boy will be defeated today."

"It's still gambling. Isn't it obvious?"


there were whispers around, for fear that Lin Feng and others would hear.

At this time, the fire god's face to the naked eye can see the speed of red, this is the precursor of his temper, hot blood on the brain!

"Lin Feng, you are very arrogant!" The God of fire gnawed his teeth.

"Nonsense, I still use you to say, I am arrogant is not obvious! Cut Lin Feng looked at the God of fire like a silly B. he bent down directly and said to the black bear, "is this the boss you called? There's something wrong with my IQ. I'm talking nonsense

With that, he grabbed the black bear's hand. There was only one middle finger left in the black bear's two hands, and the rest were broken.

Lin Feng touched his only finger and said, "it's precious! Is that right? "

Black bear scared face is gray, this kind of foretold fear, is the most maddening.

If Lin Feng breaks his fingers off guard, he is frightened after pain, but if Lin Feng just tells him that I want to break your fingers, and then grope his fingers, the panic of waiting is the most painful.

So looking at Lin Feng's last finger, he felt a deep despair. Is it a kind of extravagant hope that he wants to erect his middle finger to others?

"God of fire, help me!" The black bear begged to the God of fire.

The God of fire glared at Lin Feng and gnawed his teeth and said, "do you dare to move him?"

Facing the God of fire, Lin Feng smiles and makes a strong hand. The last finger of the black bear is broken.

"I didn't dare, but you gave me courage when you came. Thank you!" Lin Feng said.

After that, he said to the black bear: "thank you, boss Huoshen. Without him, how can I have the courage to break your fingers? Now, your two hands have become so symmetrical! Perfect

The people around him were stunned.

This boy has a wonderful style and fantastic logic. What's most surprising is that he seems to have no idea what fear is. He is very calm and calm in the face of Vulcan, and humiliates Huoshen twice in a row.

This scene is rare to see!

Huoshen's temper broke out at the moment before. He had sentenced Lin Feng in his heart. At this moment, his temper reached a peak.

He spat on the ground and said to Lin Feng fiercely, "you have seed. There are my little brothers in all directions. At my command, none of you can walk out of this bar! Are you not afraid? "

Huoshen's momentum is aggressive. It seems that Lin Feng will not be let off today.

But Lin Feng said with a smile, "in broad daylight, I don't believe it. This is Huaxia. Huaxia is a society of rule of law and civilization. Who are you not allowed to go? Who are you? You have to depend on your own weight, right

Lin Feng's words are not rough, the God of fire is even more white and red, very ugly.

Lin Feng is not talking big. An official as big as Lao Hu dare not say Huoshen. I didn't expect that a small leader of a city's community would dare to speak so harshly. It really makes people laugh.

"Well, you don't believe it, do you! Now I'll show you whether what I said is true or not Fire God said, took out the mobile phone, sent a message out!

In less than five minutes, a group of people in leather clothes and leather pants came outside the bar, with the word of fire as the God of fire behind them.

At first glance, one by one ferocious, at least dozens of people!

The people who saw this situation were afraid. Chu Yuqi and Ma Chunchun were even more afraid. They hid behind Lin Feng.

"By yourself, even if you can fight, you won't be the opponent of so many people. Therefore, today I'm going to break you up!" Vulcan's temper broke out at this moment!

Lin Feng pinched his fingers and began to calculate, less than three seconds, even out of a result: "20 seconds! Twenty seconds should do it! ""What do you mean?" Chu Yuqi asked behind her.

"I only need 20 seconds to clean up their rubbish!" Lin Feng said in a loud voice.

"Lying trough, is he really crazy?" Huoshen can't laugh or cry. Is this guy delusional? Twenty seconds? You think you have a machine gun?

"Twenty seconds, no more! In fact, I have a way to deal with you in one second Lin Feng smiles.

"You're really getting bigger and bigger! One second? Ha ha ha ha, I think you are scared to be silly The God of fire roared.

"Well, let's have a try." Lin Feng said.

He told Chu Yuqi, "don't be afraid, I said one second to finish, one second to finish them."

Chu Yuqi can't believe looking at Lin Feng, so many people, how to deal with it in a second? Don't say a second, it is impossible to escape!

However, Lin Feng did not explain any more. He turned to the other people present and said, "all of you, please help me to witness. If I take care of them in one second, I will be the ancestor of the God of fire today, ha ha ha ha!" Lin Feng laughed.

"You and he die, brothers, give me together!" The God of fire waved his hand.

"Fuck your mother, I'll deal with you first!" Lin Feng said, directly embrace the God of fire, hand with a broken wine bottle stubble, against the throat of the God of fire.

“1!” Lin Feng counted several times in his mouth.

Those people did not dare to go up one after another.

Lin Feng laughed: "you see, I said it will be finished in one second! Don't you understand the principle of catching the king first

His face was almost purple, and he said angrily, "you are so mean. Let me go!"

Lin Feng said, "young man, there is no fraud in war, do you know? Don't you mean to make so much rubbish to deal with me? You'd better not struggle, or I will cut your throat by accident, ha ha ha

The God of fire gasped and said, "what do you want?"

Lin Feng said: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to tell you, never underestimate a person! Tut Tut, go back! The smell of sweat all over the body. It stinks

With that, he kicked the God of fire back.

Everyone was surprised. What was this guy doing?

But Lin Feng was laughing and said, "it's OK, it's OK. Just now I just showed you how to deal with this group of dregs in one second. As it turns out, it took only a few seconds!"

Lin Feng spread his hands and looked scornful of each other and said:

"next, I will show you how to handle them in 20 seconds!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!