The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 117

After Lin Feng came out of the hotel where Wei Yichen was, he took a deep breath.

Wei Yichen, a little girl, is really a grinding goblin. She almost fell into her ambiguous cabin.

Lin Feng took out a cigarette, lit it, took a sip, looked up at the night sky, and said to himself:

"Wan'er, where are you now? You don't want to see me? Or is there something difficult to say? Four years! Are you still alive? Do you know how many nights I miss you? If you hear me, can you send me a message? Tell me about you! "

Lin Feng felt a little sentimental about this, so he tried to squeeze out a smile in the dark sky and said, "Wan'er, do you know? I'm very popular. Many girls like me. If you don't come back, the position of your main room will be hard to guarantee. "

But what responded to Lin Feng was the depth and silence of the night sky.

Lin Feng wiped his eyes, this moment, the man under the night sky looks, but it is incomparable vicissitudes.

Lin Feng smoked a cigarette and then another one. The street lamp was red wine and green. It was a bar and Club Street. Lin Feng wanted to get drunk. He had drunk a lot of wine today, but it didn't seem to be drunk. So he went to a bar that looked bigger and continued to drink.

This bar is also comprehensive, with KTV box, dance floor and so on.

Lin Feng asked for a box, sat in, asked for a lot of wine, bought a few packs of cigarettes, put up the song "empty city", poured and drank from himself.

At the same time, in box 5, three boxes away from Lin Feng, a group of young people are singing happily.

These young people are six girls, one of whom is Chu Yuqi.

Today is Chu Yuqi's roommate friend's birthday, friends invited them to the bar to play, they brought gifts and cakes, came to the bar to celebrate their birthday.

However, Chu did not know that the danger was approaching him.

Because someone saw Chu Yuqi enter the box, he picked up the phone and called a person: "brother black bear, the little girl you asked me to watch, and a few girls went into box 5 of dynasty bar. The boss of dynasty bar is my friend. You don't have to worry about anything here. It can be settled completely!"

The black bear pointed up its middle finger and grinned.

His hand was broken by Lin Feng in the vegetable market last time, and now he is still in plaster. He puts up a middle finger everywhere, which is incomparably overbearing.

He vowed to revenge, so let his younger brother spy on Chu Yuqi, first get Chu Yuqi, and then find a chance to do Lin Feng.

"Well, you wait for me there, show me the man, and I'll be right there!" Said the black bear.

At this time, the dynasty bar box 5.

"Yuqi, I remember you didn't come to the bar before. You're a good girl. You broke the rules this time!" A tall, thin girl with long hair laughed.

The tall, thin girl with big eyes, white skin and beautiful looks.

Chu Yuqi laughed: "Ma Chunchun, I didn't come here because of your birthday. According to me, it's good to find a place to eat, how noisy this place is, I'm really not used to it!"

"Yuqi, it's time for you to open up a little bit. What's the age now? Who hasn't been to a bar? You're so old-fashioned!" Ma Chunchun said with a smile: "you are the body and temperament. If you dress up casually, you are just a little coquettish fox. If you want to catch a handsome man in the bar and go to sleep, it's not a matter of minutes!"

"You little wave hoof, you are serious!" Chu Yuqi blushed and said with a smile, "today is your birthday. I don't have the same insight as you Xiaolang's hooves. Come on, raise your glass. Ma Chunchun, I wish you a happy birthday!"

"Happy Birthday!" Ma Chunchun and several other girls raised their glasses and drank them all in one gulp!

Next, a group of little girls fight and make fun of each other and start singing in the box.

After singing for more than half an hour, Ma Chunchun said, "I don't think it's a good time to play here, or we can go to the hall, where there are so many handsome men, we can also casually raise a few, hehe, hehe!"

"I don't think so! The hall is so chaotic that everyone has it! " Chu Yuqi stops.

"Oh, Yuqi, you are a natural beauty. When a man sees you, he wants to commit a crime. When he sees us, he wants to cry. We haven't tasted the taste of a man yet. You don't worry. We can be anxious!" Said another girl.

"I feel like I've tasted the taste of a man!" Chu Yuqi gave the girl a look.

Ma Chunchun said, "ah, Yuqi, are you still young? I can't believe it. You're so big and plump. I thought you've opened your mind! "

"Go and go, you don't talk nonsense!" Chu Yuqi blushed to the base of her neck.

"Are you waiting for your prince charming to enlighten you? Hehe, hehe, hehe Ma Chunchun joked.

Chu Yuqi sipped her lips, and she suddenly thought of Lin Feng and what Lin Feng whispered in her ear:

"if you are responsible for beautiful flowers, I will be responsible for arranging flowers every day!"She suddenly felt a palpitation in her heart and an involuntary heat in her body.

"Oh, Yuqi, Prince Charming is not so much these days. Let's be realistic and play with a few more men. I'll never lose money in my life." Said the girl who had clamored to go to the hall.

"Yes, Yuqi, since I'm out to play today, I'll be a little bit more hi. Let's go to the hall!" Ma Chunchun takes Chu Yuqi and goes outside.

But, Chuqi, go out and help me with the bag

Several girls came to the hall. There were round tables around the hall for three or five friends to drink and chat. There was a square dance floor in the middle of the hall, which could hold dozens of people. Because the bar was mainly about drinking and singing, the dance floor was not big.

It's not 12 o'clock, it's the hottest time of the day.

There are people sitting around drinking. Men and women on the dance floor are also frantically wriggling their bodies. The flesh of white flowers and the luster of metal complement each other to release the most primitive hormones and wildness.

Ma Chunchun sat down at a table and ordered two dozen beers.

"You see, the hall is so busy, you see, that little brother dancing over there is so handsome!"

"Which one?"

"That one, the one with the hips up!"

"You don't look at other people's handsome, you look at people's buttocks, good bed skills!"

"You see through, shy!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"


at this time, a young man in a hurdle vest, jeans, cap and tattoo all over his body came to Chu Yuqi's table and said to Chu Yuqi, "beauty, have a face and have a drink!"

"I'm sorry, I can't drink much!" Chu Yuqi instinctively refused.

"Why are you so shameless? Come and have a drink The man with a glass, close to Chu Yuqi, an aggressive posture.

"I... I can't drink it!" Chu Yuqi is a little flustered.

"Come to the bar and say you can't drink? Who are you lying to? " The tattooed man put his arm around Chu Yuqi's back, put his glass in front of Chu Yuqi's mouth, and said, "I'll let you drink it, and you'll give it to me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!