The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 116

Lin Feng picked up Jin Dazheng and started to fight and kick again. He still called out: "I told you to play with women. I told you to take women as human beings. You can call anyone he wants to call? Why are you so good? "

At this time, JINDA couldn't stand it, and said with a cry: "Oh, oh, don't fight. It's not that I have to call Xiangxiang away. It's Cao Dehuan who has to play with women and has appointed Xiangxiang them!"

With that, Jin Dazheng suddenly felt that he was missing something and quickly covered his mouth.

Lin Feng listened to the three words of Cao Dehuan, very familiar, he said a few words "Cao's Huan, Cao's Huan! Oh, it's fat

Cao Dehuan is the big man in charge of the government mining bidding.

He gave Su Jing and ye Yuwei a divine analysis, which was about this fat and Cao Dehuan.

"He is so close to you. It seems that you are playing very smoothly." Lin Feng said with a smile.

But the next second, Lin Feng's smile suddenly became extremely cunning, "boss Jin, since you have said all about Cao Dehuan, you don't mind saying more details. Let's go to a quiet corner. I want to listen to you talk about Cao Dehuan. If you say I'm satisfied, I'll let you go. If you don't tell me, ha ha, I'll let you die here today I do what I say

That Jin Dazheng has already been scared, compared with his own life, nothing else is important.

He said in a hurry: "I said, I said, that Cao Dehuan not only likes women, he also likes men..."

"stop! There are a lot of people here. Come and talk to me alone Lin Feng said.

Lin Feng once gave Su Jing and ye Yuwei an analysis. If you can get rid of a Fei, that is, Cao Dehuan, you will have finished the project. Therefore, it is providence that we can learn about Cao Dehuan's hobby through Jin Dazheng today!

Moreover, it seems that Jin Dazheng is also making the idea of bidding. Otherwise, how could he be so close to Cao Dehuan and even Bao Xiangxiang? They went to drink with Cao Dehuan. However, Jin Dazheng is much more prepared than Dongsheng Group. They all know that they are bisexual. This is a better skill!

After that, Lin Feng asked Wei Yichen to record a video on the side. He had a deep discussion with Kim Dae Jung in the corner.

JINDA correctly exploded a lot of Cao Dehuan's material, and then Lin Feng let JINDA go.

Xiangxiang and others see that Lin Feng is back, and they suddenly seem to see the Savior, so they have to face Lin Feng for a random kiss.

But Lin Feng said solemnly, "if I guess correctly, you are hired to drink for me."

As soon as he said this, Wei Yichen bowed his head and blushed. The boss was really the boss. Nothing could escape his eyes.

Xiangxiang and others are also very embarrassed to lower their heads.

But the next second, Lin Feng said with an obscene smile to Xiangxiang and others: "Hey, hey, but you can't control your power. I'm teasing you! Am I good? "


"You are so good!" And so on.

After that, Lin Feng didn't keep on drinking, but handed Xiangxiang and others to the man in black, because Jin Fenghuang promised him that he would give these girls a bright future.

When the girls went out, they knelt down to the ground in front of Lin Feng, a burst of thanks.

Lin Feng quickly one by one to help up, said: "acquaintance even fate, encounter you, can help on a, this is very normal!"

Those girls were moved by the rare, Lin Feng this kind of man, it is their dream, humorous, capable, do a good job still so modest, the most important thing is, abdominal muscle is very good, it is easy to look at the thought!

After Lin Feng saw off the dozen girls and the man in black, he saw Tony in a daze hiding in the corner. He knew that Tony couldn't accept it for a while because he was unemployed. He went forward and said, "Tony, if you promise me that you won't bully any girls in the future, I may consider asking the order of Phoenix to hire you again!"

"Really?" Tony was overjoyed. He knew the status of Lin Feng. The Golden Phoenix spoke to Lin Feng in a praying tone. As long as Lin Feng said a word, he would surely go back to the order of Phoenix to continue his work.

"Really!" "I know that everyone's life is not easy, so as long as people's hearts are good, I will be willing to give them a chance to live again," Lin Feng said

"Thank you so much!" Tony said excitedly.

Lin Feng's words have gone to his heart. Because his family was poor, his father was bedridden all the year round. At the age of 16, he dropped out of school to work to earn money. Step by step, it is not easy. It has also changed from being bullied to bullying others.

Now, he really can't stand it. Lin Feng gives her a chance to come back, and he cherishes it.

In order to express his gratitude, he also took the initiative to disclose: "brother Lin Feng, I also know something about Cao Dehuan. No one else knows about it. Even Jin Dazheng doesn't know it. Because Cao Dehuan is also my client, I know more about his privacy than anyone else."

Lin Feng's eyes shine, I wipe! And the windfall!

