The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 115

"Golden Phoenix?" Tony's jaw fell off in surprise.

Jin Fenghuang wants to talk to that boy?

What's the boss calling the security guard? Mr. Lin? Is that right? Let yourself kneel down for him?

Tony is deeply shocked. What is the origin of this man in front of him? Is he a security guard?

However, what is more surprising is that Lin Feng did not answer the phone, but said to the man in Black:

"if you ask me to answer the phone, I will answer it? Then I am not very shameless

"Ah The man in black didn't expect that Lin Feng should have such a hand. He didn't know what to do. The Golden Phoenix boss didn't answer the phone. The boy was too crazy!

But at the moment, the man in black really has no good way, heart said elder sister is still waiting to answer the phone, how to do? He was more and more anxious.

At this time, he suddenly noticed Tony kneeling on the ground. His eyes brightened and he said, "Tony, did you offend Mr. Lin, do you know?"

Tony looks pale with fright. Although he doesn't know what the other party is from, he can be sure that he is very good at it!

Tony said quickly, "I'm wrong. I'm blind. I offended Mr. Lin. I'm damned. I'm damned!"

"Kowtow to Mr. Lin and apologize!" The man in black ordered.

"I am wrong, Mr. Lin!" Tony kowtowed to Lin Feng without saying a word.

"Oh, what are you doing? How painful kowtow! Tut tut Lin Feng pretends to say.

Tony was pleased. It seemed that Mr. Lin was very kind.

But the next second, Lin Feng said: "kowtow is not as comfortable as slapping your mouth!"

Hearing this, the man in black saw a light in front of him and yelled at Tony: "fan your mouth until Mr. Lin is satisfied."

Tony bit his teeth and admitted defeat today. Who let himself not grow eyes and offended such a plague God? He's sorry now!

He reached out his hand, slapped at himself and began to draw.

Finally, the lips were broken and blood was left from the mouth.

Lin Feng said: "OK, OK, I asked you, did you just scold Xiangxiang that they were cheap?"

"No, no, I'm cheap, I'm a bitch!" Tony said quickly.

"Apologize to Xiangxiang and them!" Lin Feng cheered.

"Xiangxiang, it's me who is not good, it's me who is cheap. I shouldn't scold you!" Tony kowtowed to the incense.

"What do you mean when you scold a group of people and apologize to one person?" Lin Feng said.

"I..." Tony quickly knelt on the ground, kowtow to the group of little beauties in all directions: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I was cheap, I was the cheapest!"

"Xiangxiang, are you satisfied?" Lin Feng said with a smile.



The crowd said one after another, but Xiangxiang was moved with compassion and said, "let Tony get up. You see his mouth is still bleeding!"

"Since Xiangxiang has pleaded for you, get up!" Lin Feng said to Tony.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, thank you, Mr. Lin!" Tony stands up.

At this time, Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction and said to the man in Black: "Oh, I was so angry just now. I seem to have forgotten something. What is it?"

The man in black is very smart, quickly said: "the Golden Phoenix boss called you, you forgot to answer, but the phone has not hung up, you quickly answer it!"

"Oh, why didn't you remind me of such an important matter? It's all your fault that you delayed the call between me and the beauty. Give me the phone quickly!" Lin Feng held out his hand.

The man in black is full of black lines. He has seen the belly black, but he has never seen such a dark one. He is a good man and everything is done wrong by others, right?

But the man in black knows that Lin Feng is not a good master. He quickly and obediently gives his mobile phone to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng picked up the phone and said, "beauty, I'm here. What can I say directly?"

On the other end of the phone, Jin Fenghuang was very sorry to say, "Lin Feng, I just heard from yu'er that you had some disputes with a small agent of our order of Phoenix. I'm very sorry that I didn't come to handle this matter in person and neglected you!"

"Oh, it doesn't matter. I'm not sensible! Understandably, I'll teach you a lesson. You don't have to come in person! " Lin Feng said.

