The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 118

The black bear sat not far away, drinking wine with the God of fire, looking at Chu Yuqi.

With the idea of Fire God, make Chu Yuqi, little brother out of the horse is enough, but they do not need to move.

However, black bear made a request, that is, he wanted to give Chu Yuqi to him at last. He had long been fascinated by Chu Yuqi. Last time he went to the food market, she was in trouble with Chu Yuqi's mother. A large part of it was to forcibly occupy Chu Yuqi.

The God of fire said, "as long as you don't give me your middle finger, that chick, here you are!"

For this reason, the black bear has been putting his hand in his pocket till now, and dare not take it out.

On the other hand, Chu Yuqi's face was panicked and uncomfortable. She wanted to avoid the bondage of the tattooed man, but she was tightly hugged by the tattooed man from the back.

"Handsome boy, my friend really can't drink, you don't force her, want to drink, I accompany you to drink!" Ma Chunchun usually likes to stand up for Chu Yuqi. When she meets Chu Yuqi and is bullied, she stands up.

"You?" The tattooed man gave Ma Chunchun a hard look, and suddenly scolded, "who the hell are you?"

"Why do you still swear?" Ma Chunchun was also angry.

"Crouch, you little girl, dare to fight with me?" The tattooed man put down his glass and made a gesture towards Ma Chunchun.

"Hey, handsome boy, don't be angry. Come out and play. Peace is the most important thing." Another girl saw a big deal, quickly came out to persuade the argument, "is not drinking, our sisters several accompany you to drink, not yet?"

"I'm not drinking with you? One by one, what coax? Do you want to drink like that? Yes, come and drink The tattooed man ordered several dozen beers and blew a bottle at him: "want to drink, don't you? If I blow it, you have to blow it for me. I'll let you bang! "

As soon as the voice dropped, the other five girls all blew up.

"Lying trough!" The tattoo man is a little surprised, this NIMA's, really can drink appearance.

But how can he be convinced that he can't fight for a girl, and dare to say that he's in a bar?

The tattoo man opened another bottle and blew it, which was obviously slower than the first bottle.

As a result, the girls, without saying a word, blew the bottle again.

The tattooed man belched and felt that the wine was up to his throat. He was surprised and angry: NIMA, how can these little bitches drink so much?

He opened the third bottle of wine, took a deep breath and said, "grandma, you give me a damn drink, drink together!"

Finish saying, one breath again stuffy!

And this time, he's not so smooth.

Drink to the last point, choking straight cough, mouth outflow of a large number of white foam, a look is not to drink.

However, the five girls, once again a stuffy, there is no sense of disobedience, very smooth.

Ma Chunchun's birthday in the bar, is not without reason!

Indeed, these girls are usually wine basket, only Chu Yuqi can not drink.

Seeing this, the tattooed man was furious. He tried to pour down these little bitches with alcohol, but he couldn't drink any more. He let others see the joke for nothing.

"Handsome boy, you want to drink, we also accompany you to drink, also please don't pester our family Yuqi!" Said a girl.

"What is drinking? I want her to drink now The tattooed man began to play tricks. He sat down next to Chu Yuqi, picked up the bottle and said, "just now, when we blow the bottle, you didn't drink it. Now you make up two bottles for me. No, it's three bottles! Hiccup -- "

" I said how can you be so dishonest? Are you a man or not Ma Chunchun couldn't stand it. She saw such a shameless rascal for the first time.

"Draft? Who do you say?" The tattooed man suddenly stood up and slapped Ma Chunchun in the face.

Ma Chunchun's thin and white face suddenly turned red.

"Why do you still beat people?" The other girls came up and stopped.

But the tattooed man seemed to be out of control and crazy, punching and kicking at other goddesses. Those girls were not vegetarians and began to scratch the tattooed man one after another.

At this time, the black bear clapped his thigh and said, "NIMA is such a fool. He can do some things! He drank his mother's wine, and was almost vomited by a few punks. What a shame

He pointed his middle finger at the other boys, who rushed forward to help.

Originally, tattoo men will be outnumbered. With the addition of a few younger brothers, they suddenly look like hungry wolves pouncing on sheep, and instantly press those girls on the sofa.

This scene of farce, alarmed the other guests present, they stopped one after another, looking at this side.

"You little bitches, dare to beat me The tattooed man touched the bleeding wound on his face, spit, and slapped Ma Chunchun's face directly.

This slap was very powerful. He threw the horse down on the sofa, his hair was scattered, his lips were broken, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

"Big brother, why are you so angry? I think they are all little girls. They are not sensible! Don't take them for granted Someone came up to fight."Where the hell are you from? Get out of here quickly -- "the tattooed man glared at the man. He didn't dare to make a noise, so he retreated to one side.

"Everyone here today, it has nothing to do with you. If you want to watch the excitement, just see how I play with these female college students. If you don't like watching the fun, get out of here. By the way, if anyone dares to call the police, I will break his leg!"

The tattoo man said very arrogantly.

Many of them know that the tattooed man seems to have an unusual relationship with the owner of the bar. It is said that there are shares in the bar, so this is his territory. No one dares to control how he makes trouble.

At this time, the black bear also came out. He went to the tattoo man and whispered, "are you sure this bar is safe?"

, "black bear brother, you can rest assured that this bar is my old fellow, and I also occupy a large share of the bar, which means that part of it is mine. I am here, and there will be problems, so you can let go of it." Tattooed man chuckled.

Brother black bear nodded with satisfaction. He looked back at the fire god in the corner. Seeing that the God of fire didn't stop him, he bowed his head to drink. He was even more presumptuous. He said to the tattooed man, "these bitches, give them to you, Chu Yuqi, give them to me!"

