The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 114

"I..." JINDA was in a panic.

"Don't me, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my Lin Feng said.

"I can't sing!" In the face of Lin Feng, Jin Dazheng suddenly felt a burst of fear. It was a kind of instinctive fear. It was like a rabbit meeting a tiger. The king's aura made him suppress and suffocate.

"Well, you see, if you don't sing, the accompaniment is over." Lin Feng looked sorry, and then said to Jin Dazheng, "but today, you scared my little beauties. You have to show them a talent before I can let you go!"

"Who are you? Do you really think you are something? " At this time, Tony stood up to speak for Kim Tae Chung.

In his opinion, it's normal for a small security guard to have good fists and fight. But if you can fight, it doesn't mean you have a position. Jin Dazheng is a boss with tens of millions of people. His bodyguards can't beat you today, but he will pay a lot of bodyguards to come back tomorrow. If you don't believe it, you can't beat you!

So Tony is sure to speak for his clients, and he has the support of the order of the Phoenix, but there are many thugs in the order of the Phoenix. If something happens to him, he will send someone to help him.

Therefore, he dares to stand up and speak for Kim Tae Chung.

"Your name is Tony, aren't you?" Lin Feng turned to look at Tony: "you don't worry, your account, I'll find you later, you wait!"

Lin Feng suddenly shot his eyes at Tony, which immediately made him feel like he was staring at by the God of death.

A cool air ran from his heavenly cover to the bottom of his feet!

Tony had never seen such a terrible look in his eyes. Did he feel cold all over? He couldn't stop shivering.

Lin Feng continued to turn to Jin Dazheng and said, "you rich people, don't always like to let others do this and that with money? You think that if you have money, you can trample on other people's dignity at will. Other people have to bow to you in order to live, but you base your happiness on other people's pain, isn't it

Lin Feng's words go to Xiangxiang and other people's hearts. These rich people don't treat them as people at all. They always let them do it. If they don't, the agent will fire and block themselves. They can only break their teeth and swallow in their stomachs in order to make a living.

After hearing what Lin Feng said, a few little beauties recalled their own experiences, and their eyes began to turn red.

Lin Feng pointed to Jin Dazheng and said, "you rich people, don't you like to let others perform programs for you? Well, today I'm going to ask you to perform and show them! "

"But I can't sing!" Kim said with a bargain.

"Pa --"

Lin Feng slapped Jin Dazheng on the face.

Jin Dazheng is buzzing with the ears of Yiba's palm fan, and half of his face is swollen like a steamed bun.

"You're just going to show the show. What the hell is that?" Lin Feng angry way, say, want to stretch out a hand to Fan Jin Dazheng.

"Don't fan, don't fan! I perform Jin Da is afraid of being beaten by Lin Feng. He feels that his husband can bend and stretch. There is no one around him today. He has no way but to be soft.

Lin Feng said: "give you three options, one, iron head broken wine bottle, two, knife mountain fire, three, sing a song!"

"I sing, I sing!" Jin Dazheng said in a hurry.

"Do you have a choice?" Lin Feng confirmed again.

"Yes, I have chosen!" Kim just nodded.

Lin Feng said, "I haven't finished just now. Singing is OK, but if the singing is not good, and the little beauties are not satisfied, you still want iron head broken wine bottles!"

"Please hold your hand! Please Jin Dazheng is very good at coming. He puts his hands together and says goodbye to the little beauties around him.

"Come on, don't fuck canvass! I'll give you a song "I'm a little bird", which is in line with your physiological condition. Sing it! " Lin Feng said, and then motioned to the group of little beauties: "we all sit on the sofa and watch him perform happily. Next, it's up to you to decide whether he wants a broken bottle of iron head wine!"

"Can you not sing this one? It's a high key! I'm afraid... "Said Jin Dazheng.

"No, it's got to be this one. Sing it!"

"Oh, good!" Facing the subtitles on the big screen, Kim Sang vividly: "I am a little bird ... "

at this time, Tony has eased from Lin Feng's eyes. Seeing that his client has been tortured by Lin Feng, he is very angry. He takes out the phone and says to Lin Feng," you boy, don't be too crazy. You take my court today and humiliate my client. I'll deal with you face to face. I'll call my boss and you'll wait for me! "

Lin Feng did not stop, but looked at him with a smile.

Tony took out the phone and called his boss. After the call was connected, Tony said to the phone, "boss, I have more than a dozen little bitches under Xiangxiang, who have been involved with a boy. He doesn't listen to my command. He still calls my clients. He can't live with the order of the Phoenix!""And that?" The other end of the phone said, "doesn't he know you're from the order of the Phoenix?"

"He knows, but he makes it clear that he can't get along with us!" Said Tony.

"What's his name?" Said over there.

"The boy's name is Lin Feng. He's very good. He's beaten down two bodyguards of my client. Boss, you'll bring more people here later!" Said Tony.

"I'll ask for instructions from the top and take a few experts over there. You'll wait for me there, and you'll be there soon." Asked the other end.

"Good!" Tony road.

After hanging up the phone, Tony looked proud. He pulled Jin Dazheng and said, "boss Jin, don't sing for him. Our people will be here soon. This boy, wait for death!"

On hearing this, Jin Dazheng burst into a happy laugh. He threw away the microphone and said to Lin Feng, "grandma, you really think I'm afraid of you. I want the people of the order of Phoenix to kill you!"

At this time, Xiangxiang was really afraid, he said to Lin Feng, "handsome boy, you can't fight them!"

Tony took a deep breath and suddenly scolded Xiangxiang: "NIMA, Xiangxiang, you rotten bastard. The people you bring are also a group of little bitches. From today on, I'll ban you. Later in Jincheng, you don't want to mix with me. You go to beg for food and give it to me Die! Motherfucker

She knelt down to Tony and said, "tonigo, this is my idea. It's none of their business. You can kill me. They are innocent!"

Xiangxiang two lines of tears, silk stockings were scraped a few holes, embarrassed, very poor.

"Fuck you, bitch, wait till you die!" Tony yelled at Xiang Xiang.

Looking at Xiangxiang's face of despair, Kim Tae Ching is even more happy to open a bottle of wine, while drinking, he said: "let you and his disobedient, if you come to serve me, you have to mix with this smelly security guard, now you know your fate? Stupid B

Jin Dazheng poured Tony a glass of wine, and they hit the glass and began to drink.

A moment later, the door of the box was opened.

A man in a black Zhongshan suit came in, followed by a few beautiful women.

Those women can see that they are not good people. They have sharp eyes and cold faces. If you look carefully, you can see the cocoons on their hands. It seems that they have a lot of training on weekdays.

Seeing the man in black coming in, Tony laughed and said, "boss, you can come here. Oh, you have brought so many experts. Boss, kill him, just him, Lin Feng!"

Tony said and pointed to Lin Feng.

"Pa --" the man in black slapped Tony's face.

"Boss?" Tony looked at the man in black in surprise: "not hit me, hit him!"

"Pa --" the man in black slapped Tony again.

This time, Tony is really scared silly!

"Kneel down for Lin Feng!" The man in Black said.

Tony can't believe looking at everything in front of him, but suddenly feel a pain in his hind leg, Leng is kicked kneeling.

At this time, the man in black took out a phone call and respectfully said to Lin Feng: "Mr. Lin, it's the people of the order of Phoenix who have offended you unreasonably. Please forgive me. My eldest brother, Jin Fenghuang, still wants you to answer the phone. She has something to say to you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!