The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 120

After that, Lin Feng seemed to realize some mistakes. He said, "Oh, no, I remember your middle finger is still left. It's not good. The two hands are asymmetric."

Finish saying, hand a force, "click" a sound, break the thumb of black bear.

"Ah -" the black bear let out a killing pig howl.

The people around were silent and looked at this scene nervously.

Black bear is a little famous in this area, and the tattooed man, nicknamed "flower arm", is the bully of the bar. It is said that he is still a shareholder. Who dares to provoke them?

But this boy, but mercilessly Cruelly Abused these people. Who is this boy?

"Is the owner there? Barman, get out of here Lin Feng gave a big drink.

The owner of the bar had long been scared to hide behind him. He was a businessman. He had never experienced such fighting and killing. He was too scared to show up.

At this time, someone pointed to the tattooed man lying on the ground and said, "he is the owner of the bar!"

Of course, shareholders are also bosses!

Hearing this, Lin Feng lifted off the tattooed man's hat, grabbed the tattooed man's hair, approached and asked, "you are a bar boss, aren't you? I ask you, my sisters, are you having a drink here

"No, no problem!" At this time, the tattooed man was so scared that even brother black bear's hands were abandoned. Today's boy is not good at stubble.

On weekdays, when they encounter bullies, they can boast for a while, but they really haven't seen any fierce characters. In other words, they all know what the fierce characters in Jincheng are, and they don't offend them.

But he was confused and offended such a god of pestilence.

"They drink here, no problem. Why bully them? Why? " Lin Feng asked.

"I..." the tattooed man stammered.

"Please give me a perfect explanation!" Lin Feng suddenly smile, a hand touched the tattooed man's fingers.

The tattooed man was scared to urinate. He saw the end of the black bear's fingers. He quickly pointed to the black bear: "he ordered me! It's him

"Do you do evil when he orders you? I told you to eat shit. Why don't you go? " Lin Feng roared.

"Elder brother, please forgive me. I will never dare again. These little sisters, please plead for me. Just now I am not a human being. I will make a cow and a horse for you. In the future, whatever you do in my bar will be free. Please, please forgive me!" The blood in the tattooed man's mouth was mixed with saliva, which was viscous and flowed down a pool.

But he ignored these, blindly toward Lin Feng and surrounding Ma Chunchun and others.

"Yuqi baby, what should I do with him?" Lin Feng gently asked Chu Yuqi.

"Don't embarrass him. You can see how much blood he has shed!" Chu said.

"Oh, Yuqi, you are always so soft hearted. This kind of scum should be taught a severe lesson!" Ma Chunchun was not satisfied.

"Well, what this sister said is reasonable. We must not tolerate the bad guys. As a good young man in the 21st century and the flowers and bones of our motherland, we must not have compassion for the evil forces. We must fight against the evil forces to the end and offer our own insignificant strength to this society." "There should be applause here," said Lin Feng

People around him clapped their hands.

I don't know whether it was moved by Lin Feng's confused inspirational speech, or forced by Lin Feng's obscene authority, he dare not not not applaud. In short, the applause was very warm.

Lin Feng said to Chu Yuqi: "Yuqi baby, you can see the reflection of the masses. As a qualified socialist successor, you should know that from the masses to the masses, the opinions of the masses are our opinions. Since the masses support me so much, I must be duty bound to punish the evil and promote the good."

This said Chu Yuqi a Leng a Leng, unexpectedly can't refute.

Lin Feng went to the tattoo man, grabbed the tattooed man's hair and stood up: "I'll punish you instead of the masses, ha ha ha! Don't play dead! stand up! Remember, I am not alone at the moment, behind me are thousands of people! "

"Mm-hmm, please forgive me Tattoo man really can't stand it, this boy, why not endless.

They will beat themselves instead of their girlfriends, torture themselves instead of their little sisters, and punish themselves instead of the people. What is this going to happen?

Tattoo man is just about to collapse. If you give him another chance to come back, he won't touch these little beauties again!

But Lin Feng didn't let him go. He took a bottle of unopened beer from the side, put the bottle neck into the tattoo man's mouth, and said, "if you hold it in my mouth, I'll kill you!"

The tattooed man with a bottle of wine on his face is desperate, and his heart is already full of grief!

This wine bottle is also a little heavy. At first, it is not hard to hold it. But he often drinks clearly. It is OK to hold it for a few minutes. If it is held for more than ten minutes, his mouth will start to become sour. If the time is longer, it is estimated that the mouth will be wooden, and then it will be useless!When Lin Feng saw that the tattooed man had finished the wine bottle, he didn't bother the tattooed man any more. Instead, he turned his head to the shivering black bear and said, "this guy said you ordered him to insult my little sisters. You really make me look at you, Raccoon!"