"What do you want?" Ma Chunchun wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, took out his mobile phone and said, "if you dare to mess with me, I will call the police."

"I'll report you to the police!" The tattooed man came up and grabbed his cell phone. On the side of a few younger brothers said: "search them, give me the mobile phone out."

Those little brothers laughed and went to search their bodies. They said they were searching their bodies, but the implication was clear to everyone.

These white tender female college students have a natural attraction for these unemployed Vagabonds.

At this time, looking at this group of female college students white skin and delicate good figure, let these hunks excited to flow out.

One after another, like a hungry tiger, they went up and touched.

"Ah --"

"what are you doing?"

The girls screamed and struggled.

"His grandmother's, toasts don't eat and eat, penalty wine, I stripped their coats!" Tattoo male angry way.

The younger brothers, one after another, pressed the girls and tore their coats.

For a moment, the sad cry resounded through the bar.

In broad daylight, it's just like this to spoil female college students. Is there any reason for this?

People around see a burst of anger, but dare not speak.

As several girls were wearing tight clothes, they tore a lot of clothes, but none of them came down.

"Waste!" The black bear looked in his eyes and scolded. Then he picked up a bottle of beer and poured it on the head of one of the girls. "See? It should be this way to play!"

"Cough --" the girl was choked by a straight cough, both frightened and uncomfortable in the heart, while coughing and crying, very pitiful.

The wine soaked that girl's coat, clothes a close to the body, the perfect show of the body!

"Wow, brother black bear can play The tattoo man said, "come on, all learn!"

The younger brother picked up the wine bottle with a smile and fell down on the top of the girls.

"You son of a bitch, don't make a damn move, I'll cut you off!"

"Be honest with your mother!"


seeing this scene, Chu Yuqi felt like a needle in her heart.

Those hooligans did not poison her, because brother black bear said in advance that she would leave it to the black bear.

Chu Yuqi knows that the black bear is retaliating against himself. Last time in the vegetable market, Lin Feng beat the black bear, and the black bear yelled that he would come back for revenge. Unexpectedly, he found himself on the head so soon.

Only she offended the black bear, she admitted, but the black bear let his subordinates insult their classmates, she really can't stand it.

Chu Yuqi begged: "brother black bear, please let my classmates go. It has nothing to do with them."

Black bear is a cold smile, said: "that day your boyfriend hit me, you are not very happy? This will know it's hard? You know, scared? Humph, bitch

Black bear said to the girls around him: "today, I make you, all because of your good friend, Chu Yuqi, she told her boyfriend to beat me, this revenge, I can't help but revenge ah, who let her be your good friend, good friends have to deal with difficulties together?"

"You don't want to break the gap!" Ma Chunchun threw up her wet hair and yelled at the black bear: "Yuqi is our good sister, forever good sister!"

"Fuck your mother!" The black bear was furious and kicked Ma Chunchun in the face.

Ma Chunchun was kicked nose straight blood, dizzy.

At this time, the black bear was still breathing. He drew out the whip from his waist and jerked at the horse's pure body.

"If I call you arrogant, you're the only one who's righteous, right?"

"I'll beat you to death, you little bitch!"

... ...The black bear cursed and puffed.

"No Chu Yuqi goes to stop her, but is overthrown by the black bear.

The other girls were scared to cry and looked around helplessly.

But all around were cold eyes, and even some people whispered: "is it not good to go to school well? It's not a good girl to come to the bar so late! "

"Yes, I deserve it!"

In fact, they looked very angry, but they did not dare to stop.

However, the heart can not stand this matter, so they are forced to comfort themselves there, it is their fault.

People are like this, always give their own cowardice to find some excuse.





A brain swept over, these girls have been devastated almost collapsed.

One by one, they curled up on the sofa in horror, and let the hooligans beat and scold them. In addition to despair, they were tears in their eyes.

This cruel and ravaging feast has been going on. The hearts of several helpless girls have been completely covered with darkness. They are allowed to be beaten, scolded and insulted by black bears and other hooligans. They have no ability to resist and can only bear them silently and painfully.

Chu Yuqi's heart is dripping blood, he begged the black bear, no use at all, but let the black bear more rampant.

She bit her teeth and said, "black bear, if you don't let my sisters go today, I'll call Lin Feng to kill you!"

She also had no way out. She only hoped that black bear could still remember the pain when he was beaten and mention Lin Feng's name to make him more restrained.

When the sisters heard that, there was a glimmer of hope in their eyes. She remembered that black bear said that she was beaten by Chu Yuqi's boyfriend. It seems that this is true. Where is Chu Yuqi's boyfriend? Come out and help!

But the next second, the black bear was furious: "do you think he is a God? Do you want to come? Ha ha ha, are you too naive? "

The black bear didn't get rid of his anger, gritted his teeth and said, "you stinky bitch, dare to threaten me, Lin Feng, right? If he doesn't come, I'll drag you to the box and kill you one by one. "

Chu Yuqi a burst of anger and despair, mobile phones have been taken away by them, how to call Lin Feng? This black bear, is really a shameless, mean, disgusting scum.

See black bear so to Chu Yuqi clamor, Chu Yuqi has no response, that group of girls last glimmer of hope is also dashed.

It seems that Chu Yuqi's boyfriend will not appear.

Think about it. How can you say that? Where is a knight in this world? Where is prince charming? Where is the Savior?

It's all nonsense.

Several girls curled up in despair.

But at this time, I saw a bottle of wine flying from the second floor, "whoosh" on the head of the black bear.

A figure was standing at the door of the box on the second floor and shouting to the downstairs, "who is shouting below? How dare you disturb me to drink? Have you lived enough? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!