The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1142

The man frowned and looked at Liu Qing in disgust, but still said, "don't worry, Lin Feng, I'll have someone deal with it. That woman, you can handle it!"

"Great!" Liu Qing happily closed his mouth, and then said: "Lin Feng, I let you mess with me, this time I want to let you know the end of provoking me!"

"I'll send someone to sign a contract with you later, and that person will help you kill Lin Feng. It's not convenient for us to come forward!" Said the man.

"What if he doesn't come? How can I contact you? " Liu Qing asked.

"Certainly will come!" The man left four words coldly and left the house of Liu family.

Liu Qing scratched the back of his head, feeling that this series of things came a little too suddenly. He still has a little unresponsive now. He should lie in bed and think about what happened during this period of time. Moreover, he needs to find someone to find out, which family does the Da logo come from? Or which organization?

Here, the cold man got into a luxury Bentley, sat in the back row, habitually pulled out a cigar in his mouth.

The driver is very sensible to open the skylight, and the co pilot's younger brother quickly turns back to light a cigarette for the cold man.

The cold man took a puff of cigar and let his back seat exhale slowly.

The driver's younger brother was a little puzzled and asked, "Xiwang, Liu Qing seems to have no brain power. Why do we have to cooperate with him?"

"He is the best candidate. Our alliance is looking for the three treasures. We don't want to let everyone know about it!" said the cold man named Xiwang slowly

"Oh The younger brother nodded and asked, "then we secretly help Liu Qing, kill Lin Feng, and take back the blood jade. If this is successful, will Liu Qing open his mouth and really pay a high price? How much will our alliance pay for it? "

Xiwang took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Liu Qing is just a tool. Do you think he can really get money?"

"What do you mean?" I feel that Xiwang has a conspiracy.

Xiwang said: "if we help him kill Lin Feng and win the blood jade, then, in the eyes of the outside world, it is Liu Qing, the descendant of the Liu family, who killed Lin Feng and captured the blood jade. Everyone's attention will be focused on Liu Qing. At this time, all spearheads will also be directed at Liu Qing!"

"Do you mean that those who snatch the blood jade will all go to Liu Qing?" Asked the younger brother further.

"Yes Xiwang said: "they think that the blood jade is in Liu Qing's hands, so they will go to Liu Qing to snatch it. At that time, I will send someone to spy on Liu Qing secretly. Then, at a critical moment, Liu Qing will be killed in silence. In this way, Liu Qing is killed by the person who forcibly snatches the blood jade. Everyone thinks that someone is eager to snatch the blood jade and does not have a good sense of propriety, Kill Liu Qing, from then on, the news of blood jade is also cut off! No one will find our alliance of death

"Wonderful Little brother thumbs up: "so all this is us in the secret operation, Liu Qing is just a tool to be played, he died to the point of death still don't know!"

"Don't say that. We should respect our partners at least!" Hope the corner of the mouth spread a touch of evil spirit smile: "Liu qingneng to cooperate with us, also be regarded as he is lucky!"

"Yes The younger brother quickly agreed: "the strength of our alliance of death, not any force can shake, we are invincible existence!"

West King said: "our alliance of death is certainly powerful. Although we are not afraid of those who rob blood jade, we do not want to cause unnecessary troubles. Sometimes, we are not afraid of thieves, but we are afraid of thieves thinking about them."

Little brother heavily nodded: "understand, this will give us some invisible mental pressure!"

The West King refused to comment, and continued: "what's more, our alliance of the gods of death doesn't want to leave a bad impression on people because of taking blood jade by force. Our image has always been relatively bright. We have to open the door to do business, so we have to make use of Liu Qing!"

"Well, understand!" Little brother nodded.

"Highland barley, Mai Yun, you two are my confidants. You know what I said. Don't talk to the fourth one again!"

"Yes, Xiwang!"

The driver and co pilot's younger brother nodded one after another.

"Highland barley, kill Lin Feng this matter, leave to you, have no problem?" Asked the king.

The driver said, "although I haven't seen Lin Feng, I haven't heard less about it. I heard that he has already reached the Huaqi state, and his ability is much better than many practitioners of Huaqi state. Therefore, his strength is comparable to that of the cultivators who have just condensed into the seed of Yuanshen, and I have already become the seed of Yuanshen. Therefore, I have to deal with him It's easy! "

While speaking, a golden halo loomed in the middle of the driver's forehead, flashing a few times, and then disappeared.

"In that case, it's up to you!" Xiwang said, "you are the most accurate person under my command to observe and judge things in public. I believe you can do it when you say it!"

"Xiwang, it's a blessing of my life to follow you. Your trust in me is a great honor for me. I must live up to your trust." Barley said."Well!" Xiwang nodded.

In front of the red light into green light, highland barley foot force, step on the accelerator, the car flies away in general.




the death alliance was very efficient. Two hours after the negotiation between Liu Qing and Xiwang, highland barley drove to the Liu family's home.

He brought the contract, signed a secret agreement with Liu Qing, and promised that in the next period of time, he would be inseparable from Liu Qing, and then he would find an opportunity to kill Lin Feng.

And Liu Qing did offer a sky high price in the contract. He asked for a compensation of 10 billion yuan after the success of this matter.

This is a price that ordinary people dare not even think about. Liu Qing was very good and opened his mouth. He really took the king of the West as the enemy.

However, highland barley did not make any refutation and signed directly on behalf of Xiwang.

Because in his eyes, Liu Qing is already a dead man.

Liu Qing, however, is looking forward to killing Lin Feng, winning the Qing City, carrying a huge sum of money to go abroad.

Just thinking about it, he was ecstatic and seemed to be getting better.

At this point, a cooperation with each other began.

In the evening, highland barley received a call. He stood in front of the window for a while. Then, he hung up the phone and came to Liu Qing and said, "it's time to act!"

"Action?" Liu Qing is very amazed at the efficiency of highland barley, this front foot just signed the contract, less than an hour, this began to act?

"Where to go?" Liu Qing asked.

"Jiangzhou city center, Dragon Tower!" Highland barley road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!