Lin Feng wanted to talk about the little black bear, but because he had drunk a lot of wine, his mouth became a raccoon, which made people laugh.

The famous brother black bear will become a raccoon.

At this time, the black bear's legs were shaking. The tattooed man was ordered to bully those girls, so he tortured him. He was the main emissary behind the scenes, and he had to kill him!

The black bear instinctively started to step back and said with a shiver in his mouth: "Lin Feng, I can tell you that I didn't come alone today. My elder brother Huoshen also came. If you dare to move me...

" what's wrong with me? " Lin Feng said and slapped the black bear in the face.

This slap was too strong. It staggered the black bear and hit it on the bar. His head was bruised and his forehead was bleeding. His face was swollen.

The people around him were frightened. He almost slapped a black bear with a height of 1.9 meters and a big waist with nine arms. What a strength! That's scary!

Black bear heart panic, covered his head, quickly cried: "fire god brother, come to save me!"

"Save your mother!" Lin Feng directly kicked the black bear's stomach, kicked the black bear back several steps, and directly bumped into a guest's table. His foot tripped over the table leg, and his heavy body directly hit the table and smashed into pieces!

"Ah -" cried the black bear with pain.

The pain in his stomach was kicked by Lin Feng, but at this time, his back was even more sad, because all the glasses and bottles on the table were crushed by him, and some debris directly penetrated into the meat behind him. It was just like death.

"You dare to bully Chu Yuqi, this is your end!" Lin Feng stepped on his body like a huge stone. The heavy pressure made his back hurt like a knife.

"Brother Huoshen, help, help!" The black bear screamed at the top of his voice.

Because he found that it was useless to ask for mercy, and he could only put his hope on the God of fire.

And the God of fire has not been launched, because he wants to really understand the strength of Lin Feng.

As for men with black bear tattoos, he doesn't care.

He looked down and thought that Lin Feng was just a man who fought fiercely. However, he killed his best brother Chai Gou. He had to avenge him.

Although officials have repeatedly clarified that Chaigou died of digoxin, which has nothing to do with Lin Feng, Huoshen believes that Chaigou's death must have something to do with Lin Feng.

So the God of fire planned to stand up and settle accounts with Lin Feng. Of course, he didn't come to save the black bear, but avenged his brother Chaigou!

The God of fire came out slowly from the corner. He was dressed in leather clothes and leather pants. Behind him was a large circle pattern. In the middle of the pattern, there was an orange red fire word. Around the fire word, there was a flame, which was very bright.

With this kind of round and lettered sign, it is the sign of the East District drag racing party.

As soon as the fire God appeared, they immediately held their breath.

Originally, they thought that the God of fire had not come. They did not expect that the God of fire had been sitting in the corner, and he really came.

Now, there's a good show to watch.

Huoshen is one of the four heavenly kings of the East District drag racing party. It is said that he is the best choice for the first brother of the drag racing party. Therefore, if Huoshen comes out, he will be in danger.

A group of girls, such as Ma Chunchun, have heard of the name of Huoshen. In their impression, Huoshen is a legendary figure, and this person has gone out and made a big fuss!

Ma Chunchun quickly said to Chu Yuqi, "tell your boyfriend to stop. The God of fire is not easy to provoke."

"Yes, your boyfriend is so good that we don't want to see him in trouble! I heard people say that the God of fire is very hot tempered. If you can't, let your boyfriend admit it. It's important to protect your life. It's not a shame to admit it! " Said another girl.

The other girls are also worried about Chu Yuqi.

In fact, Chu Yuqi is more anxious than them.

Today's matter, because of her, if Lin Feng has a fault, he will feel guilty for a lifetime.

"Lin Feng, come here quickly!" Chu Yuqi didn't know how to stop it, so she yelled at Lin Feng in a hurry.

Lin Feng naturally knows that Chu Yuqi is worried about himself. He smiles at Chu Yuqi and says, "Yuqi baby, don't worry. I haven't arranged flowers yet. It will be OK!"

Chu Yuqi's face turned red, and her heart said that it was time to make a joke.

But before she could speak again, Huoshen had already come to Lin Feng. He gave Lin Feng a cold look and said, "Lin Feng, can I introduce myself? I'm the fire god of the racing party...

" don't ink! " Lin Feng interrupted him and said coldly, "it doesn't matter who you are. Don't tell me. Tonight, my sisters have been bullied by others for no reason. I'm very angry and I'm very irritable. So I advise you to quickly disappear from my face. Otherwise, I can't say that I'll hit people at any time! So, you give it to me, go away -- " , the fastest update of the webnovel!