"How generous Mr. Lin is Jin Fenghuang said, "Mr. Lin, I have something to discuss with you today, and see if you are willing to?"

"Say it!"

"It's autumn next month. I'm going to invite guests from all over the world and host a grand gathering of poems and songs. I'll leave you a VIP seat. I hope you can come and join us!" Golden Phoenix said.

"Ouch, it's literary and artistic. I'm a tough guy. Don't spoil your elegance!" Lin Feng said.

"No, I believe you are a very talented person!" Golden Phoenix said.

"Since you are so persistent, all right, I'll come and join you." Lin Feng said."Thank you very much, Mr. Lin!" Jin Fenghuang said: "today this matter, I will certainly deal with severely, this you don't worry about!"

Lin Feng said: "this I completely believe you, by the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you!"

"But it doesn't matter!"

"There are more than a dozen girls today. I like them very much. These girls were almost blocked by your people. Can you guarantee me that they will have a better way out in the future, and don't be bullied by these cats and dogs!" Lin Feng Road.

"Since it is Mr. Lin's order, of course, it must be handled well. I will ask yu'er to see the situation of these girls. Don't worry!"

"Good!" Lin Feng Road.

Seeing that it was all right, the Golden Phoenix said, "Lin Feng, you promised to come to me for dinner last time. You can't break your promise!"

"Absolutely not. I'm too busy recently. As you know, I'm in a high position and I have to worry about it all the time. The air conditioner in the guard room is broken today, and the corridor monitor is not working tomorrow. Oh, in a word, I'm very busy, even busier than the national leaders!" Lin Feng said.

Golden Phoenix smiles. This guy always makes people feel rustic and funny.

"Well, I see. Give the phone to my men." Golden Phoenix Road.

Lin Feng gave the phone to the man in black. The man in black took the call. Ah, a few times, he gave the phone to Tony again.

Tony was shaking with excitement at the moment he took the phone.

Well, the goddess is on the other end of the phone. It's like a dream.

Tony took the phone, swallowed a few mouthfuls of blood and said, "Kim... No, boss, this is Tony. I'm wrong. I'm really wrong!"

Jin Fenghuang said coldly: "today you offended the wrong people, so you are fired!"

"What?" Tony felt like a whirlwind. He came out of high school before he graduated from high school. He finally got to the position of agent today. As a result, his career was ruined?

Tony was not reconciled, and quickly argued: "boss, you listen to me, I really did not know he was your VIP, I was unintentional!"

"Well, in fact, you are very lucky today. If our people didn't show up in time, maybe you would be dead or disabled now. I'm not alarmist!"

For Lin Feng's means, Jin Fenghuang still knows very well. This guy is very kind to the poor people, but he treats some hooligans and corrupt officials more ruthlessly than anyone else.

Tony looked at Lin Feng, suddenly a burst of despair, the heart said that no wonder he dare to call in the phone, the original is such a powerful person!

However, at this time, JINDA was on the verge of collapse.

He has been staring at this end, found that the situation is more and more wrong, he lost his temper and yelled to Tony: "Tony, what are you doing? Is this the man you called? What are the people in your community doing? Kneel and bow to a security guard? Is there any mistake? "

Jin Dazheng may be too afraid, or he is choosing to escape. In short, he does not believe that the small security guard in front of him has such great energy.

But Tony was angry. He grabbed Jin Dazheng's collar and scolded: "you mother MMP, today is not you. I won't lose my job. Do you have to find a woman, or Xiangxiang, do you want to find you? B, you pay for my job, you compensate me!"

Then he swung his arm and began to hit Kim Tae Chung.

Jin Dazheng was beaten, and his eyes were full of stars. Several big gold teeth were knocked out.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I beg you!" Jin Dazheng was covered with blood stains, and he was very embarrassed to hide from place to place.

"Tony, stop it!" Lin Feng called.

Tony stopped angrily, but he was not reconciled in his heart. At this time, he heard Lin Feng say: "you killed him. Who can I find to vent my anger?"? Get out of the way and I'll fight! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!