The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 119

"Damn you..."

when the black bear raised his head, he would scold, but he felt that something was falling in front of him.

There was a bang.

It was a metal fruit plate that hit the head of the black bear. The melon seed shell, banana skin, cigarette end and so on in the fruit plate fell all over the black bear, and half of the watermelon skin was just buckled on the black bear's head.

It's so funny. All the green hats are on.

Seeing this, people around wanted to laugh but did not dare to. But a few people still can't hold back, the cat lower body, long open mouth, laugh more than, and then vent, quickly shut the mouth, continue to watch the play.


The black bear made his things and looked up. He was surprised. It was Lin Feng who was standing on the second floor.

Nima, is this guy human? It's faster than Cao Cao. Is it true that you can get there as soon as you say it?

Black bear was surprised, but he soon calmed down, because today is different from the day when he was in the food market. Today, when the God of fire was supporting himself, he could not help but feel confident.

Lin Feng looked downstairs and saw Chu Yuqi at first sight.

"Oh, is someone really bullying my Yuqi? Who is so brave? It's not killing you, is it Lin Feng called out to Chu Yuqi: "Yuqi baby, don't be afraid, I'm coming!"

With that, he jumped directly from the second floor.

"Hiss -"

people take a breath of cool air. This is definitely an expert. It's good to jump at a height of seven or eight meters.

But the next second, the crowd is full of black lines.

Lin Feng, the master in their hearts, landed on the banana skin!

"Ah, ah, ah, wipe --"

Lin Feng slipped under his feet and his body was out of balance. He ran into the black bear and hit his head on the nose of the black bear.

"Ah -" the black bear was unprepared. He only felt the pain and bitterness of his nose. His brain was faint and he sat on the ground.

All of a sudden, a face of blood, tears and snot flow together, in a mess!

"Burp -- sorry ha --"

but Lin Feng seemed to have nothing to do. He belched his wine and said, "Yuqi baby, I just dreamed that you called me, but I really saw you, ha ha ha ha!"

Chu Yuqi was so excited that she wanted to cry. The sudden appearance of Lin Feng made her feel full of confidence and felt that everything was fully protected.

"Lin Feng!" Chu Yuqi finally couldn't help but shed tears.

"Oh, little darling, who bullied you into this way? Don't be afraid. With me in, I will say that life is better than death for bullying you!" Lin Feng said.

In fact, Lin Feng didn't pay attention to the following. He was drinking upstairs. The music was very loud. The whole person was also rushing to get drunk. When he was a little dizzy, he didn't care about the noise below.

But at the end of the day, when he heard someone calling out "Lin Feng", he suddenly realized that the people below might have something to do with himself.

He opened the box and came out and looked downstairs. As a result, the black bear was bullying Chu Yuqi.

This look, he was very angry, Chu Yuqi such a good girl, how can he let others bully.

So after less than a minute, I couldn't stand it. I threw a bottle of wine downstairs.

At this time, he saw Chu Yuqi pear flower with tears and pitiful appearance. He was angry and pointed at the black bear and said:

"you bullied my baby, didn't you? You bear B, I didn't beat you enough last time, didn't I? Want a second education, don't you? "

The black bear looked awe inspiring and did not dare to speak.

Lin Feng looked at the group of hooligans around him, and he pressed the poor girls in twos and threes. He waved his hand at the hooligans and said fiercely:

"let go of those beautiful little sisters for me! Such a beautiful girl, do you bully like this? Not as good as animals

"Who the hell are you?" A hooligan wanted to make a contribution. He picked up a bottle of wine and hit Lin Feng.

As soon as Lin Feng lowered his head, he flashed over the wine bottle, but his feet were not idle. When he hooked the foot of the man, the hooligan accidentally fell in front of him. He immediately fell strong enough, two front teeth were stuck, and the wine bottle was thrown aside and broken.

Lin Feng took a bottle of wine that didn't open and hit the hooligan's head directly.

"Pa", the beer bottle broke, beer splashed the rogue's face.

The hooligan's head was hit with blood, mixed with beer, and the wound hurt to death. He yelled to stand up and fight at Lin Feng, but Lin Feng didn't give him a chance, so he kicked him in his face. The naked eye could see that the bridge of his nose was kicked off, his nose twisted and his blood gushed out.

"Ah -" the hooligan cried out in horror, rolling all over the ground in pain.

"Is it cool?" Lin Feng looked at the other hooligans: "or, together on it?"

Black bear scared back a step, he knew the strength of Lin Feng, he looked at the corner of the fire god, hope the God of fire can quickly extend a helping hand.But he's just sitting in the corner drinking.