Just now, he listened to Jin Dazheng saying a lot, and he was very detailed. He didn't expect Tony to add. It seems that he can learn all the information of Cao Dehuan without any effort this time. He has saved a lot of things!After that, Tony and Lin Feng said a lot about Cao Dehuan. It was really a big eye opener. I didn't expect Cao Dehuan to be such a person.

After hearing about it, Lin Feng felt that this mining bidding was in a stable way!

After that Tony also withdrew. There are only Lin Feng and weiyichen left in the box.

Lin Feng looked at Wei Yichen, and said that the little girl was really thinking about it. She said she had made more than ten models for herself. In the end, she didn't want to be the top one!

Wei Yichen appeared to be a bit lost at this time, after all, the plan was lost, but also discovered by the boss, both humiliating and sad.

But at this time, Lin Feng said, "in the morning, let's go upstairs for a drink!"

"What?" Wei Yichen has a bright eyes, the boss wants to drink with himself!

And, still upstairs?!

Wei Yichen felt a tremendous excitement and said, "good big brother, come on, let's go up!"

Lin Feng and Wei Yichen went to her room.

Once entering the door, a refreshing fragrance came to us, which made people feel very comfortable.

I saw the dim and ambiguous light in the room, a heart-shaped bed was white and soft, and the bed was still hanging transparent yarn around, and the breeze blew the yarn, a faint temptation feeling.

Weiyichen put the wine on the table, "boss, we will be drunk tonight!"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "you won't get drunk and take me down?"

"I'm not sure. I said it. I'll be your girlfriend sooner or later!" Wei Yichen pouted his small mouth, and his soft lips sparkled attractive luster under the light.

In a moment, Lin Feng was a little trance, as if he had returned to four years ago, that ambiguous night, Jin Wan'er also beeped up like this, and said, "you are good or bad, you can't leave me again!"

But, it was her who left!

Lin Feng shook his head, cleared the memory in his brain, raised his glass and said to weiyichun, "happy birthday in the morning!"

"How do you know it's my birthday?" Wei Yichen was surprised.

"You have it on your ID card! I have not seen your ID card! " Said Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's brain, trained professionally, can reach 80-9-10 without forgetting his eyes, as he is not allowed to write a picture with a pen while spying on a lot of information. Only by a trance memory.

So Wei Yichun's birthday is a very clear memory.

"Boss, I know you still love me!" Wei Yichun was moved to cry, from childhood to big. Except for her birthday, no one else remembered her birthday. His father was too much for men and women, and he was not good for himself since he was a child. Only these years, he felt guilty in his heart, and began to spoil himself crazy.

But the death of the mother, Wei Yichen will never forgive his father.

Wei Yichen wiped wet eyes, said: "boss, can you always be good to me, can you not leave me?"

Lin Feng suddenly felt electric shock.

Once upon a time, Jin Wan'er said the same.

But after that, Jin Waner disappeared.

It was like a curse, and in his heart, it was haunted.

Lin Feng is afraid Wei Yichen will disappear after finishing, so he does not want to answer weiyichen's words.

Lin Feng was in a special depression, perhaps thinking of Jin Waner. He sighed and said, "morning, this is a gift for you. I have something to do. I have to go out!"

Lin Feng threw a beautiful small box and walked out of the door.

Weiyichan tears down, let the boss always accompany himself, is it a luxury?

Her feelings for Lin Feng are complex, like her brother, and like lovers.

But, boss, it was the cold faced and ruthless boss.

Or the boss who can only joke and never get close.

Wei Yichun heart like needle, his twentieth birthday, unexpectedly so sad, so embarrassed, that his beloved boss would not stay with himself for another minute.

Weiyichen has always been a hard and soft person in her heart. She is like a crab. She is hard in appearance, just to protect her inner softness.

Since her mother died, she has closed her heart, pliers are outside, others see, are her cold side, and she will not be moving real feelings to anyone.

However, the appearance of Lin Feng, let her find a glimmer of hope, she tried to open her heart, to pay for the real feelings, but, obtained is ruthless destruction.

Wei Yichan disappointed, disappointed through, she decided to close her heart again, and, forever closed!

Wei Yichen pulled off the hair belt and let her hair spread down. She smashed everything in the room. At this moment, she had accumulated a long time of emotion and let go of her mind.

But when she hit the box Lin Feng gave her, she was still a little bit impatient. Finally, she opened the box.Found inside is a domestic mobile phone, mobile phone next to, there is a note.

The note says:

in the morning, I wish you a happy twentieth birthday!

This mobile phone is my gift for your 20th birthday. Although it is not expensive, I hope you don't dislike it.

I, Lin Feng, promised to be your boss, will guard you for life. You can carry this mobile phone with you. As long as you don't lose him, I will always be with you. When you need me, send me a message with this mobile phone. No matter the ends of the world, I will come to you immediately to cover the wind and rain for you and hold up a piece of sky for you! "

"Boss -" Wei Yichen held the mobile phone and cried. , the fastest update of the webnovel!