The black bear knew that the God of fire was observing Lin Feng. He gritted his teeth and called out to the group of younger brothers: "let's fight for the dead!"

The rest of the younger brother, one after another to copy with the guy, toward Lin Feng to fight over.

First, an iron pipe hit Lin Feng's head.

Instead of retreating, Lin Feng fixed the man's arm with his shoulder, and then hit him fiercely with his right fist. He hit the man in the chest. The man who hit him directly fell into the air and vomited a mouthful of scarlet blood in his mouth.

"If you don't know how to bully men and women, it's time to fight!"

Lin Feng said, when the second person arrived at his body, he fiercely picked up a wine bottle and threw it at the man.

The man blocked the bottle with both hands, and then planned to attack Lin Feng again. It was found that Lin Feng had already arrived in front of him.

The man's eyes were straight with fear! But listen to Lin Feng say:

"social dregs, pollute civilization, we should fight!"

With that, the man felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. He was almost suspicious of life by Lin Feng's knee top. He knelt on the ground and moved his lips. His parents didn't know him.

The two of the back saw that it was impossible to fight alone, so they all came to fight against Lin Feng.

The two men were unarmed, unarmed, with both fists on Lin Feng, who did not dodge.

But the two men were grinning and crying out in pain. They felt their fists hit on the iron, and their five fingers were misplaced, which was painful.

Then, Lin Feng roared: "bully the weak, no pity, you all give me to die!"

Said, two arms such as two thick steel bars, toward the waist of the two people swept in the past.

"Bang --"

"Bang --"

there were two dull sounds of bone and flesh collision. The two people were stunned by Lin Feng, who flew backward several meters away and fell heavily on the ground.

In an instant, four or five younger brothers were flattened by Lin Feng.

The people around were stunned. Those who said that the girls were not good girls also closed their mouths and did not dare to make a sound.

At this time, the tattoo man is also afraid, he wants to knock to hide aside, but Lin Feng's eyes are like eagle eyes, directly locked on him: "you, come here!"

"Me?" The tattooed man points to himself.

"Yes, just you!" Lin Feng said, then asked Ma Chunchun and other girls: "this man hit you?"

"He was the first to hit us, scum!" Ma Chunchun was very excited at this time. She was humiliated just now. When she saw Lin Feng beat the hooligans down a few times, she felt that the world had become incomparably bright and boiling with blood.

"What do you want to do with him?" Lin Feng asked.

"I..." Ma Chunyi still can't think of a way!

Lin Feng laughed and said, "I'll deal with it for you."

He put a tattoo on the man's shoulder and pressed it down.

The tattooed man was bent down by a strong force, but he saw Lin Fengmeng lift his knee and hit the tattooed man's face directly.

"Bang --"

a crash sounded, and the tattooed man's face was instantly covered with blood.

The whole face is broken.

The tattooed man almost fainted in pain, plopped on the ground and couldn't move.

"You should thank me for using a little bit of strength, or your head will be blown by me!" Lin Feng said coldly.

"So handsome --" Ma Chunchun happily forgot the pain all over his body. How can this man be handsome! It's too fucking awesome!

"Your boyfriend, it's cool too!" Ma Chunchun said to Chu Yuqi.

Several other girls listen, suddenly bold up, have to hide behind Chu Yuqi.

"Don't be afraid of the beautiful sisters. My brother supports you today and says," how did they bully you? " Lin Feng asked.

Ma Chunchun said, "they slapped my mouth and poured wine on our heads."

Lin Feng said: "how unreasonable, dare to deal with the beauties like this, come on, they are all beaten down by me, you go up to pour wine, fan your mouth, don't be polite, how to relieve your anger, how to come, I see who dares to move you!"

Ma Chunchun listened and said to several girls, "sisters, do you hear me? There is revenge and revenge!"

Said, one by one picked up wine bottles and began to pour on those faces.

"Be honest!"

"Do you believe it or not if you move me in the mouth again?"


the scene reversed for a while, making people laugh and cry.

"Brother black bear"

"brother black bear!"

That group of hooligans can't stand the pain, but also by this group of female college students a drink, have to ask for help from black bear.

The black bear took a deep breath and said to Lin Feng, "you... You let them go!"

"What do you say?" Lin Feng walked a few steps toward the black bear: "I didn't hear you clearly. You said it out loud!"The black bear trembled: "you... I let you... Let them go!"

But he also finished, Lin Feng a lunge forward, a grip of his hand, directly back a break.

"Ah --"

the black bear screamed bitterly, and his other intact hand, except for his thumb, was all broken.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "I once told you that if you are doing evil, I will let your right hand be the same as your left hand! I will never break my promise , the fastest update of the webnovel!